Gingrich may be the GOP Nominee

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
There is plenty that I disagree with Newt Gingrich on from a policy stand point. However, he always impresses me as having a brilliant grasp of public policy, an extraordinarly ability to communicate public policy and a demonstrated ability to work both sides of the aisle to get things done and he certainly has demonstrated his political oganizational skills.

I think, despite his obvious short commings, Newt may surprise a lot of people in the GOP primaries. I think Newt makes the most sense of any Republican candidate when he speaks on issues and I think he also understands the importance of bringing the Republican party back to a center right position. I think Newt can sell a lot of people that he knows how to get things done. As long as he stays away from socialy conservative issues and cops a mea culpa, "please forgive me for my personal failings" I think he may surprise a lot of people.

I must admit. I was impressed with his performance on Meet the Press last Sunday.
This is an example of what I mean. Newt isn't running from his past but is pro-actively embracing a PR campaign concerning his personal failings with values voters. This is politically brilliant. While his is addressing the fact that "Yea..I've screwed up big in the past" he'll also be able to communicate his ideas on more substantive issues. This is a great oppurtunity for him to turn a negative into a positive. I'm telling you...I'm not selling Newt short in the campaign season. With the problems Mitt has with beinga Mormon and his connection to the MA HC reform Newt could be on his way to being the new front runner. God knows he's a vastly superior prospect to Sarah Palin! LOL
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..ahh.

Fuck Newt Gingrich and his 1000 minute reich.
I didn't say I thought we could beat Obama, I'm saying I think he can run a very competitive race for the GOP nomination. I think given what I saw on Meet the Press that it would be foolish of other presumptive GOP nominees to underestimate Newt.
It is interesting. He is very capable and has shown a capacity for nationalizing an election that could really benefit the GOP, if they get past his personal failings.
It is interesting. He is very capable and has shown a capacity for nationalizing an election that could really benefit the GOP, if they get past his personal failings.

if he is going to run as a social conservative, this his personal failings are going to be in the spotlight. if he doesn't campaign heavily on social conservative "values"...he might do well...
It is interesting. He is very capable and has shown a capacity for nationalizing an election that could really benefit the GOP, if they get past his personal failings.

Why would the GOP's electorate fixate on someone's personal failings?

Speaking as a bit of an outsider here, don't you think his complete lack of charisma may be a problem?
Speaking as a bit of an outsider here, don't you think his complete lack of charisma may be a problem?

I doubt it. People tend to think that speaking clearly = charisma in politics. I think it is very likely that the media will now focus on the fact that he slept around on his wife and continue to bring the political conversation down to lows we are tired of... That will be his problem, not a lack of charisma.
It is interesting. He is very capable and has shown a capacity for nationalizing an election that could really benefit the GOP, if they get past his personal failings.
I remember Reagan doing that pretty much the same way. Reagan was percieved as a B-rated actor, Hollywood elite, former Union Presidents who turned Repbulican and made some pretty big screw ups as Governor of CA. Then around 1979 I heard people really ought to be open minded and listen to what this guy Reagan is saying. If Newt can convince the values voters who now dominate the Republican party that his is sincere in his regrets about his personal failings then he can win them over.....and hopefully move the GOP back towards the center and rationality. If he can do that, then he can undo a lot of the damage that Bush and the Tea Party wackos ahve done to the GOP.
Reagan was perceived as a Washington outsider. Newt is very much an insider, so it will be harder for him to claim he's a man in transition.
Reagan was perceived as a Washington outsider. Newt is very much an insider, so it will be harder for him to claim he's a man in transition.
There goes 3D again. Dude, Reagan ran against an establishment outsider who brought in his "Gang from Georgia" and promptly alienated the beltway establishment and crippled his ability to get things done via the establishment. It was the most inept thing Carter did politically as President. So being an establishment outsider was an utter non-issue when Regan ran for office and if you had been there or actually studied your history you would have known that and as President, Reagan was the consumate beltway insider.
He also got shit done that Carter didn't being an insider.

Newts being a beltway insider will be a complete and total non-issue.
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if he is going to run as a social conservative, this his personal failings are going to be in the spotlight. if he doesn't campaign heavily on social conservative "values"...he might do well...
I don't think he needs to. I think Newt can use this opportunity to ask forgiveness from these value voters while communicating his larger politcal agenda but in essence you are correct, the usual "divide and conquer" social wedge issues are a poison apple for Newt. Fortunately for him there's a whole lot of other areas he can build a constituency on.

I think Newt has an opportunity to rebuild a constituency in the Republican party. I think many people who lean conservative are sick to death of the far rights grasp on the party. His comments about the Ryan plan for Medicare hit a positive nerve with a lot of people when he said that We don't need right wing social engineering anymore then we do left wing social engineering. I certainly agreed with that comment.
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He's a billionaire now selling global warming "credits"... I think he's done fine.

Ok. But i'd still likely fall into a coma if i had to talk to him for longer than 5 minutes.

(thinking about it people probably just said 'yes' to all that global warming stuff to get shot of him)
Ok. But i'd still likely fall into a coma if i had to talk to him for longer than 5 minutes.

(thinking about it people probably just said 'yes' to all that global warming stuff to get shot of him)
Are you sure you're not confusing poor Al with Prince Charles? ;)