Go ask Alice!

so, have you skimmed milk?.....

Androgyny is very fashionable in Liberal circles these days, I am sorry to see that you’ve fallen under its spell. Like Misogyny, or any other form of generalized hatred, it is ultimately self-destructive.

But the thread is about what the majority of voters are likely to do in the next election, not a few Androgynic Liberals who are suffering from unresolved childhood issues.

So, there is someone you can anchor a more healthy life on, get some help, there is hope.

That’s just the point, he won’t find any, because jobs are scarce and employers are just plain scared to hire or retain the white male with the current administration demonstrating a willingness to ignore the law to pursue its radical agenda. When in doubt, lay off the white men, hire the designated minority, because nothing kills the already hurting bottom line like a lawsuit.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess you don’t have a Son…
Most mothers want their adult children to leave the nest, fly high and make them proud. There isn’t much of a chance at the grandchildren until he’s settled, and that what Mom’s of an adult Son’s want most in my experience.

I think most middle class working women believe this about as much as they believe in Human Caused Global Warming.

For twenty years now, the ratio of college graduates has been extremely lopsided in favor of women over men, and when the Labor Statistics are calculated honestly, the income it shows.

Now this is the one area where you have a valid point. I don’t personally agree with Candidate Romney’s position on abortion. IMHO, if you don’t like abortion, don’t have one.

This issue is WHY Alice and many other White Women fall into the category of Swing Voter, rather than the proverbial “Anyone But Obama”.

Though I would ask, what will make more of a difference in the Daily-Life of Alice?

A) Her ability to end a regretted/accidental pregnancy?

B) Her Husband/Father/Brother/Son's being laid off and excluded from any possibility of a stimulus job or retraining due to their Paint-Job and/or Plumbing?

Does anyone really believe that voting in Romney would really result in Abortion being made illegal?

Are there really no other ways to control/prevent pregnancy?

Obama’s new Department of Diversity is Real Enough, as well as numerous other racial preference policies and actions. The Health Care bill alone has 26 separate provisions for racial preferences? Why?

I can personally attest to its effects on middle class white males jobs as well.

I would also add, that like Alice being motivated to consider the "Civil Rights" of her intimate circle of white males,...

Any Father, Husband or Brother worth the name would and often have considered carefully the "Women's Rights" of their intimate circle. Just look at the progress the country has made in those areas since its creation. It was Men who voted Women's Suffrage into effect.

Most Conservatives live up to their name; they try hard to conserve the Status Quo. Alice's Men are unlikely to stand by idle and watch her rights vanish. Change is SLOW under Conservatives.

Likewise, Radical Revolutionaries live up to their name; they try hard to implement Radical Transformations regardless of the costs to the many living in their torn nations. Read the critical history of any Communist / Socialist Country, if you've the stomach for the heart ache.

Understand, Obama's Race isn't the issue; I and most other swing voters could care less.

The Democrats support for Racial Preferences which are destroying the lives of Middle and Lower class Whites Males is the issue.

I come by these opinions by the life's experiences. My wife, her sister, my two adult daughters, my adult Niece and even my wife's life long Liberal Democrat Mom all expressed these idea to me over last Thanksgiving dinner.

Racism, even when promoted by a "Minority" to be instituionally driven by the state, is always self-destructive.

If I could ask Obama one question:

"Does a White Man have exactly the same Civil Rights as a Black Woman? If not, why not?"

Again, Alice is the Quintessential Swing Voter of 2012 because of her connection to her circle of White Men.

and alice spoke and you were wrong.

why do you think we have to pretend you are some great seer?
white women are now a base of the Democratic party. White guys don't really care about social issues -i mean we DO -
but we really don't all that much; having gone thru the process of getting it banged into our heads that women, and minorities are JUST LIKE USZ!!

And we have no innate privledge anymore...

We just want the freaking trains to run on time, go home, and hear what the wife has to say about her activism..lol
really?? You can't get the idea, that PRIVLEDGED WHITE MALES, are now so banged into..UNDERSTANDING that we are not the same white guys our fathers were?

You know the 'movers and shakers' of society? And we get it!. we 're FINE with it, so stop beating our conscience that we DON'T.

we're happy to have women and minorities for a boss. Takes the load off..lol

big right leaning men folk don't do what their wives say.

they do the opposite of what their wives want them to do.

Its the many thing.

discounting your own family members wants and needs because they have an inny instead of an outy is pretty lame
white women are now a base of the Democratic party. White guys don't really care about social issues -i mean we DO -
but we really don't all that much; having gone thru the process of getting it banged into our heads that women, and minorities are JUST LIKE USZ!!

And we have no innate privledge anymore...

We just want the freaking trains to run on time, go home, and hear what the wife has to say about her activism..lol
Like Chris rock says nobody thanks dad for paying the rent and light bill.