Googled an old friend

he doesn't even have to wait to see how you treat virtually all those who lean right when they post


Over in the Current Events section...there's nearly a half dozen threads where I'm having perfectly civil discussions with Right Leaning posters.

The difference between them and you?

THEY can respond with intelligence and civility...UNFORTUNATELY, you have shown time and again you are incapable of doing either.

Over in the Current Events section...there's nearly a half dozen threads where I'm having perfectly civil discussions with Right Leaning posters.

The difference between them and you?

THEY can respond with intelligence and civility...UNFORTUNATELY, you have shown time and again you are incapable of doing either.

not true. anyone who looks at your forum posts on your profile can easily discern that your claim is false.

the post above is just more evidence of that.

i challenge you to have a civil and intelligent discussion with me. care to walk the walk?
not true. anyone who looks at your forum posts on your profile can easily discern that your claim is false.

the post above is just more evidence of that.

i challenge you to have a civil and intelligent discussion with me. care to walk the walk?

Riiiiiiight...sorry...ain't happening.

Anyone can check my forum posts and see I'm having perfectly civil discussion with cawacko, SF and a couple other right leaning posters at this time...

The difference between them and you is they put their money where their mouth is.

You've lied to me too many times...too many times have I bought into your pious "promises of civility" only to wind up getting more YurtShit sprayed all over some discussion and I'm not falling for it again.
Riiiiiiight...sorry...ain't happening.

Anyone can check my forum posts and see I'm having perfectly civil discussion with cawacko, SF and a couple other right leaning posters at this time...

The difference between them and you is they put their money where their mouth is.

You've lied to me too many times...too many times have I bought into your pious "promises of civility" only to wind up getting more YurtShit sprayed all over some discussion and I'm not falling for it again.

I hear that. People get exactly one chance to show me civility, and then we're done.
Riiiiiiight...sorry...ain't happening.

Anyone can check my forum posts and see I'm having perfectly civil discussion with cawacko, SF and a couple other right leaning posters at this time...

The difference between them and you is they put their money where their mouth is.

You've lied to me too many times...too many times have I bought into your pious "promises of civility" only to wind up getting more YurtShit sprayed all over some discussion and I'm not falling for it again.

and once again, instead of walking the walk, zappa engages in insults and petty attacks without ever engaging in civility.

you convict yourself.
and once again, instead of walking the walk, zappa engages in insults and petty attacks without ever engaging in civility.

you convict yourself.

You keep saying I won't "walk the walk"

Funny, but no one sees you "walking the walk" either.

Once again Yurt, who could lead by example, prove he's being honest this time and show he's ready to "walk the walk" he expects everyone else to do, instead does as he always does and drops the pretense of civil discourse to go with more derision.

And he wonders why no one will debate him?
i do walk my walk. i have no problem with insults and debate. you are the one whining and crying all over the board about civil debate, yet you never engage me in it. you constantly whine about my insults all the while you insult me. you also insult most of the board when they don't agree with you. why you whine about insults when you dish out most of the insults on this board is beyond me.

"no one debates with me"

that is all the proof we need to know zappa is nothing but a hate filled liar who is so angry at life he uses JPP as his bitching ground. i'm tired of trying to get you to walk your walk and engage in actual discussion or debate instead of insults.
i do walk my walk. i have no problem with insults and debate. you are the one whining and crying all over the board about civil debate, yet you never engage me in it. you constantly whine about my insults all the while you insult me. you also insult most of the board when they don't agree with you. why you whine about insults when you dish out most of the insults on this board is beyond me.

"no one debates with me"

that is all the proof we need to know zappa is nothing but a hate filled liar who is so angry at life he uses JPP as his bitching ground. i'm tired of trying to get you to walk your walk and engage in actual discussion or debate instead of insults.

Oh the sanctimoniousness of it all...poor, POOR put upon Yurt...others expect you to ACTUALLY have an adult conversation.

Of COURSE you don't have a problem with've been raised to believe that insults and derision are acceptable forms of communication between adults.

I on the other hand was taught that insults and vulgarity are the last refuge of the weak minded...a statement you prove over and over day after day after day.

And make no mistake...I insult you because you insult have yet to show me you can "walk the walk" and I certainly don't plan on opening myself up to more YurtShit.

You've said time and again how you are ready to engage in civil debate, curiously, you've yet to follow through on your claim.

Why is that?
you were taught that insults and vulgarity are the last refuge of the weak constantly engage in insults and're weak minded....

oh my LULZ

seriously, you are fracking hilarious. thanks for the laugh, i truly laughed out loud.

i have followed through, dozens of times, and each time you insult me. STFU you whiny baby. i told you i no longer care about trying to get you to be civil. you're a waste of time. you're only good for laughs
you were taught that insults and vulgarity are the last refuge of the weak constantly engage in insults and vulgarity

oh my LULZ

seriously, you are fracking hilarious. thanks for the laugh, i truly laughed out loud.

Of course I've NEVER claimed I was above lowering myself down to Yurt's level to engage in some mud slinging.

The difference between Yurt and myself is obvious. Yurt never hesitates to initiate the insult fests, whereas I merely RESPOND to his taunts and derision with more of the same

But nobody expected honesty from Yurt with regards to this...

Here we find the same guy--YURT--who whined for a week when I dared to post HALF of one of his responses, does just what he whines about when someone else does it...

Why can't Yurt post my entire comment if he hates it so much when it's done to him?

Good ol Two-Faced, hypocritical Yurt!