Germany Has Biggest Win for Far Right Since Nazis

The Far Right surged in France this summer, now in Germany. Let's hope we are not next.

This is what happens when the Left gets to run--ruin?--things for years. People react and get rid of the Left in power and the result is often a pendulum swing to the hard Right as a result.
All through the West now no stone is left unturned to disenfranchise and silence those who dispute the Regimes and their narratives....up to and including abuse.
Sahra Wagenknecht’s brand of “left conservatism” is upending German politics ahead of critical elections in the east.

Is Germany’s rising superstar so far left she’s far right?
Sahra Wagenknecht’s brand of “left conservatism” is upending German politics ahead of critical elections in the east.

BERLIN — Listening to Sahra Wagenknecht, Germany’s hard-left icon, you could be forgiven for coming away with the impression that the greatest threat to democracy is “lifestyle leftists” nursing lattes in reusable cups while shopping for organic kale at a Berlin farmers’ market.

Such well-off, eco-friendly urban bohemians hold what they deem to be “morally impeccable” views about everything from Ukraine to climate change, she says, and then impose those beliefs over regular people with draconian zeal.

Wagenknecht — whose recently formed populist party is polling in the double digits ahead of critical state elections in eastern Germany on Sunday — also believes there are too many asylum seekers coming to the country, claiming there’s “no more room.” She reserves much of her ire for Germany’s Greens, blaming their clean-energy push for the country’s deindustrialization, and favors closer relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Sahra Wagenknecht’s brand of “left conservatism” is upending German politics ahead of critical elections in the east.

Is Germany’s rising superstar so far left she’s far right?
Sahra Wagenknecht’s brand of “left conservatism” is upending German politics ahead of critical elections in the east.

BERLIN — Listening to Sahra Wagenknecht, Germany’s hard-left icon, you could be forgiven for coming away with the impression that the greatest threat to democracy is “lifestyle leftists” nursing lattes in reusable cups while shopping for organic kale at a Berlin farmers’ market.

Such well-off, eco-friendly urban bohemians hold what they deem to be “morally impeccable” views about everything from Ukraine to climate change, she says, and then impose those beliefs over regular people with draconian zeal.

Wagenknecht — whose recently formed populist party is polling in the double digits ahead of critical state elections in eastern Germany on Sunday — also believes there are too many asylum seekers coming to the country, claiming there’s “no more room.” She reserves much of her ire for Germany’s Greens, blaming their clean-energy push for the country’s deindustrialization, and favors closer relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

A snake by any other name. Figures you're into this BS, given your penchant to live in a quasi-authoritarian country.

Zeig heil, Dippy! :sneaky:
Just about all the Socialist Asian nations are anti immigration. Does this mean they are all "far right" Nazis?
The Far Right surged in France this summer, now in Germany. Let's hope we are not next.

Europe has a Middle Easterner problem comparable to our Southern Border problem,
and it's messing up their politics the way it's messing up ours.

Our Republicans scream about the border while killing bills that would mitigate the problem.
I find it hard to believe that sophisticated Europe can have people as fucking stupid as our Republicans.
If anyone should know better thn to elect the far right it's Germans.

This is a sad day.
Socialism and monarchy are linked at the hip. With the first Modern welfare State created in Imperial Germany in 1890.
Can you say challenging the results of a fair and open election? It seems only the Right is held accountable for not accepting the outcome of an election...
Regardless of what our MAGAt Justices say,
all of whom belong in prison or worse,
the government and the courts shouldn't get involved
in a private political party's nomination process.
Europe has a Middle Easterner problem comparable to our Southern Border problem,
and it's messing up their politics the way it's messing up ours.

Our Republicans scream about the border while killing bills that would mitigate the problem.
I find it hard to believe that sophisticated Europe can have people as fucking stupid as our Republicans.
They've had plenty before.
Far Right by definition being anyone opposed to the current Regime which is collapsing the German economy and dissolving any pretense that Germany is a democracy as the governing apparatus ignores the will of the people.

The situation is exactly the same in France, where the government does not even pretend to protect and support the will of the people....they are fully controlled by America and the WOKE Death Cult.
Exactly. I knew the leftists on this forum would liken the election as a win from the far right and equate them to Nazis.
They say the exact same thing about Trump.
Meanwhile, free speech advocates need to worry about being arrested if they travel abroad.
With the first Modern welfare State created in Imperial Germany in 1890.

Which is why "liberal" had to be redefined. Classical liberal is the opposite of modern liberal.

Communism is supposed to be "the dissolution of the State". Of course, in reality, it is the opposite. These are the Orwellian mind games of socialist dictatorship/monarchy.