Germany Has Biggest Win for Far Right Since Nazis


Well-known member
Far Right by definition being anyone opposed to the current Regime which is collapsing the German economy and dissolving any pretense that Germany is a democracy as the governing apparatus ignores the will of the people.

The situation is exactly the same in France, where the government does not even pretend to protect and support the will of the people....they are fully controlled by America and the WOKE Death Cult.
If forces hostile to the Regime were to gain control of any German state they would get the Hungary Treatment...."Do as you are told or else face defunding by the overlords".
The same is true in Britain which has for a decade been voting to have their sovereignty back and to close the borders, and then watched as the ruling elites completely ignored them.

The same is true in America, to the point that we were almost completely denied our will to have Trump as President as he was subverted by the treasonous fulling elite....and where in this election there is zero possibility that the elites will allow him to be proclaimed the winner.
The Far Right surged in France this summer, now in Germany. Let's hope we are not next.

If anyone should know better thn to elect the far right it's Germans.

This is a sad day.
The Duran have been talking about how the French left has lost all credibility as they have done everything possible to rig the system to deny the French people their will to have Le Pens party in power.
You see the exact same thing in the European Union, where the elites have rigged the game to deny the will of the people.
These being the same people who sell the narrative that the Ukraine war is a war for democracy, when it is an imperialist American Empire war with the goal of removing Putin and restarting the rape of Russia.
Europe has been wrecked to serve the Evil American Empire mission to hurt Russia.....that is what this war to the last Ukrainian that has rubbleized Ukraine is for.

The people are now figuring this out, and are voting for the only people who have not betrayed them...the so-called far right.
The Far Right surged in France this summer, now in Germany. Let's hope we are not next.

Mossad will be very busy soon, This shit will not be allowed to happen again
"What is in the box is rarely what the label in the box claims"
Heather on how we are lied to by the label makers, which applies to the fascists calling themselves anti-fascists, and their enemies those who believe in democracy being called fascists.
The Far Right surged in France this summer, now in Germany. Let's hope we are not next.

stop...immigrants who are seeking refuge will undoubtedly sink the entire world with so many turning to the right for help. Rather than stay in thier own fuckin countries and fight, they are in fact creating the same hell they wished to escape.​

Fuck you asshole, you supported the assassination of your political opponent so, fuck you!

stop....your brain clearly is on vacation if you think Harris had something to do with that ant bite on Trumps ear. Truth be told, I think a lot of ppl hate that he missed!!​
