Get Ready to "thank" Us A LOT, Waterhead!

Just so you know, cleaning house is not always pleasant. Over the course of the next 4 years, you will see many RINO's like Wayne Gilchrest become casualties, as they are ousted from their comfy moderate seats. We plan to put RINO's on the 'endangered species' list in Congress. Oh, you will be all giddy about it, I am sure, and you will not hesitate to post here and rub it in, but what the hell... A Democrat majority is a Democrat majority, it doesn't really matter by how much, so now is the time for us to clean out the RINO's and after that, we can focus on restoring our party with true Conservative Republicans. These things take time, and we may have to take a few steps back, but heck, we're in the back now, so what difference does that make? When all is said and done, we'll be back, and with an army of true conservatives to combat your liberal socialism, which America will eventually become sick of.
Just so you know, cleaning house is not always pleasant. Over the course of the next 4 years, you will see many RINO's like Wayne Gilchrest become casualties, as they are ousted from their comfy moderate seats. We plan to put RINO's on the 'endangered species' list in Congress. Oh, you will be all giddy about it, I am sure, and you will not hesitate to post here and rub it in, but what the hell... A Democrat majority is a Democrat majority, it doesn't really matter by how much, so now is the time for us to clean out the RINO's and after that, we can focus on restoring our party with true Conservative Republicans. These things take time, and we may have to take a few steps back, but heck, we're in the back now, so what difference does that make? When all is said and done, we'll be back, and with an army of true conservatives to combat your liberal socialism, which America will eventually become sick of.

Gilchrest was the last moderate Republican in the house of representatives (there are other people, like Paul, who don't often vote with their party, but they're no closer to the Democrats either). There are three moderate Republicans in the senate.

I don't generally disagree with this. I think our party politics should become more partisan. If the moderates don't like it, they should form their own party and become partisan that way.

But what your asking for, Dixie, is that the Republicans basically never come back into power again.
Nope, I am not "asking" for any fucking thing. Conservatives are going to be DEMANDING representation over the course of the coming election cycles, and you'd better get used to it. Your judgment of who is "moderate" is not going to be considered, sorry, you don't get to determine that. I can probably name 5 Senators off the top of my head, who need to go, and there are probably more. Being the House has many more members than the Senate, I would venture to say there are more than 5 in the House who need to go. If this means they are replaced by a Democrat, that is fine for now, as long as their RINO asses go to the house, never to return to politics in America again.

One thing you can count on in politics, the pendulum will always swing back to the right. Liberal Democrats rule the day for now, enjoy it while it lasts, because it won't last forever. The Conservative movement has suffered a setback, they will regroup and find their voice again, and they will be back, you can bet your sweet ass on that. Especially when America gets a belly full of this liberal tax and spend binge we are currently on (before they've even assumed power!) It may take 4 years... 6 years... or even 8 years... but the Republican party is about to get more Conservative across the board. This campaign of trying to persuade us to go more 'moderate' has failed, no one in their right mind is buying it, and those in the party who even dare to go there, are going to find themselves on the outside-looking in, real quick. We're not going to try "compassionate conservatism" (social conservatism wrapped in fiscal liberalism) and we're not going to try "libertarianism" (fiscal conservatism wrapped in social liberalism), we are going to DEMAND social conservatism with fiscal conservatism, and a return to core conservative principles across the board, and those who are uncomfortable with that, can get the fuck out of the party and find something else to do.
It may take 40 years... 60 years... or even 80 years... but the Republican party is about to get more Conservative across the board.

Nope, I am not "asking" for any fucking thing. Conservatives are going to be DEMANDING representation over the course of the coming election cycles, and you'd better get used to it. Your judgment of who is "moderate" is not going to be considered, sorry, you don't get to determine that. I can probably name 5 Senators off the top of my head, who need to go, and there are probably more. Being the House has many more members than the Senate, I would venture to say there are more than 5 in the House who need to go. If this means they are replaced by a Democrat, that is fine for now, as long as their RINO asses go to the house, never to return to politics in America again.

One thing you can count on in politics, the pendulum will always swing back to the right. Liberal Democrats rule the day for now, enjoy it while it lasts, because it won't last forever. The Conservative movement has suffered a setback, they will regroup and find their voice again, and they will be back, you can bet your sweet ass on that. Especially when America gets a belly full of this liberal tax and spend binge we are currently on (before they've even assumed power!) It may take 4 years... 6 years... or even 8 years... but the Republican party is about to get more Conservative across the board. This campaign of trying to persuade us to go more 'moderate' has failed, no one in their right mind is buying it, and those in the party who even dare to go there, are going to find themselves on the outside-looking in, real quick. We're not going to try "compassionate conservatism" (social conservatism wrapped in fiscal liberalism) and we're not going to try "libertarianism" (fiscal conservatism wrapped in social liberalism), we are going to DEMAND social conservatism with fiscal conservatism, and a return to core conservative principles across the board, and those who are uncomfortable with that, can get the fuck out of the party and find something else to do.

Keep dreaming, Dixie. The hardcore social conservatives are a dying breed. Look at Pat Buchanon and you will see what they get on a national stage. This is just backlash aimed at the moderate and fiscal conservatives because you blame them for McCain's loss. But the interests in social conservatism is lower than ever. No republican candidate that could be called a social conservative was beating McCain in the primaries. So the "demands" that you plan to make will result in either more democrats being elected or giving more fiscal conservatives to the libertarians.

But you keep making noises about it. You were certainly able to predict the outcome of the presidential election.
I don't think the liberatarians will ever be a major national force.

The fiscal conservatives may yet form their own party, but it won't be the Libertarians.
I don't think the liberatarians will ever be a major national force.

The fiscal conservatives may yet form their own party, but it won't be the Libertarians.

The libertarians have more people in elected offices nationwide than all the other third parties combined.

I think they have a good shot at being a major force. Especially if the current fervor for social conservatism continues within the republican party.
haha another lols thread about ejecting the only people from their party that can get them elected anywhere other than the deep south, Utah and maybe Idaho.

I can't wait for the social conservative fascists to be extinct. Then we can have a real party of freedoms. Social and economic freedoms with no neanderthals, bigots, or racists to stand in the way.
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Social conservatives represent the largest voting bloc in America. They have been largely demonized by the left to mean "religious wackos" but they're not necessarily 'religious' people at all. They are conservative in their social values, and generally will refuse to support immorality.

You pinheads are all drunk with giddiness right now, your guy won and our guy lost. Obama managed to avoid the issue of abortion and balked on the issue of gay marriage, the two fundamental moral issues on the plate. In the next 4 years, he will undoubtedly show his hand on these issues, and I don't believe social conservatives will be impressed. You can bet, the next Republican challenger he faces, will not be John McCain, and will not be afraid to take a stand on these issues and appeal to the social conservatives. If you want to live in some liberal fantasy world, where you think this is not the case or not reality of the world we live in, that suits me just fine, you will be proven wrong in the end.
Even many Evangelical leaders are starting to switch their focus from gays & abortion, to more clear "Christian" values as they apply to peace, poverty and protecting the planet, among other priorities. I don't think the GOP can count on a lock for the religious vote if they only stress gays & abortion, anymore.
I agree with you Dixiechick. Building a coalition of Republican forces and a base for Republican power, solely on the strength of a declining voting bloc is an excellent idea. I can't wait to see how this turns out. In how many years should I expect to see the results?
Social conservatives represent the largest voting bloc in America. They have been largely demonized by the left to mean "religious wackos" but they're not necessarily 'religious' people at all. They are conservative in their social values, and generally will refuse to support immorality.

You pinheads are all drunk with giddiness right now, your guy won and our guy lost. Obama managed to avoid the issue of abortion and balked on the issue of gay marriage, the two fundamental moral issues on the plate. In the next 4 years, he will undoubtedly show his hand on these issues, and I don't believe social conservatives will be impressed. You can bet, the next Republican challenger he faces, will not be John McCain, and will not be afraid to take a stand on these issues and appeal to the social conservatives. If you want to live in some liberal fantasy world, where you think this is not the case or not reality of the world we live in, that suits me just fine, you will be proven wrong in the end.

Conservatives couldn't even manage a victory in this presidential election, and there is no way you can claim all the conservatives are social conservatives.

The numbers of social conservatives have been declining steadily. Votes concerning moral issues have either been lost of have been won by smaller and smaller margins.

But I sincerely hope that the social conservatives do try and recreate the republican party in their image. It will run all the moderate republicans and those who are strictly fiscal conservatives away. Thus insuring a complete loss of power.
The libertarians have more people in elected offices nationwide than all the other third parties combined.

I think they have a good shot at being a major force. Especially if the current fervor for social conservatism continues within the republican party.


COmparing anything to the current size of American third parties is going to give you very favorable numbers. Most of those people were elected in nonpartisan races to posts like water board inspector or such. Out of all the legislators, state or federal in the nation, there is like one green party member, on constitution party member, and no libertarians. American third parties are simply pitiful.
Social conservatives represent the largest voting bloc in America. They have been largely demonized by the left to mean "religious wackos" but they're not necessarily 'religious' people at all. They are conservative in their social values, and generally will refuse to support immorality.

I have values. I refuse to support immorality such as the death penalty, raping a women all over again by forcing her to carry her fetus to term, forcing my religion onto others, letting children fall into poverty, letting people go without healthcare, mandatory minimums, or coldly refusing to allow a person to marry the one they love because of my ignorance.

I'm a pretty moral guy.

COmparing anything to the current size of American third parties is going to give you very favorable numbers. Most of those people were elected in nonpartisan races to posts like water board inspector or such. Out of all the legislators, state or federal in the nation, there is like one green party member, on constitution party member, and no libertarians. American third parties are simply pitiful.

And if Dixie's predictions are true (like THAT is likely), then the social conservatives will try and rule the republicans, causing moderate republicans and fiscal conservatives to bail out.

Those disenfranchised by the "moral minority" bunch will have to go somewhere. And the Libertarian party is far more up their alley than the Dems are.
Conservatives couldn't even manage a victory in this presidential election, and there is no way you can claim all the conservatives are social conservatives.

The numbers of social conservatives have been declining steadily. Votes concerning moral issues have either been lost of have been won by smaller and smaller margins.

But I sincerely hope that the social conservatives do try and recreate the republican party in their image. It will run all the moderate republicans and those who are strictly fiscal conservatives away. Thus insuring a complete loss of power.

The social liberals, fiscal conservatives, and social conservatives should both have their own party. That way, we can just politically isolate the social conservatives from power forever and deal with the other issues between each other.
And if Dixie's predictions are true (like THAT is likely), then the social conservatives will try and rule the republicans, causing moderate republicans and fiscal conservatives to bail out.

Those disenfranchised by the "moral minority" bunch will have to go somewhere. And the Libertarian party is far more up their alley than the Dems are.

There are fiscal conservatives in the nation, but few are as extreme as the typical libertarian.
The social liberals, fiscal conservatives, and social conservatives should both have their own party. That way, we can just politically isolate the social conservatives from power forever and deal with the other issues between each other.

Social liberals sound like people more interested in individual liberty than about legislating morality. So I think they are more about NOT using the government to control people.
There are fiscal conservatives in the nation, but few are as extreme as the typical libertarian.

Funny, I have talked to a lot of Libertarians, but I don't know what a "typical Libertarian" would be.

Most seem to be seriously independent.
Social liberals sound like people more interested in individual liberty than about legislating morality. So I think they are more about NOT using the government to control people.

I am talking the technical political science definition of social liberal, which is a liberal with progressive viewpoints who believes in welfare etc... not the re-created one on the internet where you divide the spectrum into social and fiscal and you can be socially liberal and fiscally conservative.