Get a Job

Ya know, God help arrogant pricks like you if you should fall upon hard times. Maybe that's what it takes for people like you to realize that people are more important than things. You know you're just one bad investment, one criminal accusation, one divorce, one major family illness/accident, away from joining that crowd yourself. Your utter lack of humilty and self centered egotism are appaling.
My grandparents had three kids during the depression and my grandfather was never unemployed because he worked his ass off no matter how low they cut his pay. When my parents were staring out my Dad worked a full time job, went to night school and drove a cab on the weekends to keep his and six other mouths fed. I've experienced hard times myself but like the generations before me I have never collected unemployment and never, never, ever held out my hand for a government check.

I pay for adequate insurance for property, disability, personal and professional liability, health, and life. If I can't work as an engineer I'll drive a truck. If I can't drive a truck I'll greet folks at Walmart.

It all comes down to personal responsibility Moot. You lib'tards hate personal responsibility. :)
My grandparents had three kids during the depression and my grandfather was never unemployed because he worked his ass off no matter how low they cut his pay. When my parents were staring out my Dad worked a full time job, went to night school and drove a cab on the weekends to keep his and six other mouths fed. I've experienced hard times myself but like the generations before me I have never collected unemployment and never, never, ever held out my hand for a government check.

I pay for adequate insurance for property, disability, personal and professional liability, health, and life. If I can't work as an engineer I'll drive a truck. If I can't drive a truck I'll greet folks at Walmart.

It all comes down to personal responsibility Moot. You lib'tards hate personal responsibility. :)

A walmart greeter? What, are you gonna be a real version of Jeff Dunham's Walter and his being a greeter? "Hi, Welcom to walmart. Get your shit and get out"

Plus SM, are you telling us you could manage on $8 an hour working 32 hours a week? lmao You couldn't pay the taxes on what you already own.
Nice logic Moot: pulling yourself out of poverty means that you are simple-minded and inhumane.

You are a pitiful failure. :)
No wonder the Republican party has become the haunting grounds of fanatics and extremist. You want to take people who have little and crush them down even further so they can never rise above poverty.
Nice logic Moot: pulling yourself out of poverty means that you are simple-minded and inhumane.

You are a pitiful failure. :)

And which logical fallacy is this???

SM, no one has said that people who pull themselves out of poverty are simple-minded and inhumane. People have said that you are simple-minded and inhumane. Can you see the difference?

You are a prick and you seem proud of it. So don't get pissy when people call you on it.
No wonder the Republican party has become the haunting grounds of fanatics and extremist. You want to take people who have little and crush them down even further so they can never rise above poverty.
Moot, the Democrat Party has done a fantastic job putting more folks into multi-generational poverty, so why would the Republican Party try to stop that if they hate the poor so much?
This is the best post I've read in months. It represents the ultimate conservative society and ideology and I believe most 'conservatives' would agree with. What I find hilarious is that after 30 yrs of anti-American conservative mismanagement, (outsourcing, Nafta/Gatt, deregulation and their plans to drive the middle class into poverty), Yankee wants people to get jobs that don't exist. So their plan is to destroy our economy, suck the middle class wealth up to the top 2%, make employment either impossible or force people to work for slave wages, then blame their poverty on the left.

McDonald's recently held a national job fair that garnered more than 1 million applications. The fast food chain had advertised 50,000 jobs, but after being swarmed with so many applicants in a tight economy, ended up hiring 62,000 people.

Weisenthal said that means McDonald's rate of acceptance is a tight 6.2%. By contrast, Harvard's acceptance rate is a slighthly more welcoming 7%.

For a guy who hates government how many new government offices would you have to create to oversee the poor? Maybe it would be easier to gather the poor, put them in one section of each city and fence them in just so they won't spread disease and to keep crime down. They could leave the relocation camp to work if they had proper paper work but would have to wear a visible badge or button or star on their clothes indicating their low social status. Of course their low social status would limit where they could go, where they could shop and what transportation they could take.

Yankee, the backlash against your failed ideology, teabag government obstructionism and your anti-American dream of oligarchy is going to be fierce. I suggest you start saving money for some anger management sessions with a shrink.
The reason why jobs are so scarce is your liberal policies at work, Crashk.

Seems to me that liberal policies built the middle class after WWII. Liberal policies have enabled the poor to work their way out of poverty during a time when conservatives still believed in America and not communist chinese profits. Of course your side has always been against anything that benefits workers. That's why your teabaggers are working to destroy unions, drive down wages, create worker insecurity and your insane ideas about the poor - that your party created.
Wages have to be subject to the market CrashK. Its your liberal policies that have priced the American worker out of a job.
Sorry Yankee, Americans cant live on the same wages and won't live in the same conditions as the average Indonesian slave laborer. Your dreams of the Old South are dead and the backlash against your failed conservative ideology is only a year or so away. Save some psych money you're going to need it.
Nice straw man crashk, but since American workers are many times more productive and shipping to local markets is much less expensive, American factory workers can enjoy wages far in excess of their foreign counterparts. Your liberal policies of ridiculous union rules along with over-regulation and high corporate taxation are the cause of double-digit unemployment, not high worker wage rates.
Conservatives have always been against workers rights because paying workers a living wage will cost them profits. And God knows they need private jets and multimillion dollar houses. I get it.

Capitalism must be regulated by government. Not the other way around. Check out the pollution in Texas and tell me about not regulating industry.

"The G.O.P. says global competitiveness requires the United States to reduce its corporate tax rate. But the United States actually has the lowest corporate tax burden of any of the member nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development... The truth of the matter is that federal taxes in the United States are very low. There is no reason to believe that reducing them further will do anything to raise growth or reduce unemployment."

Realize that faux news, rove, limbaugh and krauthammer have been lying to you in order to increase profits for their multinational corporate masters and they don't give a damn about this country.

Our economy is in the shape it's in because of the extremists conservative ideology. Not because of teachers, police, workers or the poor.
Actually, conservatives are for free markets, which means that everyone gets paid what they are worth, no more and no less. Liberals like yourself don't seem to understand basic economics, and think that they can force wages to be high and it doesn't have consequences. Well, it does have consequences, just as basic economics predicted, which is factories going overseas and American workers getting screwed.

That's OK though because Democrats can always blame someone else like you just did.
Bottom line is conservatives have been in power since Reagan, we are witnessing the results of their 'market is god' ideology and it has failed our country. Even teabaggers are realizing this, those with any brains.
No wonder the Republican party has become the haunting grounds of fanatics and extremist. You want to take people who have little and crush them down even further so they can never rise above poverty.

LOL... Yep that's exactly what we want to do! Like a pimple on your butt... you squeeze it from both sides and eventually, it pops... no more pimple on your butt! As opposed to nurturing the pimple, protecting it from any treatment or remedy. We have a lot of butt pimples in our society, and they have been coddled and nurtured by the left for many a year, and it's time we roll up our sleeves and do what needs to be done! Sure, it's not going to be fun... it's going to hurt... it's going to get ugly and messy... but the alternative is to continue to let it fester and build with puss.

I wonder sometimes, how many people do you suppose are on disability who frankly have nothing wrong with them? I bet it is in the millions, because I personally know of several myself, just in my little community. In fact, most of the people I know who are on disability, COULD do something, they COULD perform some task, they are not completely debilitated. We have thousands of people every month, signing up for disability, because hey... once you get it established, you are set for life! You can draw the disability check and maybe do little odd jobs on the side and under the table, and have plenty of time to sit on your ass and post meaningless drivel on the internet all day, and never hit a lick at work for the rest of your life! And the emotive nitwits of the world will ensure that no one ever takes away your little gravy train... it's a wonderful life!