Globalization Has Failed

Kamala Trump

Verified User
Look around. If globalization is so great, why are we in the greatest economic calamity since the great depression?

Now the government will prop up corporations long enough to suck all the wealth out of the american populace, and only will be HIRING overseas.

And green legislation will make it forbidden for us to bootstrap our own economy with "unauthorized" production facilities.

And the obama hitler youth will serve as a "volunteer" enforcement arm.
Clarification: Globalization has failed for the USA with the USA at the helm. It has done pretty well for other countries.
It's funny. When the market is up it's supposed to be evidence of the greatness of globalization. Now that the market is down, it is evidence of globalization's failure.
It's funny. When the market is up it's supposed to be evidence of the greatness of globalization. Now that the market is down, it is evidence of globalization's failure.

Globalisation has not failed America, America hs failed globalisation. And not all America at that. Neocon America has failed globalisation and partisanship has failed America.
Now manufacturers have received a right royal kick in the arse perhaps, when trying to view the world, they will see past the low water mark. Perhaps we will get product info in metric measurements and products that comply with world standards. Perhaps America will at least learn to empathise with its neighbours and trading partners and understand that it just does not understand how other people work.
Is that possible? Well if it isn't done now all bets are off concerning your future.
America taught the world marketing and now sits at the bottom of the marketing class.
Globalisation has not failed America, America hs failed globalisation. And not all America at that. Neocon America has failed globalisation and partisanship has failed America.
Now manufacturers have received a right royal kick in the arse perhaps, when trying to view the world, they will see past the low water mark. Perhaps we will get product info in metric measurements and products that comply with world standards. Perhaps America will at least learn to empathise with its neighbours and trading partners and understand that it just does not understand how other people work.
Is that possible? Well if it isn't done now all bets are off concerning your future.
America taught the world marketing and now sits at the bottom of the marketing class.

you, sir, are a mental case. your whole statement is nothing but a large gaping contradiction in terms.
Globalisation has not failed America, America hs failed globalisation. And not all America at that. Neocon America has failed globalisation and partisanship has failed America.
Now manufacturers have received a right royal kick in the arse perhaps, when trying to view the world, they will see past the low water mark. Perhaps we will get product info in metric measurements and products that comply with world standards. Perhaps America will at least learn to empathise with its neighbours and trading partners and understand that it just does not understand how other people work.
Is that possible? Well if it isn't done now all bets are off concerning your future.
America taught the world marketing and now sits at the bottom of the marketing class.

How have manufacturers been kicked in the ass when trying to view the world past the low water mark?

What does america misunderstand about how others work?
How have manufacturers been kicked in the ass when trying to view the world past the low water mark?

What does america misunderstand about how others work?

Let's take geographical knowledge. I live in Hong Kong. Space is very expensive. Where I live you can rent a garden on which to grow flowers or food by the square metre!! Warehousing is charged by the square metre and it is not cheap. American manufacturers think we have space like you have in the US and lay down stocking requirements that are totally unrealistic. They try to dictate sales and promos in markets of which they have zero experience and refuse to accept local knowledge. These are compartively big companies.
Disney came here and built a theme park. Did they do any research? Of course not. they used the same info that they got from the US and Europe. Big shots! So, for example, in the design of seating areas they built according to US measurements. What they did not know, but what you learn withing minutes of arriving here, is that the Chinese are obsessed with colour and always use umbrellas in the sun. Result an area designed for say 30 only seats say 15. An area set aside for a queue of 50 only holds say 30. Disney's profit depends on masses of people. Make a balls up on that scale and you lose money!
It would have cost one air ticket for a junior research assistant and a hotel for a few weeks and they would have changed their design but no. Disney, like all American businesses knows best.
American products are made to American standards. In construction, for example, accepted standards are BS or equivalent. That means that products from the US have to be tested and assessed and this costs time and money. Australian, Japanese and British products are easy to order. Americans insist on American measurements that makes it more difficult to make quick product comparisons. Hassle doesn't get the order.
That is how American manufacturing has failed globalisation and that is just one of many, many reasons why it is your economy, more than many, that is suffering so badly.
I have used generalisations, don't try to nit pick in response. I know there are good US companies but one remembers bad experiences more than good.
Let's take geographical knowledge. I live in Hong Kong. Space is very expensive. Where I live you can rent a garden on which to grow flowers or food by the square metre!! Warehousing is charged by the square metre and it is not cheap. American manufacturers think we have space like you have in the US and lay down stocking requirements that are totally unrealistic. They try to dictate sales and promos in markets of which they have zero experience and refuse to accept local knowledge. These are compartively big companies.
Disney came here and built a theme park. Did they do any research? Of course not. they used the same info that they got from the US and Europe. Big shots! So, for example, in the design of seating areas they built according to US measurements. What they did not know, but what you learn withing minutes of arriving here, is that the Chinese are obsessed with colour and always use umbrellas in the sun. Result an area designed for say 30 only seats say 15. An area set aside for a queue of 50 only holds say 30. Disney's profit depends on masses of people. Make a balls up on that scale and you lose money!
It would have cost one air ticket for a junior research assistant and a hotel for a few weeks and they would have changed their design but no. Disney, like all American businesses knows best.
American products are made to American standards. In construction, for example, accepted standards are BS or equivalent. That means that products from the US have to be tested and assessed and this costs time and money. Australian, Japanese and British products are easy to order. Americans insist on American measurements that makes it more difficult to make quick product comparisons. Hassle doesn't get the order.
That is how American manufacturing has failed globalisation and that is just one of many, many reasons why it is your economy, more than many, that is suffering so badly.
I have used generalisations, don't try to nit pick in response. I know there are good US companies but one remembers bad experiences more than good.

Your complaints are absurd and irrelevant. You will do as instucted by your white masters.
George Soros and his OPEC buddies making a run on US banks three weeks before the election in order to give the Democrats the edge.

So Standard and Poors and Moodys rating the junk loan packages as AAA had nothing to do with it?
They had ZERO historical data to make that decision on.
They should both be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and perhaps beyond.

$4 gas had nothing to do with it either?

Stagnant wages ?

low personal savings rates combined with extremely high personal debt loads?

Removing regulations on banks and such? That were put in place after the depression to prevent just this from happening again.

Let's take geographical knowledge. I live in Hong Kong. Space is very expensive. Where I live you can rent a garden on which to grow flowers or food by the square metre!! Warehousing is charged by the square metre and it is not cheap. American manufacturers think we have space like you have in the US and lay down stocking requirements that are totally unrealistic. They try to dictate sales and promos in markets of which they have zero experience and refuse to accept local knowledge. These are compartively big companies.
Disney came here and built a theme park. Did they do any research? Of course not. they used the same info that they got from the US and Europe. Big shots! So, for example, in the design of seating areas they built according to US measurements. What they did not know, but what you learn withing minutes of arriving here, is that the Chinese are obsessed with colour and always use umbrellas in the sun. Result an area designed for say 30 only seats say 15. An area set aside for a queue of 50 only holds say 30. Disney's profit depends on masses of people. Make a balls up on that scale and you lose money!
It would have cost one air ticket for a junior research assistant and a hotel for a few weeks and they would have changed their design but no. Disney, like all American businesses knows best.
American products are made to American standards. In construction, for example, accepted standards are BS or equivalent. That means that products from the US have to be tested and assessed and this costs time and money. Australian, Japanese and British products are easy to order. Americans insist on American measurements that makes it more difficult to make quick product comparisons. Hassle doesn't get the order.
That is how American manufacturing has failed globalisation and that is just one of many, many reasons why it is your economy, more than many, that is suffering so badly.
I have used generalisations, don't try to nit pick in response. I know there are good US companies but one remembers bad experiences more than good.

Then clearly companies that wise up and listen to local markets will succeed and the American ones who don't listen will fail. I see no problem.