God Turning His Face from us:palm:


New member
The ailments of our world are the direct result of sin, does God hear the prayers of a sinner?, of course, He hears all, but His reaction is different to those praying amiss and those praying for repentance or in the righteous will of God.

The Bible states that the fervent prayers of the righteous avail much, passionate prayers of those in the will of God, are answered.

Our country has allowed in so many moral breakdowns and advocated in evil ones in authority, sitting in high places, God has turned His face from us.
there is no proof of any gods or monsters

There is also no proof that there is not a God; personally being a person of faith, I feel that it takes a great leap of faith to believe that we all of sudden just bang into existence.

yes because there is no proof

I like facts

people used to believe the Craken was real too

its not
There is also no proof that there is not a God; personally being a person of faith, I feel that it takes a great leap of faith to believe that we all of sudden just bang into existence.

the physical world arround us has always been in exsistance

It is the reality of things

the simple (who created god) is all you need to know its not silly to just accept that the nature of reality is its always been here and it always will be here.

we are just here because of the nature of things that exist
believe whtever yu believe

dont start making claims like you did here without realizing that many people dont share your FAITH.

it will not make sense to others unless they share your faith

many religions are godless
This being a thread of entitled religion, philosophy and ethics, I would think that any claim I make in ref. to what I believe would not frighten ones.
and this is an open thread

yes nyou are talki ng to me

Im allowed to comment

no religious persecution for me
I said if you were frighten....did I not? YOU said you weren't ......did you not? then my comment was not at you, and you shouldn't have receive it to be. ;) I am happy in my belief and you be happy in yours, just because an individual says they believe in God, does not mean you are being persecuted, and if you feel that way, you need to explore the option of becoming a believer, Love you!
The ailments of our world are the direct result of sin, does God hear the prayers of a sinner?, of course, He hears all, but His reaction is different to those praying amiss and those praying for repentance or in the righteous will of God.

The Bible states that the fervent prayers of the righteous avail much, passionate prayers of those in the will of God, are answered.

Our country has allowed in so many moral breakdowns and advocated in evil ones in authority, sitting in high places, God has turned His face from us.

your theory is flawed do to your bias
slavery was not a moral failure?

the maltreatment of women during our founding was not a moral failure

man has always been flawed

will likely always be flawed

I strive to be the best person I can

Not becuase of threat of everlasting buring in hell (very evil thing to do to flawed beings you created to be flawed)

Not because Im trying to live forever

Becuase I have love in my heart for my fellow man that no being had to FORCE there
Confidence can be mistaken for bias, I am convinced, will remain convinced, the elements of this world are arranged perfectly, not by accident only by divine intervention. It is short sighted to see it any other way. Correct bias is better than incorrect bias.

P.S. I'm going love you
who was it that asked a man to kill his own child ?

who was it that allowed that child to believe his father was goin g to kill him?

why did he need to test a man he creaated?

he is all knowing and all seeing

he knew already IF he existed
Confidence can be mistaken for bias, I am convinced, will remain convinced, the elements of this world are arranged perfectly, not by accident only by divine intervention. It is short sighted to see it any other way. Correct bias is better than incorrect bias.

P.S. I'm going love you

I love you too

there is no reason to believe god exists other than the desire to see it that way.

you were trained from birth to see it that way.

many cultures are not

dont be biased
slavery was not a moral failure?

the maltreatment of women during our founding was not a moral failure
No it was a sin

man has always been flawed

will likely always be flawed

Yes, because we are born in sin, however with repentance to God we become a new creation

I strive to be the best person I can

Not becuase of threat of everlasting buring in hell (very evil thing to do to flawed beings you created to be flawed)

Not because Im trying to live forever

Becuase I have love in my heart for my fellow man that no being had to FORCE there

That is good, I do believe most strive for that same thing, however I have faith that I will live forever, if I believe in heaven I also believe in a agonizing hell maybe not the description you gave but definitely real
I love you too

there is no reason to believe god exists other than the desire to see it that way.

you were trained from birth to see it that way.

many cultures are not

dont be biased

I happen to be trained from birth to believe, that was a blessing, but my belief is also because of my experiences in life, and knowledge I attained by realizing that the many times I in my flawed state needed help, God was there for me when no one else was. I give praise and I give him honor, Yeshua