God Hates A Liar


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so he must hate Pope Frank:

Globalism is the new word for the old lie about collectivism - that surrendering individual rights and national sovereignty will deliver social justice and income equality.

Globalism: Persuading the Individual to Stop Being an Individual
By Linda Goudsmit​
May 23, 2017


The approval rating of Pope Francis declined all over Europe during the course of 2018, a new analysis observed Wednesday, in large part because of his ever-less popular pro-immigration stance and other globalist positions.

Analyst: Pope’s Sagging Popularity Signals Fading Trust in Globalism
by Thomas D. Williams, PH.D
16 Jan 2019

Trump and God falling our now then? American Fundamentalists, of course, love a liar. Heil, heil, heil, lovely Trumpf!
so he must hate Pope Frank:

Globalism is the new word for the old lie about collectivism - that surrendering individual rights and national sovereignty will deliver social justice and income equality.

Globalism: Persuading the Individual to Stop Being an Individual
By Linda Goudsmit​
May 23, 2017


The approval rating of Pope Francis declined all over Europe during the course of 2018, a new analysis observed Wednesday, in large part because of his ever-less popular pro-immigration stance and other globalist positions.

Analyst: Pope’s Sagging Popularity Signals Fading Trust in Globalism
by Thomas D. Williams, PH.D
16 Jan 2019

Lol, the loony writers at Breitbart, the Pope’s popularity is down because of his response to the pedophile priests. It has nothing to do with globalism.
Trump and God falling our now then? American Fundamentalists, of course, love a liar. Heil, heil, heil, lovely Trumpf!

To iolo: Relax! You are safe. God loves halfwits. That is why he made so many.

Lol, the loony writers at Breitbart, the Pope’s popularity is down because of his response to the pedophile priests. It has nothing to do with globalism.

To Phantasmal: Did it ever occur to you that pedophile priests are global? In short: The two are inseparable.
To iolo: Relax! You are safe. God loves halfwits. That is why he made so many.

To Phantasmal: Did it ever occur to you that pedophile priests are global? In short: The two are inseparable.
Yes, but his popularity is only waning in the USA, not globally.
so he must hate Pope Frank:

Globalism is the new word for the old lie about collectivism - that surrendering individual rights and national sovereignty will deliver social justice and income equality.

Globalism: Persuading the Individual to Stop Being an Individual
By Linda Goudsmit​
May 23, 2017


The approval rating of Pope Francis declined all over Europe during the course of 2018, a new analysis observed Wednesday, in large part because of his ever-less popular pro-immigration stance and other globalist positions.

Analyst: Pope’s Sagging Popularity Signals Fading Trust in Globalism
by Thomas D. Williams, PH.D
16 Jan 2019


LOLOL.. We've had globalization since the bronze age.. Not every people had copper or even salt.

We even have the globalization of ignorance.
Yes, but his popularity is only waning in the USA, not globally.

To Phantasmal:
When did Europe become part of the USA?

The approval rating of Pope Francis declined all over Europe​

LOLOL.. We've had globalization since the bronze age.. Not every people had copper or even salt.

We even have the globalization of ignorance.

To kudzu: The word itself cannot be applied to your examples. Universal ignorance, etc. was the accepted terminology. Globalism became a global government movement with the League of Nations.
so he must hate Pope Frank:

Globalism is the new word for the old lie about collectivism - that surrendering individual rights and national sovereignty will deliver social justice and income equality.

Globalism: Persuading the Individual to Stop Being an Individual
By Linda Goudsmit​
May 23, 2017


The approval rating of Pope Francis declined all over Europe during the course of 2018, a new analysis observed Wednesday, in large part because of his ever-less popular pro-immigration stance and other globalist positions.

Analyst: Pope’s Sagging Popularity Signals Fading Trust in Globalism
by Thomas D. Williams, PH.D
16 Jan 2019


Globalism has been with us since the Bronze Age. Not every country had copper or even salt. These people are so bloody stupid.

?????....did you think globalization just means commerce?.....

Globalization or globalisation is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide.As a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, globalization is considered by some as a form of capitalist expansion which entails the integration of local and national economies into a global, unregulated market economy.

You must be into that New World Order/Illuminatti conspiracy theory.
globalization as a political term is a move toward the consolidation of nations into a single government.....the EU is an example of globalization......NAFTA is an example of globalization.........Marco Polo traveling to the Orient is not.........trading for copper and salt is not......
globalization as a political term is a move toward the consolidation of nations into a single government.....the EU is an example of globalization......NAFTA is an example of globalization.........Marco Polo traveling to the Orient is not.........trading for copper and salt is not......

LOLOL.. I knew you'd buy into the one world government conspiracy.........
Capitalist states are not nations - they are arbitrary concoctions to suit the rich, and have so little reality that they have to make up history or make children swear allegiance to bits of cloth and stuff like that.
make children swear allegiance to bits of cloth

To iolo: No one makes men and women swear allegiance when:

A moth-eaten rag on a worm-eaten pole,
It does not look likely to stir a man's Soul,
'Tis the deeds that were done 'neath the moth-eaten rag,
When the pole was a staff, and the rag was a flag.

By Sir Edward Bruce Hamley


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so he must hate Pope Frank:

Globalism is the new word for the old lie about collectivism - that surrendering individual rights and national sovereignty will deliver social justice and income equality.

Globalism: Persuading the Individual to Stop Being an Individual
By Linda Goudsmit​
May 23, 2017

The approval rating of Pope Francis declined all over Europe during the course of 2018, a new analysis observed Wednesday, in large part because of his ever-less popular pro-immigration stance and other globalist positions.

Analyst: Pope’s Sagging Popularity Signals Fading Trust in Globalism
by Thomas D. Williams, PH.D
16 Jan 2019


Your own article singles out only Germany and Italy, hardly "all over Europe", liar. Furthermore, nobody is compelled to accept the Pope's opinion on immigration, not even Catholics.