Good bye

I sure hope you guys are correct.

I liked stories.

he was decent and I sure thought he was dying.

sometimes people fake lifes tramas because they are in emotional trama.

I think stories had an epifiany that his ideas were all screwed up and DIED in a fashion and was reborn.

I was talking to him late one night about abortion and he seemed to grasp something he had never grasped about it.

Soon he was "dead".

Im still not real sure if he did survive.

Imagine the desire to know what people will say about you after you die.

Your dying and you think of the idea.

I could not pull it off but everyone here knows I was born without lie bones.
If USC is fine and just done with the internets and all the tubes that would be ok with me.

I am just amazed at how right he was about EVERYTHING we talked about for years upon years nearly every day.

He is one top notch guy who always saw things through lens of compassioin for others.

I hope he continues doing that for many years to come even if I dot get to be privy to all his musings.

good travels my friend

you da man
If USC is fine and just done with the internets and all the tubes that would be ok with me.

I am just amazed at how right he was about EVERYTHING we talked about for years upon years nearly every day.

He is one top notch guy who always saw things through lens of compassioin for others.

I hope he continues doing that for many years to come =even if I dot get to be privy to all his musings.

good travels my friend

you da man

Nicely said Desh! I agree.
It was still on when he "died"... if he died. I spent weeks saying that it was BS, but when he wasn't coming back I later thought twice...

I liked him. Too bad he "died"...

then it must have been 2005, right when we switched over to fp