Global warming GOOD for polar bears!


New member
I know "The Danold" ain't around anymore, but just in case he's peeking in:,8599,1704808,00.html?xid=site-cnn-partner

"That situation is as follows: As temperatures warm, the Arctic sea ice that supports the polar bear shrinks, leaving the animals to drown as they are forced to swim long distances between the ice, or simply starve to death. The summer of 2007 saw record melting of Arctic sea ice, and NASA scientists now predict that the Arctic could be ice-free as soon as the summer of 2013. "Without the sea ice, there is no polar bear," says Andrew Wetzler, director of the Natural Resource Defense Council's endangered species project. Indeed, a study by the United States Geological Service in September 2007 projected that the polar bear population — which currently stands at roughly 25,000 — could decline two-thirds by 2050."

Boy, is that a shocker; never would have seen THAT coming...
it's a net positive. Soon, the northwest passage will be ice free year round for shipping, and they'll be able to grow citrus in the Yukon.
Polar Bears eat cute little seals. Lorax and Cypress hate cute little cuddly seals.

true. baby seals are irresistable.

I tell you what I hate. Musk oxen. I got chased by a crazed musk ox in new foundland, and pinned on top of a rock outcropping, while the mofo tried to gore me. :)
true. baby seals are irresistable.

I tell you what I hate. Musk oxen. I got chased by a crazed musk ox in new foundland, and pinned on top of a rock outcropping, while the mofo tried to gore me. :)
That's what you get for trying to commune with nature. And you are right, baby seals do taste good.

true. baby seals are irresistable.

I tell you what I hate. Musk oxen. I got chased by a crazed musk ox in new foundland, and pinned on top of a rock outcropping, while the mofo tried to gore me. :)

You should have killed him. He probably emits as much carbon as a moose.
true. baby seals are irresistable.

I tell you what I hate. Musk oxen. I got chased by a crazed musk ox in new foundland, and pinned on top of a rock outcropping, while the mofo tried to gore me. :)
I betch wish you had a handgun then. Too bad they're illegal in Canada.

Don't look now, but it's not really warming any more. I wander why the continued increases in cO2 are not doing their job?