Glenn Beck: Education is bad, because the USSR supported education


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[ame=""]YouTube- Beck: You have no rights, unless God says so[/ame]

- the soviet union promised free education. Therefore education as a right is bad.
- education is like putting paint on a chair

Why is it that conservatives are obsessed with making people stupider and stupider? We have enough proles in this nation
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Its obvious Glenn Beck is by far too sophisticated for you...
His delivery lacks the natural simplicity and naiveté that you're used to being spoon fed by the left...
LOL. Wow.

Anti-education sentiments like this are disturbing. I wouldn't expect it outside of the middle east. The funny thing is that the USSR was extremely anti-intellectual. Engineers got paid less than factory workers. Conservative dreamland.
LOL. Wow.

Anti-education sentiments like this are disturbing. I wouldn't expect it outside of the middle east. The funny thing is that the USSR was extremely anti-intellectual. Engineers got paid less than factory workers. Conservative dreamland.

I'm listening to him right now (3/5/10) and hes saying nothing of the kind...actually quite the opposite....
You shouldn't listen to him until you grow up a little....hes not for children...
I'm listening to him right now (3/5/10) and hes saying nothing of the kind...actually quite the opposite....
You shouldn't listen to him until you grow up a little....hes not for children...

Wrong! He is for children or at least childish minds. Why do you think he uses a blackboard and all of his props? He's teaching a class, he's acting like an instructor even in his body movements and you are the child sitting in his class taking notes. But don't worry, nothing he says will be on the test.

Beck will say or do anything to advance corporate greed and propagandize the middle and left. He spreads fear and is good at it in a clownish way. I see him and think Snakeoil for some reason.

Oh, of course the right is against education, ignorance is strength.
conservative logic: ak 47's are a human right, endowed by god.
education is elitest and "socialist"
I've actually got an interview with Beck that I did. I should be posting it soon, though I'd LOVE to make a youtube of it.
The soviet constitution (all ten or so of them) actually had freedom of speech and religion in it. They did not pay a lot of attention to it. If they wanted t o do something,they did it.
And no, rights do not come from God. If they did, Christians, where the hell is freedom of speech in the bible? You'd think God wouldn't forget something so important.

Deists argued that human rights came from their God. The Christian God obviously does not grant human rights. Human rights are granted by our insistence on having them, nothing more, nothing less.
And no, rights do not come from God. If they did, Christians, where the hell is freedom of speech in the bible? You'd think God wouldn't forget something so important.

Deists argued that human rights came from their God. The Christian God obviously does not grant human rights. Human rights are granted by our insistence on having them, nothing more, nothing less.

Stop arguing the god part of this. The basis of the argument is that we are all born with them, regardless of anything else.

As for their existence being only because we demand them, no. They still exist whether we demand them or not.
Stop arguing the god part of this. The basis of the argument is that we are all born with them, regardless of anything else.

As for their existence being only because we demand them, no. They still exist whether we demand them or not.

No they don't. Rights are not part of nature, they are human created. They exist because we demand them.
- the soviet union promised free education. Therefore education as a right is bad.
- education is like putting paint on a chair
I have often wondered what it was that made liberals inferior to everyone I's their capacity to hear something and draw from it an interpretation that has absolutely nothing to do with what was said......
Wrong! He is for children or at least childish minds. Why do you think he uses a blackboard and all of his props? He's teaching a class, he's acting like an instructor even in his body movements and you are the child sitting in his class taking notes. But don't worry, nothing he says will be on the test.

Beck will say or do anything to advance corporate greed and propagandize the middle and left. He spreads fear and is good at it in a clownish way. I see him and think Snakeoil for some reason.

Oh, of course the right is against education, ignorance is strength.

The Right is against anything being declared a "right" because that means everyone is entitled to it and the Right believes people are not entitled to anything. Period.

Just a bunch of selfish, greedy, overbearing, controlling people who don't give a damn about anyone else.
The right understands the power of education thats why they dont want everyone to have that Right. The same with healthcare and a living wage.