God. The Ultimate EVIL!


The same holds true for any belief in a higher being. Because being a higher being, most people would assume that it controls their lives. So that anything you may do is justifiable. Because ultimately, god is responsible. Not you. Such a deflection is EVIL. I actually met a true believer once who thought that any fucked up thing he did was ok. Because if god didn't want him to be fucked up, he wouldn't have created him to be fucked up.
The same holds true for any belief in a higher being. Because being a higher being, most people would assume that it controls their lives. So that anything you may do is justifiable. Because ultimately, god is responsible. Not you. Such a deflection is EVIL. I actually met a true believer once who thought that any fucked up thing he did was ok. Because if god didn't want him to be fucked up, he wouldn't have created him to be fucked up.

Good reasoning.
To bad they are going to burn in Hell!

I could only wish. But as John Milton once wrote, "The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven." And the way things are now, people are being programmed to look at our hell as a heaven.
I could only wish. But as John Milton once wrote, "The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven." And the way things are now, people are being programmed to look at our hell as a heaven.

Good quote. The mind can decide to live in heaven or hell.
Everybody wants to go to heaven- But no one can actually describe it very well.


And most of what people have described to me didn't sound very exciting!

I'm not sure an afterlife or eternal life is for me.
Everybody wants to go to heaven- But no one can actually describe it very well.


And most of what people have described to me didn't sound very exciting!

I'm not sure an afterlife or eternal life is for me.

The Christian idea of an afterlife was a real turn off for me.
Everybody wants to go to heaven- But no one can actually describe it very well.


And most of what people have described to me didn't sound very exciting!

I'm not sure an afterlife or eternal life is for me.

Well for a negro, heaven would probably be getting all the White pussy he could get. With no fear of being lynched.
The Christian idea of an afterlife was a real turn off for me.

Whoever God is- He surely must be some kind of a Donald Trump!

God sounds a bit vendictive to me- Worship me or I will cast you to hell so you will burn for eternity!

And God must be a racist like Donald Trump- "Today's act of God is- let's have a major earthquake and kill millions of Haitians- or I think I'll just wipe the Haitians off of the earth with the next hurricane- or I'll just starve millions upon millions of people to death in that shithole called Africa".

Is Covid19 another one of God's creations? Trump may have recklessly caused the death of a quarter million Americans, But so far GOD's creation of Covid19 has killed 1,425,765 people around the world.

And what is all of this Trump like mentality of "Thou shalt have no other God before Me"?

I'm not sure if Trump is GOD or the Devil! I really don't see much difference.
God just doesn't seem like a reasonable, stable, fair or even a good being to me.
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Whoever God is- He surely must be some kind of a Donald Trump!

God sounds a bit vendictive to me- Worship me or I will cast you to hell so you will burn for eternity!

And God must be a racist like Donald Trump- "Today's act of God is- let's have a major earthquake and kill millions of Haitians- or I think I'll just wipe the Haitians off of the earth with the next hurricane- or lets starve millions of people in that shithole called Africa".

And what is all of this Trump like behavior of "Thou shalt have no other God before Me" bullshit mentality?

I'm not sure if Trump is GOD or the Devil! I really don't see much difference.

Yes, Bible portrays God as a tyrant.
The same holds true for any belief in a higher being. Because being a higher being, most people would assume that it controls their lives. So that anything you may do is justifiable. Because ultimately, god is responsible. Not you. Such a deflection is EVIL. I actually met a true believer once who thought that any fucked up thing he did was ok. Because if god didn't want him to be fucked up, he wouldn't have created him to be fucked up.

The same holds true for any belief in a higher being.

Your landlord is a higher being. Similarly the Tax man. And the doctor.
And all those beautiful people that live in penthouses living the good life
–all this higher beings live in a stratum of life you are not privy to.

Because being a higher being, most people would assume that it controls their lives.

beautiful people that live in penthouses living the good life =
people you are not privy to nor invited nor consulted and it is universally the status quo.

So that anything you may do is justifiable.

This sentence is mis-stated? Justified as in allowed acts via arbitrary mandates?.

Because ultimately, god is responsible.

Everything you’ve written is your best speculations. Yes?

Not you. Such a deflection is EVIL.

Everything you achieved is owned by your own acts. Yes?

I actually met a true believer once who thought that any fucked up thing he did was ok. Because if god didn't want him to be fucked up, he wouldn't have created him to be fucked up.

Every time just one single passenger needs aide the whole train stops and we wait. Yes?
It’s a two-way street of bumper cars going separate ways in the same fashion?