Get rid of bumped threads

Well deshy, not exactly the Republican party, but the Bushes who were at the top of it and all their nearest cronies at that time, yes.

The Bin Ladens didn't have dinner for years at the Republican Party's house, it was at the Bush's house.

Yes it was the Republican Party

The whole power structure cheated to help HIM win
Guess who knew this and tried and tried to tell you the TRUTH

the entire Democratic Party

So your reaction?

Put in an even worse asshole.

But not before you trashed non stop with fucking lies the president who had to fix the whole mess you idiots caused with your stupid choice
Yes it was the Republican Party

The whole power structure cheated to help HIM win

Yes, and then the Democrats amplified that model 7x and used it to cheat the same way 7x over in 2020.

Jeb! absolutely cheated the election for his brother, then 9/11 happened.

You need to start realizing it's not so much the parties, but the totalitarian agenda they're pushing that's the problem for hoi polloi such as ourselves.

The Bush Republican party died with the rise of the TEA party. McStain and Romney are all I can think of that are remaining of it.

And McCain isn't remaining, he's remains.

They were Neocon warmongering assholes, and the Bushes used the might of the US military for their own personal vendetta and misled the country as to what they were doing.

Saddam Hussein also had dinner with the Bushes. I don't wanna have dinner with the Bushes, it's a good way to end up dead later.

Prescott Bush (the grandfather) bankrolled the Nazis in Germany when they were 1st starting, true story.
Anyone who votes for republicans is a fucking dupe

That's where you're wrong, there's decent Republicans, many more than there are decent Democrats these days. The Democrat party has been taken over by Social Marxists that want to tear America down, and rebuild it into USSR 2.0

with allegiance to a global super-government over all countries. (just the globalists want that last part)

Republicans are not perfect by a long shot, but they're the best choice for preserving the freedoms America has historically had in this day and age.
BUSH was who the vast majority of Republican voters chose

It was your party

Not at that time, babydoll. :nono:

I voted for Perot that year. :tongout:

Perot would have been a good president, so would have Bob Dole and Herman Cain.

Oh! And actually, more people voted for Gore in FL, but the election was already confirmed by the time they found that out. (Thanks to bubba Jeb!)

Like I said, I voted for Perot that year, Gore and Bush ...I just didn't like them.

I surely do not count Jeb! as any kind of good governor in FL.

2 Democrats for sure: Lawton Chiles and Bob Graham.

Also Skeletor, even though he's a tad grafty..(Rick Scott) DeSantis is great! Very happy with that.

We'll see what happens with that. Democrats put up a total disaster with uh...meth head sissy black what was his name? When DeSantis was elected.

Oh, he would have been a disaster, but lemme tell you what, he had a silver tongue, motherfucker was slicker than eel skin.

He could talk that talk better than Obama. As far as what he would have done for the residents it would been ruination and him taking bribes.

I watched the gubernatorial debates, that Gillum was slick as eel skin and had a silver tongue. He even had a Double Windsor on his tie. :palm:

I remembered his name! :D
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Maybe, but OP is still a faggot for suggesting a rule change like that. Fuck him.

If Legion and desh wanna bump their threads, so what? :dunno:

Sometimes it takes a few bumps before a thread gains traction if it's going to. Interwebz 101.

Some eggs must be broken if you want to bake a cake.

Personally I don't think the same poster should be able to respond to himself, it is silly and juvenile, but the moderation has become silly and juvenile so I guess it becomes so what