God Hates A Liar

God doesn't hate anyone, and the rights trashing of Francis is more disgusting hypocrisy. You are fakes on your own path, not Christ's.
Lol, the loony writers at Breitbart, the Pope’s popularity is down because of his response to the pedophile priests. It has nothing to do with globalism.

So…..Catholicism is down because of the "lefts" support for immoral sexual conduct? That about sum it up? However one wishes to slice that cake.....its the left's stated mission statement that is at fault. Logic and Reason is a hell of a thing when it is APPLIED in a quest for the deductive truth....aka....prima facie truth. ;)

Think about it......apply the reality of the documented evidence. What party supports FREE LOVE, QUEERNESS, PERVERSION as normal with humans only acting out their roots of animalistic behavior....because THERE IS NO GOD.....according to the left. Therefore there are no absolute moral guidelines....as nature has no conscience, no rule for right or wrong, its survival of the fittest, might makes right. Lesser lifeforms are at the mercy of the stronger lifeforms. In other words......Darwinian Cultism is at the root of everything the left holds dear. :bigthink:

According to the left....our children, being the weaker lifeform are nothing but fodder for the Superior Evolved. Reality: What party supports the murder of children in the womb as a right of individual privacy?

Everything the LEFT accuses the RIGHT of doing or being....is nothing but a reflection of the reality constructed by Darwinian Cultists. A Religion based upon human secularism where the created has someone evolved to become greater than the creator.

To put is simply: The greatest deception of Satan is to prompt mankind into SIN while at the same time having man believe that he really does not exist...its all NATURE. FOOLS are easily deceived.
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God doesn't hate anyone,

To Jade Dragon: Are you sure?


and the rights trashing of Francis is more disgusting hypocrisy.

To Jade Dragon: The pope might be special to Roman Catholics,


Pope Frank In Full Regalia

but he is just another priest to me:


Dress Code For Workers

Parenthetically, the old Commies used to say: “Only clerics and fascists wear black.”

You are fakes on your own path, not Christ's.

To Jade Dragon: You know what you can do with your religious beliefs when you take it upon yourself to define mine.

The following observations will not help religious fanatics see the light, but it might offer food for thought to normal people:

Since the day organized religion was invented every priesthood worked to make their religion the one true religion. That never-ending “competition” put the human race on a fast track to hell the day the one God notion ejaculated organized religion as it is practiced today. From the beginning the elimination of every other religion took priority over forcing everybody to believe in God. Basically, religious fanatics hate alien religious fanatics more than they hate atheists. (In today’s world Muslims and Communists are the only priesthoods who proselytize with guns.)

Incidentally, people like me who believe in God, but not religion, do not care what others believe. Did you ever hear of an individual who believed in God beating up someone because they practiced a religion? How many times has the world seen fanatical believers in one religion trying to wipe out, or convert by force, true believers in another religion?

Today’s Muslims reaffirm my long-held view. Individuals were spiritually better-off when there were a bunch of gods; each one specializing in a different realm of piety —— the same as specialists in medicine and law. There are more benefits to be realized from tolerating a plethora of gods as opposed to putting all of our nuts in one squirrel cage.

Assuming the tools for self-defense, rapid communications, etc., would be in the same place today had the one God idea been completed rejected down through the ages, I wonder what the world would be like in the 21st century?

One thing cannot be denied. Societal insistence on a belief in one God. More importantly, a one government world is the evolutionary consequence of a one God universe.

The major problem with a one government world is that it will probably be a Socialist/Communist totalitarian government, or an equally totalitarian Supreme Deity theocracy. Until then, freedom-loving people still have the option of calling upon the much praised, always ignored, wisdom of the ancients who had a top God right along with a bunch of lesser gods. That is probably the model for our own president and members of Congress.

NOTE: Hinduism teaches a belief in a Supreme Being of many forms and natures, but it falls short of endorsing the ancient belief in numerous gods who spent all of their time aggravating the boss if I remember Roman and Greek mythology accurately.

Alas, the one God crowd controlling governments will not hear of multiple gods. It is all or nothing for them, and what is worse from their point of view is that the multiple-god system of religion would most certainly unleash the forces of cynicism. God forbid a cynical distrust of priests and politicians be encouraged.

For the sake of argument, let us say there really are supernatural forces concerned with the individual’s spiritual well-being in the next world. A quick look at the past two thousand years should tell everyone the workload is just too much for one God. I know this is so because even the pope has trouble getting through to the boss. For as long as I can remember, every time it was reported “Pope Prays For Peace” I knew a lot of people were going to die somewhere in the world.

On the other hand, Muslim extremists bent on killing infidels appear to have a direct line to their guy —— they thank Allah for answering their prayers after every successful act of terrorism. (I have to admit God is Good —— to terrorists.)

Roman Catholicism does have saints on the payroll to handle minor requests, but if it is a serious matter you have to get in touch with God. At least with an army of equal gods on call there is a good chance your special favorite will be available to hear your request in times of personal distress.

As it stands now, if you want your prayers to be heard where it counts you are expected to go through a middleman to reach God’s ear before your petition is considered. God’s earthly gatekeepers will never admit it at a prayer meeting, but they frown upon direct personal contact with the CEO whenever that contact is too far removed from the collection plate.

Of course, the salespeople merchandising assorted gods would still expect a small donation. Nevertheless, a bit of healthy competition in the hereafter marketplace should keep donations, and political power, at reasonably low levels; a benefit not to be taken lightly.

The ideal is for every god to stay out of government altogether; however, being part realist and part cynic the best I can expect is severely restricting organized religioun’s participation in the mundane affairs of severely limited government. A thousand or so full-fledged gods cutting up the take does not leave much room for religion’s mischief caused by the one God sharpshooters splitting the pot, and the soul pool, among themselves.

Even though I have a hankering for more gods, I am convinced that all of those one God religions is a negative thing. The followers of every supreme God always end up trying to assert their own guy’s Right to occupy the apex unchallenged. And now we have to contend with the Socialist priesthood pushing their God of economic morality in addition to the zealots of every other one and only True God strangling mankind. God! —— Will humanity never see an end to religion’s meddling?

Having said the above, I have to admit it is possible for every person in the world to belong to one of the traditional organized religions. Every religion’s priesthood, except Socialism, would gladly embrace everyone. However, Socialism’s true believers must feed on the labors of others without giving anything of value in return; so there must always be a large percentage of the population picking up the tab while being excluded from joining the congregation. Indeed, Socialists dare not bestow church membership on the working class because it is absolutely impossible for everyone to live well on tax dollars. Somebody has to do the work and that somebody is NOT going to be a Socialist priest.

Throughout history, the hierarchies of organized religion took all the best of it because they, too, lived on the labors of their flocks. In return for a church’s riches priesthoods offered the laity God, and a better life in the hereafter. As Socialism gains political influence through taxation its liberal priests must finally be exposed as the frauds they are because they cannot offer eternal life to the people who do the work.

In truth, one God religions sell eternal salvation to the workers while Socialism promotes tax slavery without offering any spiritual reward; leading to the obvious conclusion —— Socialism is one sorry-ass religion when you get right down to it.

A breathing spell for mankind is the only thing killing organized religion’s freakazoid’s will accomplish. If everyone of them is eliminated they will be back in a century or two unless decent men figure out how to change human nature.
God can't hate anyone - American trumpers have used up all the hatred in the Universe.

Typical Socialist......TRUTH = HATE. :bigthink: Reality: TRUTH = LOVE That is the basic message contained in the Holy Scriptures. The very mission of the Christ (God incarnate) was to deliver TRUTH FROM HEAVEN.

Is SCIENCE really TRUTH? Objectively look at the claim. Science self confesses to be searching for THE TRUTH. But.....if something is TRUE how can it change every time new evidence voids an old theory accepted as previous truth? For example. It is taught in our classrooms as TRUTH proven via SCIENCE that the earth is some 4 billion years old. Strange is the fact that 50 years ago these same classrooms taught as absolute unquestionable truth.....the earth is 1 billion years old. Someone is lying somewhere.....and they call it SCIENCE. When in reality its "theoretical pseudo science".....where conjectures are taught as truth until a better conjecture comes along that fits into some pre-determined narrative. Real Science can be "APPLIED" via the scientific method. Theoretical science is nothing but philosophy dressed like science thriving on conjecture, assumptions, and baseless opinion.
Typical Socialist......TRUTH = HATE. :bigthink: Reality: TRUTH = LOVE That is the basic message contained in the Holy Scriptures. The very mission of the Christ (God incarnate) was to deliver TRUTH FROM HEAVEN.

Is SCIENCE really TRUTH? Objectively look at the claim. Science self confesses to be searching for THE TRUTH. But.....if something is TRUE how can it change every time new evidence voids an old theory accepted as previous truth? For example. It is taught in our classrooms as TRUTH proven via SCIENCE that the earth is some 4 billion years old. Strange is the fact that 50 years ago these same classrooms taught as absolute unquestionable truth.....the earth is 1 billion years old. Someone is lying somewhere.....and they call it SCIENCE. When in reality its "theoretical pseudo science".....where conjectures are taught as truth until a better conjecture comes along that fits into some pre-determined narrative. Real Science can be "APPLIED" via the scientific method. Theoretical science is nothing but philosophy dressed like science thriving on conjecture, assumptions, and baseless opinion.

When was the last time you took a college level science course?
(((Christianity))) is a Globalist religion. No surprises here.

Pseudoscience consists of statements, beliefs, or practices that are claimed to be both scientific and factual, but are incompatible with the scientific method.

Pseudoscience is often characterized by contradictory, exaggerated or unfalsifiable claims; reliance on confirmation bias rather than rigorous attempts at refutation; lack of openness to evaluation by other experts; and absence of systematic practices when developing theories, and continued adherence long after they have been experimentally discredited.



The demarcation between science and pseudoscience has philosophical and scientific implications. Differentiating science from pseudoscience has practical implications in the case of health care, expert testimony, environmental policies, and science education.

Distinguishing scientific facts and theories from pseudoscientific beliefs, such as those found in astrology, alchemy, alternative medicine, occult beliefs, and creation science, is part of science education and scientific literacy.

Pseudoscience can cause negative consequences in the real world.

Antivaccine activists present pseudoscientific studies that falsely call into question the safety of vaccines. Homeopathic remedies with no active ingredients have been promoted as treatment for deadly diseases.
Of course. Haven't you ever read the Prosperity Gospel on the Mount?

Not just on my head. On your head too. It is the crux of that whole omnipresence thing.


In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches:

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. . . . No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. (Matt. 6:19–24)
You cannot serve both God and money. (Matt. 6:19–24)

To kudzu: Lets talk about money:

“I don’t want to convert you,” Pope Francis once said to a group of Protestant pastors visiting the Vatican. His message to the Islamic world is the same. He is the perfect pope for a post-Christian age, reducing the Church’s “witness” to the ratification of a lowest-common-denominator culture in which all religions supposedly converge on the same path to civilization and salvation. Except they don’t. Out of religious relativism has come less true religion and an explosion of false ones. For centuries the Church sent missionaries out to preach Christ crucified — to challenge disbelief, not confirm it. Now papal trips have all the evangelical fervor of a United Nations delegation visit. The pope offers “hope” not in the cross but in a syncretistic logo cobbled together by a committee.

The Pope’s Bridge to Nowhere
George Neumayr
January 20, 2019, 12:01 am


I get the feeling that Big Frank wants to divide the world into territories the same way bootleggers did it in big cities during prohibition:


syncretism (noun)
syncretism | \ 'si?-kr?-?ti-z?m,'sin-\

1: the combination of different forms of belief or practice

2: the fusion of two or more originally different inflectional forms

Every addiction breeds bootleggers making money from the addiction personality who buy whatever is being sold. Religion’s bootleggers selling institutional compassion are the worst of all. Much worse than every other addict. No sane person wants drug pushers in their life, yet billions worldwide invite pushers into their homes every day. Not only that, those same people encourage their children to listen to charity bootleggers for hours on end.

Charity bootleggers have been around since the first government was formed. They will be around forever because governments force addiction-free individuals to feed the addicted. Inevitably, being forced to pay the bootleggers ends up with everybody working for the addicts physically, financially, and politically. In short: Religion’s bootleggers do not care how many addicts they create well-knowing society will pay to care for them without curing them.

Let me remind you that the R. C. Ch. considers Latin America its territory much like Prohibition era bootleggers divvied up territories in cities and states. The motive is the same:


It follows that the R. C. Ch. has every incentive to encourage a population of Catholic lay people from south of the border to come to the United States. So it is easy for the Vatican to envision a customer base populating the North Pole all the way to Cape Horn.

Incidentally, weakness, or genes, or lack of character, does not create an addict. Gullibility is the prime mover that creates addicts.

Since the day organized religion was invented every priesthood worked to make their religion the one true religion. That never-ending “competition” put the human race on a fast track to hell the day the one God notion ejaculated organized religion as it is practiced today. From the beginning the elimination of every other religion took priority over forcing everybody to believe in God. Basically, religious fanatics hate alien religious fanatics more than they hate atheists. (In today’s world Muslims and Communists are the only priesthoods who proselytize with guns.)

Incidentally, people like me who believe in God, but not religion, do not care what others believe. Did you ever hear of an individual who believed in God beating up someone because they practiced a religion? How many times has the world seen fanatical believers in one religion trying to wipe out, or convert by force, true believers in another religion?

God has not a damn thing to do with organized religion:

A miserable politics awaits us when the irreligious rot flows downstream. Who but God can help us now?

God Help Us: Atheism Becomes Largest Religion In U.S.
By Michael J. Knowles
April 7, 2019

so he must hate Pope Frank:

Globalism is the new word for the old lie about collectivism - that surrendering individual rights and national sovereignty will deliver social justice and income equality.

Globalism: Persuading the Individual to Stop Being an Individual
By Linda Goudsmit​
May 23, 2017


The approval rating of Pope Francis declined all over Europe during the course of 2018, a new analysis observed Wednesday, in large part because of his ever-less popular pro-immigration stance and other globalist positions.

Analyst: Pope’s Sagging Popularity Signals Fading Trust in Globalism
by Thomas D. Williams, PH.D
16 Jan 2019


So nice hat god has chosen you to be his spokesperson, but get in line because every bible thumping christer claims the same thing
To kudzu: Lets talk about money:

“I don’t want to convert you,” Pope Francis once said to a group of Protestant pastors visiting the Vatican. His message to the Islamic world is the same. He is the perfect pope for a post-Christian age, reducing the Church’s “witness” to the ratification of a lowest-common-denominator culture in which all religions supposedly converge on the same path to civilization and salvation. Except they don’t. Out of religious relativism has come less true religion and an explosion of false ones. For centuries the Church sent missionaries out to preach Christ crucified — to challenge disbelief, not confirm it. Now papal trips have all the evangelical fervor of a United Nations delegation visit. The pope offers “hope” not in the cross but in a syncretistic logo cobbled together by a committee.

The Pope’s Bridge to Nowhere
George Neumayr
January 20, 2019, 12:01 am


I get the feeling that Big Frank wants to divide the world into territories the same way bootleggers did it in big cities during prohibition:


syncretism (noun)
syncretism | \ 'si?-kr?-?ti-z?m,'sin-\

1: the combination of different forms of belief or practice

2: the fusion of two or more originally different inflectional forms

Every addiction breeds bootleggers making money from the addiction personality who buy whatever is being sold. Religion’s bootleggers selling institutional compassion are the worst of all. Much worse than every other addict. No sane person wants drug pushers in their life, yet billions worldwide invite pushers into their homes every day. Not only that, those same people encourage their children to listen to charity bootleggers for hours on end.

Charity bootleggers have been around since the first government was formed. They will be around forever because governments force addiction-free individuals to feed the addicted. Inevitably, being forced to pay the bootleggers ends up with everybody working for the addicts physically, financially, and politically. In short: Religion’s bootleggers do not care how many addicts they create well-knowing society will pay to care for them without curing them.

Let me remind you that the R. C. Ch. considers Latin America its territory much like Prohibition era bootleggers divvied up territories in cities and states. The motive is the same:


It follows that the R. C. Ch. has every incentive to encourage a population of Catholic lay people from south of the border to come to the United States. So it is easy for the Vatican to envision a customer base populating the North Pole all the way to Cape Horn.

Incidentally, weakness, or genes, or lack of character, does not create an addict. Gullibility is the prime mover that creates addicts.

ummm your christinsanity was taken from other pagan religions ned