Good bye

p.s. in case everyone doesn't know, stories4u is alive. brent confirmed this a while ago. he faked his death on april fools and then I guess realized he went to far so he left forever lmao.
stories4u was from and

he was like this conservative poster but mostly polite, always wrote long posts.

anyway on april 1st 2005 his "wife" comes on his account and said he died from cancer and was totally dead

everyone bought it hook line and sinker and myself, blackflag and maybe a few others thought it was bullshit

anyway years later brent found out that he was still alive. i forget how though.
usc is 95% likely making a dumb april fools joke and 5% being super emo over something that I have no clue about.
he was a major poster on 3d.

and yeah pretty sure it was 2005. it was right when we switched over to fp.

maybe it was 2006.

but he was def on
It was still on when he "died"... if he died. I spent weeks saying that it was BS, but when he wasn't coming back I later thought twice...

I liked him. Too bad he "died"...