Global warming GOOD for polar bears!

I understand one country (sorry--I don't remember which one) reject the global warming scare because of lies and deception. According to them 4 polar bears have been documented of dying because of thin ice. I understand in 1950 there were about 250 polar bears, and now that are almost 5000.

One great way to get people to do something is scare them. Remember the computer crash of 2000? A lot of people made a lot of money there. Gore is no different.
Have any of you global warming followers actually listened to a real scientist instead of Leonardo Decapatated?

I was watching C-span a few weeks ago as a NASA scientist explained their findings. He throughly explained their measuring methods. They use two satalite systems--one for area, and one for thickness. Then they send out people to get core samples to measure the density of the ice and snow. With all three of these combined, they can get a pretty accurate reading on how much water is actually frozen. None of these meausring methods alone, or with one other method will give us a accurate answer.

Now, this scientist did say there looks to be a warming trend, but he said that there is not enough time to determine weather it is outside of normal variation. He did not sound alarmed at all.

Next--was the long haired hippy shouting doom and gloom--and he never explained how he got his data.

Who are you gonna believe--Al Gore who has stock in GE and other green companies and Decapitated---or a real scientist from NASA?

I believe The consensus is a lie and I have never seen a real scientists agree with it. I am seeing more and more that don't every week now. The greens are not above lieing to get what they want. They lie more than any group in the world.
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