Go ask Alice!


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Go Ask Alice, Who will you be voting for in 2012?

Alice is more than a sojourner in wonderland, in 2012 she is the quintessential swing voter.

By President Obama’s actions and policies, the Democrats have completely abandoned the middle and lower class white male vote. Just how often do you have to be excluded from any opportunity before you get it? In many ways, Obama and the Democrats have moved this group from possible swing-voter, firmly into the “Anyone-But-Obama” Bloc.

In short, there is a currently ascendant sub-group of the Democratic Party/Liberal philosophy who feel that white males need to be punished and fined for crimes committed by two generations gone white males. The “Reparations” are to be given victims who are either no longer alive, their descendents, or any who shares their race & gender, regardless of any connection to the victims. The vast majority of the “Victims” have been given thirty years of preferential treatment to the point that they no longer fit into a “Victim” category in any meaningful way. The only connection between the white male scape-goats and those who actually perpetrated the crimes is their “Paint-Job” and “Plumbing”.

It is no small surprise that the majority of working class white males who supported the Democrats in 2008, no longer support the Obama Administration in 2012.

Sure, there will be sycophantic Liberal white males who continue to delude / guilt themselves into self-destruction, but that voting Bloc is small and was never in play from the start.

But this thread really is NOT directly about the loss of the majority of the white-male vote.

The loss of the majority of the working white male vote could and has been countered by the white women’s vote, and in 2008, Candidate Obama received a majority of that bloc. I contend, that Alice will say otherwise in 2012.

1) Every female is connected to and often has great affection for at least 6 males: Father, Grandfather, Brother, Husband, Son, Grandson and Friend(s).

2) If the average American Votes their pocket book, the average American women votes the interests of her FAMILY. When the White Males in her circle are reduced, denied, excluded, disqualified and exempted, it hurts.

3) Today, if you work at all, it takes two incomes to achieve the middle class, one to provide, and the other to pay the taxes.

So why “Alice” you ask? Why not Alicia or Ashanti?

Alice has special knowledge from her life experiences which allows her to see through the smoke and mirrors and change sides.

Lewis Carol, the author of “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland” and “Thru the looking glass”, was also a mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon and photographer. Many of the scenes in his books were interesting and fanciful ways of teaching mathematics, logic and logical fallacies.

In the famous scene with the Mad Hatter, Carol explores a Logical Fallacy often exploited in political Rhetoric.

Basic Premise starts with two statements; A and B.

Both A and B are KNOWN to be true (at least at certain times and/or circumstances).

It is also proved that A therefore B.

The fallacy is to assume that this means that: B therefore A.

I am paraphrasing here, because I can’t seem to find my aged copy of the book, but in essence:

At the Tea Party (Oh those horrible racist Tea Baggers!),

Alice states: “I mean what I say, or say what I mean, it’s the same thing you know."

“Not at all!” contends the Hatter, “You might as well say that because I see what I eat, I eat what I see!”

“Yes” says the door mouse, with drooping eyes and a thick voice, “You could say that because I breath when I sleep, it means that I sleep when I breath…zzzzzzzz”

... You get the picture.

Now we are told that those evil, racist, TEA-Bagger White Males deserve all that’s coming to them, because of all the privilege they get from being 90+% of the bankers and CEOs.

Well, in truth somebody who is a CEO or Banker, or the son of one, doesn’t need a scholarship to go to college, nor do they need a break in getting a job during tough economic times.

Back in the 1960s, I have no doubt that 90+% of the CEOs, Bankers, and Factory Owners were white males. Now I doubt that today even 70% of those positions are held by white males, but that’s not really the point is it?

Now both of these statements:

A] The majority of CEOs, Factory Owners and Bankers are white men.

B] CEO, Factory Owners or Bankers and their kids don’t need scholarships to go to school or a government hard-times job.
are essentially true.


Just because a 90% of the CEOs are white men, doesn’t mean that 90% of white men are CEOs!

Let me say it again:

Just because a 90% of the CEOs are white men, doesn’t mean that 90% of white men are CEOs!

And after the economic destruction of the last four years, watching her standard of living plummet and the white males in her circle being told over and over again how their privilege of being CEOs disqualifies them, was-middle-class Alice understands this!

In my humble opinion, the critical swing voter bloc of 2012 is white women.

If you want to know who will win the 2012 Election, Go Ask Alice.

If you disagree, please explain why?
The loss of the majority of the working white male vote could and has been countered by the white women’s vote, and in 2008, Candidate Obama received a majority of that bloc. I contend, that Alice will say otherwise in 2012.

1) Every female is connected to and often has great affection for at least 6 males: Father, Grandfather, Brother, Husband, Son, Grandson and Friend(s).

2) If the average American Votes their pocket book, the average American women votes the interests of her FAMILY. When the White Males in her circle are reduced, denied, excluded, disqualified and exempted, it hurts.

Not anymore. Frankly, Alice does not need the support of a father who treated her mother like a servant and she certainly doesn’t relate to a grandfather whose view was the woman’s place was in the kitchen.

Brother? Maybe.

Husband? Are you kidding us? He best get his a$$ to a job.

Son? Alice likes the idea he’s covered by her insurance

As for the males in her circle I doubt the average Alice is overly sympathetic considering she’s earning less and working harder than most of them. Alice likes the right to choose whether to bear a child. Alice likes the enforcement of discrimination laws, whatever discrimination they may address, as she has firsthand knowledge of discrimination. And Alice watched the Republican primaries and knows what that party stands for regardless of whose face is currently representing it.

While Romney may be considered a moderate he can’t operate outside his party. As President he will have to go along in order to get along and Alice witnessed the support of Gingrich and Santorum. Alice knows they lurk in the background and will have influence on policy, policy that Alice finds nauseating.

When it comes to the right to choose whether one will bear a child to basic rights, in general, Alice is well aware of which party to choose and it won’t be the Republican Party.


Go Ask Alice, Who will you be voting for in 2012?

Alice is more than a sojourner in wonderland, in 2012 she is the quintessential swing voter.

By President Obama’s actions and policies, the Democrats have completely abandoned the middle and lower class white male vote. Just how often do you have to be excluded from any opportunity before you get it? In many ways, Obama and the Democrats have moved this group from possible swing-voter, firmly into the “Anyone-But-Obama” Bloc.

In short, there is a currently ascendant sub-group of the Democratic Party/Liberal philosophy who feel that white males need to be punished and fined for crimes committed by two generations gone white males. The “Reparations” are to be given victims who are either no longer alive, their descendents, or any who shares their race & gender, regardless of any connection to the victims. The vast majority of the “Victims” have been given thirty years of preferential treatment to the point that they no longer fit into a “Victim” category in any meaningful way. The only connection between the white male scape-goats and those who actually perpetrated the crimes is their “Paint-Job” and “Plumbing”.

It is no small surprise that the majority of working class white males who supported the Democrats in 2008, no longer support the Obama Administration in 2012.

Sure, there will be sycophantic Liberal white males who continue to delude / guilt themselves into self-destruction, but that voting Bloc is small and was never in play from the start.

But this thread really is NOT directly about the loss of the majority of the white-male vote.

The loss of the majority of the working white male vote could and has been countered by the white women’s vote, and in 2008, Candidate Obama received a majority of that bloc. I contend, that Alice will say otherwise in 2012.

1) Every female is connected to and often has great affection for at least 6 males: Father, Grandfather, Brother, Husband, Son, Grandson and Friend(s).

2) If the average American Votes their pocket book, the average American women votes the interests of her FAMILY. When the White Males in her circle are reduced, denied, excluded, disqualified and exempted, it hurts.

3) Today, if you work at all, it takes two incomes to achieve the middle class, one to provide, and the other to pay the taxes.

So why “Alice” you ask? Why not Alicia or Ashanti?

Alice has special knowledge from her life experiences which allows her to see through the smoke and mirrors and change sides.

Lewis Carol, the author of “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland” and “Thru the looking glass”, was also a mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon and photographer. Many of the scenes in his books were interesting and fanciful ways of teaching mathematics, logic and logical fallacies.

In the famous scene with the Mad Hatter, Carol explores a Logical Fallacy often exploited in political Rhetoric.

Basic Premise starts with two statements; A and B.

Both A and B are KNOWN to be true (at least at certain times and/or circumstances).

It is also proved that A therefore B.

The fallacy is to assume that this means that: B therefore A.

I am paraphrasing here, because I can’t seem to find my aged copy of the book, but in essence:

At the Tea Party (Oh those horrible racist Tea Baggers!),

Alice states: “I mean what I say, or say what I mean, it’s the same thing you know."

“Not at all!” contends the Hatter, “You might as well say that because I see what I eat, I eat what I see!”

“Yes” says the door mouse, with drooping eyes and a thick voice, “You could say that because I breath when I sleep, it means that I sleep when I breath…zzzzzzzz”

... You get the picture.

Now we are told that those evil, racist, TEA-Bagger White Males deserve all that’s coming to them, because of all the privilege they get from being 90+% of the bankers and CEOs.

Well, in truth somebody who is a CEO or Banker, or the son of one, doesn’t need a scholarship to go to college, nor do they need a break in getting a job during tough economic times.

Back in the 1960s, I have no doubt that 90+% of the CEOs, Bankers, and Factory Owners were white males. Now I doubt that today even 70% of those positions are held by white males, but that’s not really the point is it?

Now both of these statements:

A] The majority of CEOs, Factory Owners and Bankers are white men.

B] CEO, Factory Owners or Bankers and their kids don’t need scholarships to go to school or a government hard-times job.
are essentially true.


Just because a 90% of the CEOs are white men, doesn’t mean that 90% of white men are CEOs!

Let me say it again:

Just because a 90% of the CEOs are white men, doesn’t mean that 90% of white men are CEOs!

And after the economic destruction of the last four years, watching her standard of living plummet and the white males in her circle being told over and over again how their privilege of being CEOs disqualifies them, was-middle-class Alice understands this!

In my humble opinion, the critical swing voter bloc of 2012 is white women.

If you want to know who will win the 2012 Election, Go Ask Alice.

If you disagree, please explain why?
Not anymore. Frankly, Alice does not need the support of a father who treated her mother like a servant and she certainly doesn’t relate to a grandfather whose view was the woman’s place was in the kitchen.
Androgyny is very fashionable in Liberal circles these days, I am sorry to see that you’ve fallen under its spell. Like Misogyny, or any other form of generalized hatred, it is ultimately self-destructive.

But the thread is about what the majority of voters are likely to do in the next election, not a few Androgynic Liberals who are suffering from unresolved childhood issues.

Brother? Maybe.

So, there is someone you can anchor a more healthy life on, get some help, there is hope.

Husband? Are you kidding us? He best get his a$$ to a job.

That’s just the point, he won’t find any, because jobs are scarce and employers are just plain scared to hire or retain the white male with the current administration demonstrating a willingness to ignore the law to pursue its radical agenda. When in doubt, lay off the white men, hire the designated minority, because nothing kills the already hurting bottom line like a lawsuit.

Son? Alice likes the idea he’s covered by her insurance.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess you don’t have a Son…
Most mothers want their adult children to leave the nest, fly high and make them proud. There isn’t much of a chance at the grandchildren until he’s settled, and that what Mom’s of an adult Son’s want most in my experience.

As for the males in her circle I doubt the average Alice is overly sympathetic considering she’s earning less and working harder than most of them.

I think most middle class working women believe this about as much as they believe in Human Caused Global Warming.

For twenty years now, the ratio of college graduates has been extremely lopsided in favor of women over men, and when the Labor Statistics are calculated honestly, the income it shows.

Alice likes the right to choose whether to bear a child.

Now this is the one area where you have a valid point. I don’t personally agree with Candidate Romney’s position on abortion. IMHO, if you don’t like abortion, don’t have one.

This issue is WHY Alice and many other White Women fall into the category of Swing Voter, rather than the proverbial “Anyone But Obama”.

Though I would ask, what will make more of a difference in the Daily-Life of Alice?

A) Her ability to end a regretted/accidental pregnancy?

B) Her Husband/Father/Brother/Son's being laid off and excluded from any possibility of a stimulus job or retraining due to their Paint-Job and/or Plumbing?

Does anyone really believe that voting in Romney would really result in Abortion being made illegal?

Are there really no other ways to control/prevent pregnancy?

Obama’s new Department of Diversity is Real Enough, as well as numerous other racial preference policies and actions. The Health Care bill alone has 26 separate provisions for racial preferences? Why?

I can personally attest to its effects on middle class white males jobs as well.

I would also add, that like Alice being motivated to consider the "Civil Rights" of her intimate circle of white males,...

Any Father, Husband or Brother worth the name would and often have considered carefully the "Women's Rights" of their intimate circle. Just look at the progress the country has made in those areas since its creation. It was Men who voted Women's Suffrage into effect.

Most Conservatives live up to their name; they try hard to conserve the Status Quo. Alice's Men are unlikely to stand by idle and watch her rights vanish. Change is SLOW under Conservatives.

Likewise, Radical Revolutionaries live up to their name; they try hard to implement Radical Transformations regardless of the costs to the many living in their torn nations. Read the critical history of any Communist / Socialist Country, if you've the stomach for the heart ache.

Understand, Obama's Race isn't the issue; I and most other swing voters could care less.

The Democrats support for Racial Preferences which are destroying the lives of Middle and Lower class Whites Males is the issue.

I come by these opinions by the life's experiences. My wife, her sister, my two adult daughters, my adult Niece and even my wife's life long Liberal Democrat Mom all expressed these idea to me over last Thanksgiving dinner.

Racism, even when promoted by a "Minority" to be instituionally driven by the state, is always self-destructive.

If I could ask Obama one question:

"Does a White Man have exactly the same Civil Rights as a Black Woman? If not, why not?"

Again, Alice is the Quintessential Swing Voter of 2012 because of her connection to her circle of White Men.
Androgyny is very fashionable in Liberal circles these days, I am sorry to see that you’ve fallen under its spell. Like Misogyny, or any other form of generalized hatred, it is ultimately self-destructive.

If I was a school teacher I’d be reaching for my red pen right now. Or maybe even two of them. A lot of errors here.

First, stating facts is not displaying hatred. While laws and the “face” of society may have changed old habits die hard. If Alice is over 30 I’m sure she’s witnessed the male dominance in family and, depending on her age/circumstance, has carried the uneven load of a job and household chores.

But the thread is about what the majority of voters are likely to do in the next election, not a few Androgynic Liberals who are suffering from unresolved childhood issues.

If you’re referring to me I assure you I had a great childhood being a boy. As for Androgenic Liberals some people evolve quicker than others but there is hope for the rest.

So, there is someone you can anchor a more healthy life on, get some help, there is hope.

I would recommend you getting help for your imagined persecution of the white male. If it wasn’t so troubling it would be hysterical.

That’s just the point, he won’t find any, because jobs are scarce and employers are just plain scared to hire or retain the white male with the current administration demonstrating a willingness to ignore the law to pursue its radical agenda. When in doubt, lay off the white men, hire the designated minority, because nothing kills the already hurting bottom line like a lawsuit.

My goodness. You really do have a convoluted view of the world. Employers are laying off the typical white male because the typical white male wants $40.00/hr to do what a person in China or Pakistan or Mexico will do for a LOT less. Due to the recession (it’s not really a recession. It’s a fundamental change in the world. Free trade, etc.) jobs are disappearing or paying less. That means anyone who has a job serving the local community….the plumber, electrician, carpenter, landscaper, dry cleaner, butcher, baker, candle stick maker….all have to charge less.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess you don’t have a Son…

My red pen is running out of ink. Yes, I have a son.

Most mothers want their adult children to leave the nest, fly high and make them proud. There isn’t much of a chance at the grandchildren until he’s settled, and that what Mom’s of an adult Son’s want most in my experience.

Of course they want that. However, things are not the way they used to be. This will probably be the first generation that will make less than the previous generation and her son knows that even if she doesn’t.

I think most middle class working women believe this about as much as they believe in Human Caused Global Warming.

For twenty years now, the ratio of college graduates has been extremely lopsided in favor of women over men, and when the Labor Statistics are calculated honestly, the income it shows.

You got one statement correct. Yes, women are becoming better educated and they are now coming into positions to see exactly what the “white male” is doing to earn his paycheck. My wife is a Chartered Accountant. From experience in the public and private sectors, including being a Town Manager, she’s seen the work the CEOs and the lawyers and CFOs and the Mayors and other assorted “white men” do. She’s had to work longer hours and do more work to get to where she is today. She’s quite familiar with the antics of the “old boy’s club” and that is why American women voted for Obama.

Today’s woman may be concerned about their father and grandfather and son and male friends but they’re also concerned about themselves because no one gave a damn before and there’s no way they are going to vote for someone who wants to turn the clock back like the Republican reprobates, Romney notwithstanding. The Gingriches and the Santorums have their supporters and they are the cancer of the Republican Party and until they are removed the cancer will pervade the Party regardless of whose face they wish to display to the public.

Now this is the one area where you have a valid point. I don’t personally agree with Candidate Romney’s position on abortion. IMHO, if you don’t like abortion, don’t have one.

This issue is WHY Alice and many other White Women fall into the category of Swing Voter, rather than the proverbial “Anyone But Obama”.

Though I would ask, what will make more of a difference in the Daily-Life of Alice?

A) Her ability to end a regretted/accidental pregnancy?

B) Her Husband/Father/Brother/Son's being laid off and excluded from any possibility of a stimulus job or retraining due to their Paint-Job and/or Plumbing?

Again, Alice is a woman and she knows, firsthand, discrimination. While she may sympathize with the male members of her family she’s smart enough to know the rhetoric from the Republican candidates regarding women has nothing to do with male jobs.

Does anyone really believe that voting in Romney would really result in Abortion being made illegal?

Abortion is the tip of the iceberg. It’s the general idea women belong in the home bearing children. In other words the government, men, decide woman’s place in society and those days are over. Alice heard about the hearings on women and noticed not one woman was present. Alice heard about Rush’s comments concerning Sandra Fluke. Alice knows Rush’s audience is Conservative/Republican. Alice can put 2 and 2 together.

Are there really no other ways to control/prevent pregnancy?

Alice is aware of the lack/opposition to sex education in schools. Alice is also aware of the “the man is a stud” vs “the woman is a slut” attitude. Alice is aware of more things than you realize.

Obama’s new Department of Diversity is Real Enough, as well as numerous other racial preference policies and actions. The Health Care bill alone has 26 separate provisions for racial preferences? Why?

I can personally attest to its effects on middle class white males jobs as well.

Alice also knows medical care for those unable to pay is the decent thing for any society to ensure.

I would also add, that like Alice being motivated to consider the "Civil Rights" of her intimate circle of white males,...

Any Father, Husband or Brother worth the name would and often have considered carefully the "Women's Rights" of their intimate circle. Just look at the progress the country has made in those areas since its creation. It was Men who voted Women's Suffrage into effect.

Most Conservatives live up to their name; they try hard to conserve the Status Quo. Alice's Men are unlikely to stand by idle and watch her rights vanish. Change is SLOW under Conservatives.

Likewise, Radical Revolutionaries live up to their name; they try hard to implement Radical Transformations regardless of the costs to the many living in their torn nations. Read the critical history of any Communist / Socialist Country, if you've the stomach for the heart ache.

Understand, Obama's Race isn't the issue; I and most other swing voters could care less.

The Democrats support for Racial Preferences which are destroying the lives of Middle and Lower class Whites Males is the issue.

I come by these opinions by the life's experiences. My wife, her sister, my two adult daughters, my adult Niece and even my wife's life long Liberal Democrat Mom all expressed these idea to me over last Thanksgiving dinner.

Racism, even when promoted by a "Minority" to be instituionally driven by the state, is always self-destructive.

If I could ask Obama one question:

"Does a White Man have exactly the same Civil Rights as a Black Woman? If not, why not?"

Again, Alice is the Quintessential Swing Voter of 2012 because of her connection to her circle of White Men.

The bottom line is change is happening. Jobs are not coming back, at least not the jobs that have moved overseas. That means the idea of health insurance being tied to one’s job is passé. An old, tired, worn out idea and Alice, being a wife and mother, knows the importance of health coverage. She knows her son needs health insurance regardless of whether he has a job and she sure as hell wants her grandson to have access to a doctor regardless of how many people who made money off the ill will find themselves in the unemployment line.

Finally, if one reads the history of Socialist/Communist countries they will find the political system was missing something very important and that’s democracy. The people never had a voice in what the system would include or who would run it. Today’s Socialist states are quite different. I suggest you do a little research on a few Northern European countries. I also recommend you do some research on government medical. There is not ONE country that has reverted to a “pay or suffer” system and there is not ONE country with a major politician recommending such. And there is not ONE exception.

Australians and British and French and Canadians and Germans and Italians and Swedes and Norwegians and Swiss and …..the list goes on and on. Dozens of different nationalities. Dozens of differing customs. Dozens of political and world views all agree government medical is the best medical. Take a moment to find out why. I bet Alice did.
If I was a school teacher I’d be reaching for my red pen right now. Or maybe even two of them. A lot of errors here.
First, stating facts is not displaying hatred. While laws and the “face” of society may have changed old habits die hard. If Alice is over 30 I’m sure she’s witnessed the male dominance in family and, depending on her age/circumstance, has carried the uneven load of a job and household chores.

Your personal experiences, while obviously sad enough to twist your social development, don’t match the majority of Americans.

You cannot make a blanket statement like “All women over 30 suffered from Male Dominance …” and expect anyone to take your arguments seriously.

The vast majority of women, young or old, have loving male family members who have shown them support, nurturing, encouragement, opportunity and protection.

Nowhere is this more evident than in the ratios of women to men in graduating college, which for more than twenty years has been favoring women to a degree which should alarm anyone who thinks about the long term future of our nation.

When my two daughters where teens, I did insist that they do their part of the chores, which usually evolved having them do heavy labor in the yard landscaping with shovel and pick axe! At other times, I walked them though the process of replacing oil pumps and cam shafts on our old pickup truck, or changing out the seventy pound filters on the roof top swamp cooler.

My older daughter, now a top performing soldier in an U.S. Army Artillery Unit, has thanked me many times for insisting that she do her share of the household heavy maintenance, without regard to her gender.

Her husband, who is the stay at home care giver of my three grandchildren, never complains about the “Chore” of caring for their home, he understands he’s got the most demanding, but also the most rewarding job in the extended family.

Frankly, I think you need to get out to a wider world away from the radical at some Liberal Feminist Activist Campus you must be cloistered at, and see what real middle class life is like in 2012.

That doesn’t change my basic premise, in 2012, white women will be the swing vote, largely because they are beginning to see how allowing the demonization of “Dirty White Males” is likely to place them in a life of poverty and hardship.

Back in the 1960s, the NAACP used to run TV ads where they stated “A mind is a terrible thing to waste”, the implied throwing away of a life due purely to its “Paint Job” and “Plumbing” being something American cannot afford to continue. Well, that has not changed.
Your personal experiences, while obviously sad enough to twist your social development, don’t match the majority of Americans.

You cannot make a blanket statement like “All women over 30 suffered from Male Dominance …” and expect anyone to take your arguments seriously.

The vast majority of women, young or old, have loving male family members who have shown them support, nurturing, encouragement, opportunity and protection.

Nowhere is this more evident than in the ratios of women to men in graduating college, which for more than twenty years has been favoring women to a degree which should alarm anyone who thinks about the long term future of our nation.

I said those women witnessed male dominance. They may not have experienced it themselves as times were changing but would have seen it in their parents and relatives and certainly involving their grandparents. Do you think the 60’s Freedom Decade was for nothing?

Talk about a stunted development. Try doing a little research

That doesn’t change my basic premise, in 2012, white women will be the swing vote, largely because they are beginning to see how allowing the demonization of “Dirty White Males” is likely to place them in a life of poverty and hardship.

That’s quite the perception of life you have. Sorry you feel discriminated against but the news I have for you isn’t good. The typical white, middle aged woman out there earning a living doesn’t give a damn about you because she knows she works longer hours and is still getting paid less and it’s precisely because of those reasons she has the job and the white guy doesn’t.

The pompous ass white guy is getting his comeuppance. The middle aged female and the visible minority work harder to keep their job and that’s what companies/bosses want. It’s capitalism. It’s business. It’s Republican. It’s all about the bottom line and the white guy who thinks he’s special can sit at home, unemployed, thinking he’s as special as he wants.

After years of believing social programs were designed for the lazy unemployed and believing every “decent” individual could get a job one day he’ll wake up and realize he’s part of the lazy unemployed. He’s society’s bum. And maybe, just maybe, he’ll realize the importance of social programs and realize the Republican dream he’s been fed all his life was a lie. He’s not going to retire at 55 and buy a sail boat. The closest he’ll get to a sailboat is cleaning barnacles off the hull, at minimum wage, at the local marina.

And Alice? She’ll be considering one of two things. Either the white guy she married is a loser or life is unpredictable and social programs are a necessity in today’s society. And if Mr. Alice is listening to the likes of Limbaugh and rants about injustice when Alice gets home from work Mr. Alice may find himself in a worse position, if you get my drift.
greetings Kurmugeon.....I must say, you seem to have captured the essence of apple with that OP.....and he's done his best to fall into character....I would ask though that you provide a link to the source....I assume you intended to communicate that it was a paste by adding the last sentence in a different font, but here, if you use the material of others it is expected you link to the source....
greetings Kurmugeon.....I must say, you seem to have captured the essence of apple with that OP.....and he's done his best to fall into character....I would ask though that you provide a link to the source....I assume you intended to communicate that it was a paste by adding the last sentence in a different font, but here, if you use the material of others it is expected you link to the source....

You assume too much.

Every word I've posted is my own, the font was changed for emphasis. I often do that, along with non-standard capitalization, and when I am in a hurry, inventive spelling. Call it an adaption to posting on internet forums.

I post on at least five internet political forum sites and back up all my threads / posts in word files. I have several versions of "Go Ask Alice!" on various forum sites, always under the same name of Kurmugeon, to converse with varied people on the subject.

I must say, this forum has so far been .... Disappointing. The thoughtlessness, anti-white-male hatred, contempt and condensation of the response have almost caused me to give up on the community here, but I always try to give a fair chance to a forum community.

This forum seems to be suffering from what many do, polarization to the point of no debate. This usually comes about from biased moderators who, in their zeal to have their point of view ascendant, drive off the opposing view posters until the conversation dwindles, much like what has happened at to the explorative and interactive thought in our higher education campuses.

On a few other forums, "Alice" has opened quite a few minds to the new / old concept that America will only advance when it returns to the goal of a race and gender blind society which rewards merit, rather than race-gender identity pandering.

In time the merit of the basic premise of my OP on this thread will become un-deniable, as THRUTH always is. The question is, will we Americans see it before we've condemned the country to travesty of an Ethnic National Socialist hell?
well congratulations then on a well written article.......don't be too disappointed by apple's reaction......he's a bit dimwitted and we usually only let him take out the dustbins when everyone else is too tired to work......
You assume too much.

Every word I've posted is my own, the font was changed for emphasis. I often do that, along with non-standard capitalization, and when I am in a hurry, inventive spelling. Call it an adaption to posting on internet forums.

I post on at least five internet political forum sites and back up all my threads / posts in word files. I have several versions of "Go Ask Alice!" on various forum sites, always under the same name of Kurmugeon, to converse with varied people on the subject.

I must say, this forum has so far been .... Disappointing. The thoughtlessness, anti-white-male hatred, contempt and condensation of the response have almost caused me to give up on the community here, but I always try to give a fair chance to a forum community.

This forum seems to be suffering from what many do, polarization to the point of no debate. This usually comes about from biased moderators who, in their zeal to have their point of view ascendant, drive off the opposing view posters until the conversation dwindles, much like what has happened at to the explorative and interactive thought in our higher education campuses.

On a few other forums, "Alice" has opened quite a few minds to the new / old concept that America will only advance when it returns to the goal of a race and gender blind society which rewards merit, rather than race-gender identity pandering.

In time the merit of the basic premise of my OP on this thread will become un-deniable, as THRUTH always is. The question is, will we Americans see it before we've condemned the country to travesty of an Ethnic National Socialist hell?

You’re definitely a Republican even if you may not realize it yourself.

“America will only advance when it returns to the goal of a race and gender blind society…”? That may be but it won’t happen on its own. It’s been almost 150 years since slavery ended and prejudice is still alive and well. Plus, women still have second place in the work force.

As for “what has happened to the explorative and interactive thought in our higher education campuses” I can tell you what happened. People have become more educated in how the world works. Sure, there are still the future doctors and lawyers and CEOs who are there to get an education and “plunder” the world but there are also those who never came from an advantaged family and intend to use their education to better society.

There are those who, through either a formal education or simply an innate desire to learn, are aware of the “Capitalist utopia” of yesteryear. The Roaring 20s having seen “the large-scale diffusion and use of automobiles, telephones, motion pictures, and electricity, unprecedented industrial growth, accelerated consumer demand and aspirations, and significant changes in lifestyle and culture” is, in some form, the capitalist vision of the world. Of course, many are aware of what immediately followed. The poor, the ill, the elderly…..starved and suffered and died while the government sat by and did nothing until years later. Finally, that cursed Socialist Social Security was implemented allowing the dregs of society to survive. What kind of crazy world was unfolding where the government helped those who were unable to maintain their own survival? What twisted logic pervaded the minds of those who believed the “losers” should be helped?

While some still hold those same tired, worn out ideas/beliefs higher education campuses have evolved. Over time, people who came from those “loser” families or personally knew of them gained access to those campuses and eventually became instructors realizing that, just like the racist and the sexist, the “class-ist” needed to be educated.

While explorative and interactive thought is good the regurgitation of tired, worn out, failed ideas are not. Everything, at one time, was private. Government stepped in because of the failure. Now, the conversation has to center on how the government should supervise, not whether it should. We already know the result when it doesn’t.
well congratulations then on a well written article.......don't be too disappointed by apple's reaction......he's a bit dimwitted and we usually only let him take out the dustbins when everyone else is too tired to work......

:lol: Now that's funny coming from you especially when you judge a man's intelligence by his financial position.

Get your butt to work Tuesday while this dimwitted fella enjoys his early retirement. You're such a silly little man.
not at all....I judge your lack of intelligence by your posts.....I have no idea what your financial position is....

Apparently you didn't catch the lack of intelligence in this sentence: "Androgyny is very fashionable in Liberal circles these days, I am sorry to see that you’ve fallen under its spell. Like Misogyny, or any other form of generalized hatred, it is ultimately self-destructive."

Unless androgyny has taken on a new meaning other than the time-honored one.
Apparently you didn't catch the lack of intelligence in this sentence: "Androgyny is very fashionable in Liberal circles these days, I am sorry to see that you’ve fallen under its spell. Like Misogyny, or any other form of generalized hatred, it is ultimately self-destructive."

Unless androgyny has taken on a new meaning other than the time-honored one.

Oh, yes, I guess the word2007 spell checker did the wrong substitution of Androgyny for Misandry. I was more focused on the point I was trying to make than the substitutions at the time.

I do find it interesting that the default spell checker dictionary has the entries for Androgyny and Misogyny, but not the American culturally much more common Misandry, but that follows the general theme of political correctness in our culture at large.

Not to worry, I’ve added to the dictionary now…

Glad to see you’re parsing my each and every word so carefully, just looking for any mistake that might indicate a point of weakness.

If the word substitution is the worst you’ve found, I guess my OP and other statements are relatively well founded.

Though I am a bit concerned that now you've set a demanding high standard for all your future posts, that they NEVER contain a misspelling or errant checker substitution...
Apparently you didn't catch the lack of intelligence in this sentence: "Androgyny is very fashionable in Liberal circles these days, I am sorry to see that you’ve fallen under its spell. Like Misogyny, or any other form of generalized hatred, it is ultimately self-destructive."

Unless androgyny has taken on a new meaning other than the time-honored one.

I generally skim over sentences that smack of personal attack unless they're specifically directed at me.....
05-27-2012, 01:04 AMKurmugeon
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Oh Noes! Rune is ignoring me! *Chuckles…

Well, first it was rudeness and profanity.

When that failed to convince anyone, it was sarcastic sneering.

Now it is “Nah, nah, naaah, nahhhh, I can’t hear YOU!”

What’s next? Petulant threats of holding your breath until you DIE!?

*Sigh! I think it must be past nap time.