General Odom says withdrawl is the only solution

Ahh in a few years, the Republicans will be saying, but the Dems had a majority in 2007 and they did not withdraw from Iraq, It is their fault.
Last year, General Petraeus wisely declined to promise a military solution to this political problem, saying that he could lower the level of violence, allowing a limited time for the Iraqi leaders to strike a political deal. Violence has been temporarily reduced but today there is credible evidence that the political situation is far more fragmented.
He is just a defeatest turbolib that wants us to fail in Iraq. Come on one of the Bush goober smoochers MUST having something you know about Odom to demean his service and tell us why he is so stupid. Go go go.
Ahh in a few years, the Republicans will be saying, but the Dems had a majority in 2007 and they did not withdraw from Iraq, It is their fault.

Why wait for tomorrow for what you can say today? The Dems are in control of Congress and we are not withdrawing from Iraq. It is their fault.
William Eldridge Odom (born June 23, 1932) is a retired U.S. Army 3-star general, and former Director of the NSA under President Ronald Reagan, which culminated a 31 year career in military intelligence, mainly specializing in matters relating to the Soviet Union. After his retirement from the military he became a think tank policy expert and a university professor and has since became known for his outspoken criticism of the Iraq War and warrantless wiretapping of American citizens.
He is just a defeatest turbolib that wants us to fail in Iraq. Come on one of the Bush goober smoochers MUST having something you know about Odom to demean his service and tell us why he is so stupid. Go go go.

You can also find Generals that believe we should stay. In a f'd up situation like Iraq it's not surprising to find different opinions.
Why wait for tomorrow for what you can say today? The Dems are in control of Congress and we are not withdrawing from Iraq. It is their fault.

as you so conveniently forget it is marginal control. Not enought to override a veto or filibuster. And bush still has the veto pen.
Plus if it passed bush would do a signing statement saying it really did not mean withdrawl.
You can also find Generals that believe we should stay. In a f'd up situation like Iraq it's not surprising to find different opinions.
Yeah but you will find that most of the Generals that think we should stay the course are STILL working for the President and any other opinion will cost you your job. A couple of Generals found that out early in this clusterfuck.
You can also find Generals that believe we should stay. In a f'd up situation like Iraq it's not surprising to find different opinions.

We've tried the "staying" thing for about 5 years now. It's not working.

It is an f'd up situation. The fact is that no one knows what is "best" for our long-term security interests. We'll probably never know. But it's deplorable to ask young men & women to continue to sacrifice their lives with such uncertainty, and such an unclear path ahead.

I remember Bush saying very clearly that he would never commit forces to battle without a clear, defined exit plan.
as you so conveniently forget it is marginal control. Not enought to override a veto or filibuster. And bush still has the veto pen.
Plus if it passed bush would do a signing statement saying it really did not mean withdrawl.

I just wrote that because it was too easy. You threw a softball up there.

Marginal control doesn't mean anything. Republicans didn't have fillibuster proof numbers over the past six years when they were in control (except for the one year Daschle was in charge of the Senate) and they were rightly held responsible for their failures.
as you so conveniently forget it is marginal control. Not enought to override a veto or filibuster. And bush still has the veto pen.
Plus if it passed bush would do a signing statement saying it really did not mean withdrawl.

All it takes is a simple majority to stop YOU so conveniently want to forget.
So tell me all you republicans. IF the dems cut off funding to the war in Iraq would YOUR president pull them out of harms way? Or would he leave them there and remind the nation everyday that they are staying and the dems are the one not giving them the funds to protect themselves? It is intellectually dishonest to pretend that Congress can pull the plug on this thing and the President would abide that decision and bring the troops home. He would leave them there to die and use it for political capital.
Cutting off funding is not an option. You don't play politics with the lives of the young men & women in the field.

Anyone who seriously suggests that this is an option for the Dems is just being foolish.
So tell me all you republicans. IF the dems cut off funding to the war in Iraq would YOUR president pull them out of harms way? Or would he leave them there and remind the nation everyday that they are staying and the dems are the one not giving them the funds to protect themselves? It is intellectually dishonest to pretend that Congress can pull the plug on this thing and the President would abide that decision and bring the troops home. He would leave them there to die and use it for political capital.

I'm not saying the Dems should pull the plug on the funding. I was just responding to Citizen worrying about who partisans will be blaming in two years.
I'm not saying the Dems should pull the plug on the funding. I was just responding to Citizen worrying about who partisans will be blaming in two years.

Ohh I am not worrying about it, I know how the Republican tune will go if we are still there in 2 years. And a Dem president is elected.
Cutting off funding is not an option. You don't play politics with the lives of the young men & women in the field.

Anyone who seriously suggests that this is an option for the Dems is just being foolish.

I agree with you but let me ask you this. Republicans got smoked in the '06 mid-term elections and the familiar reframe was the American people want a different direction in the war. If it was not pulling out what do you think it was? (not a rhetorical question nor attempting to ask it in a condescending tone).