Gold, Gold, Gold!

Exchange-traded funds

Exchange-traded funds (or ETFs) represent a quick and easy way for an investor to gain exposure to the silver price, without the inconvenience of storing physical bars. The silver ETFs are:

* iShares Silver Trust (NYSE: SLV), launched in April 2006 by iShares.
* Central Fund of Canada (TSX: CEF.NV.A, NYSE: CEF) has 45% of its reserves held in silver with the remainder invested in gold.
* In September 2006 ETF Securities launched ETFS Silver (LSE: SLVR) which tracks the DJ-AIG Silver Sub-Index, and later in April 2007 ETFS Physical Silver (LSE: PHAG) which is backed by allocated silver bullion.

BTW may want to steer clear of a fund named: PHAG
Oil companies are not valued on 95 oil.
I guess you buy what you know.
I just not sure how many guys can call gold directionally since it's mainly and inflation hedge. I do think inflation is going up, but if it doesn't get bad gold could tank. I'll stick to what I know picking outstanding companies.
nothing wrong with sticking what you know. That will tend to lead a person to make fewer mistakes as the more you understand WHAT your investments are, the less emotion will be involved in your decision making.
is it Jarrod or cawacko who's a pension fund manager? you two guys know enough to do commodities and currencey stuff. I wouldn't advise it to any novice or even experienced investor.
Its cawacko.

I would agree that if someone is unfamiliar with the investment, they should either do their own research or get advice from a professional to ensure that the particular investment is suitable for them individually. (regardless of what the investment is)
agreed, I still hold that you and cawacko or prob the only ones sophisticated enough to do gold and currency. Stocks are a bit easier.
agreed, I still hold that you and cawacko or prob the only ones sophisticated enough to do gold and currency. Stocks are a bit easier.

Gold is easy.... country is experiencing declining or negative growth with a weak dollar... you buy gold.

dollar gaining strength, uptick in growth rate of economy... you sell gold.

Playing it for short term moves is certainly a bit more risky and detailed, but the long term trends are fairly simple. Especially if you buy bullion rather than a miner. (similiar in oil to buying the oil rather than a driller)