Googled an old friend

interestingly, if you google midcan5, JPP is the first hit...yet i know he posts on other boards under the same name.

Yup, that's how it came up for me. Also - I'd never heard of this board before. I sampled many boards, but I usually just post at one board. I am now active on two, but I posted at one board from July of 2010 to July 2011, and another from July 2011 to August 2012.

It's good to find an active board that seemingly not much of anybody knows about.
I saw how they treated him at my last forum. Hence my google efforts.

He's a good egg.
Yeah, I'm already up to my eyeballs with all the good, God-fearing men on this board.

At this rate, I'll need to take tomorrow off to get fumigated.