Gingrich 21st Century Contract with America

Here in the Great White North they are.

I was a slumlord. Welfare folks didn't want two names on the lease because of that.

Hmm... Here they didn't want to be "married", living together wasn't enough to kill the deal, but being married and living together would. They would keep only one name because both being "responsible" for the same living area can be one of the things that make you "common law" married.

Say, two women live together in the same apartment, it would not change their welfare at all, a chick living with a dude that makes a ton of money, nothing, she still gets the same check. A chick getting married to a dude... Changes it.
Here in the Great White North they are.

I was a slumlord. Welfare folks didn't want two names on the lease because of that.

I know here in Michigan the state requires a separate bedroom for children, so a woman on welfare with two kids living with a woman on welfare with one child would require a five bedroom that what you're talking about?.....
I know here in Michigan the state requires a separate bedroom for children, so a woman on welfare with two kids living with a woman on welfare with one child would require a five bedroom that what you're talking about?.....

I'm talking about sharing the cost of rent. For example, if a single person has a two bedroom apartment and they get a roommate their welfare check is cut as their expenses are less.

That's why I feel a means test for SS is a bad idea. For example, would an elderly person be penalized if they lived with their children?

That's the problem with many social programs. Whether it's trying to cut expenses on welfare or someone on unemployment taking a temporary part time job or attending classes they're penalized for trying to better themselves. That's no way to offer help. All it does is cause the recipient to become "combative" and try to beat/abuse the system.
I'm talking about sharing the cost of rent. For example, if a single person has a two bedroom apartment and they get a roommate their welfare check is cut as their expenses are less.

That's why I feel a means test for SS is a bad idea. For example, would an elderly person be penalized if they lived with their children?

That's the problem with many social programs. Whether it's trying to cut expenses on welfare or someone on unemployment taking a temporary part time job or attending classes they're penalized for trying to better themselves. That's no way to offer help. All it does is cause the recipient to become "combative" and try to beat/abuse the system.

very few people get welfare unless they have children....means testing looks at income, not expenses.......should Ross Perot receive social security income whether he lives in his children's mansion or one of his own?.....