GOP's Golden Bullhorn does it again!


Shaken, not stirred!
Once again, Rush Limbaugh does what he's paid the big bucks for....and it's sure as hell going to cost the Republican party in up-coming elections (oh yeah....there are conservative/neocon/teabagger/libertarian/oather/threeper women who use contraceptives and birth control options via their insurance, don't cha know). Now Clear Channel may not want to dump their cash cow...but if it costs their Conservative money masters, they might want to reconsider.

Rush Limbaugh calls woman on birth control 'slut,' but she shows class

Rush Limbaugh rightly loses advertiser over 'slut' comment
i really don't think this will have an impact on any election. while rush has many listeners, he certainly isn't a big factor that people consider when voting. he is a shock jock....and really, this isn't that shocking.
i really don't think this will have an impact on any election. while rush has many listeners, he certainly isn't a big factor that people consider when voting. he is a shock jock....and really, this isn't that shocking.

I find it fascinating that whenever a leading pundit for the neocon/teabagger cause publically screws up big time, SUDDENLY he's minimalized in an attempt to downplay his screw-up.

Sorry Yurt, but that dog just won't fly. Limbaugh at the height of his "popularity" received receive the Republican Congressional Medal of Distinction, and then Limbaugh himself bragged at how successful his "Operation Chaos" advocacy against the Democratic Convention did. Deal with it.
I find it fascinating that whenever a leading pundit for the neocon/teabagger cause publically screws up big time, SUDDENLY he's minimalized in an attempt to downplay his screw-up.

Sorry Yurt, but that dog just won't fly. Limbaugh at the height of his "popularity" received receive the Republican Congressional Medal of Distinction, and then Limbaugh himself bragged at how successful his "Operation Chaos" advocacy against the Democratic Convention did. Deal with it.

i find it fascinating that no matter how many times you're told limbaugh may have many listeners, but he is not a big factor in ELECTIONS....that you still continue to believe he is.

tell you what....prove limbaugh is a big factor in elections.

operation chaos was not successful. limbaugh is a shock jock that would of course brag it was successful. do you honestly think limbaugh would say it wasn't? i used to listen to him occasionally when driving, however, i can't even stand him anymore. he is there for making money and pissing off liberals. you're only giving him more attention and he loves that.
Has no one ever explained to Rush how the pill actually works?

He seems to think you take a pill every time you have sex!

Look how indignant all the libtards are getting.... where was it when Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a cunt????

Look how indignant all the libtards are getting.... where was it when Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a cunt????

I have it on good authority that on the next SNL, Tina Fey will quip that it's only a Fluke that you can see Russia from her vagina.........
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
I find it fascinating that whenever a leading pundit for the neocon/teabagger cause publically screws up big time, SUDDENLY he's minimalized in an attempt to downplay his screw-up.

Sorry Yurt, but that dog just won't fly. Limbaugh at the height of his "popularity" received receive the Republican Congressional Medal of Distinction, and then Limbaugh himself bragged at how successful his "Operation Chaos" advocacy against the Democratic Convention did. Deal with it.

i find it fascinating that no matter how many times you're told limbaugh may have many listeners, but he is not a big factor in ELECTIONS....that you still continue to believe he is.

tell you what....prove limbaugh is a big factor in elections.

operation chaos was not successful. limbaugh is a shock jock that would of course brag it was successful. do you honestly think limbaugh would say it wasn't? i used to listen to him occasionally when driving, however, i can't even stand him anymore. he is there for making money and pissing off liberals. you're only giving him more attention and he loves that.

If Limbaugh wasn't important to the GOP regarding elections, then why give him the award? Why give him that elevation in the public eye? Why does EVERY GOP politico of note makes a beeline to Limbaugh before and/or after a campaign if he is so insignificant in garnering votes?

Yes, the Operation Chaos was a failure...a "dirty trick" that failed...a "dirty trick" that DID get fans to act upon his orders, and a "dirty trick" that was NOT roundly derided by the GOP political leadership.

Even conservative journalist/pundit George Will recognizes Limbaugh's influence on the GOP:

It's a matter of honest, objective observation and NOT belief, Yurt.
i don't get the "how birth control" works angle.....that is not what rush was blabbering about.

Rush doesn't "get it", Yurt....that's the point! The blowhard goes after this woman because right now you have dullards like Santorum humping right wing-nut evangelicals for votes....and birth control is the push button distortion and lies are part of the menu for right wing jokers like Rush.

Limbaugh essentially commited the crime of defamation of character.....I wonder if she'll sue?

Look how indignant all the libtards are getting.... where was it when Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a cunt????

I don't have cable, and if Maher did say EXACTLY that then I'm surprised Palin and the entire right wing media didn't raise hell?

But since YOU can't logically or factually disprove or refute the facts I posted about, seems you just knee-jerk "oh yeah, your guyus did it too". Instead, you just bleat like a retarded sheep. Carry on.
If Limbaugh wasn't important to the GOP regarding elections, then why give him the award? Why give him that elevation in the public eye? Why does EVERY GOP politico of note makes a beeline to Limbaugh before and/or after a campaign if he is so insignificant in garnering votes?

Yes, the Operation Chaos was a failure...a "dirty trick" that failed...a "dirty trick" that DID get fans to act upon his orders, and a "dirty trick" that was NOT roundly derided by the GOP political leadership.

Even conservative journalist/pundit George Will recognizes Limbaugh's influence on the GOP:

It's a matter of honest, objective observation and NOT belief, Yurt.

Why GIVE Obama a Nobel Peace Prize, for what he MIGHT do?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
If Limbaugh wasn't important to the GOP regarding elections, then why give him the award? Why give him that elevation in the public eye? Why does EVERY GOP politico of note makes a beeline to Limbaugh before and/or after a campaign if he is so insignificant in garnering votes?

Yes, the Operation Chaos was a failure...a "dirty trick" that failed...a "dirty trick" that DID get fans to act upon his orders, and a "dirty trick" that was NOT roundly derided by the GOP political leadership.

Even conservative journalist/pundit George Will recognizes Limbaugh's influence on the GOP:

It's a matter of honest, objective observation and NOT belief, Yurt.
Why GIVE Obama a Nobel Peace Prize, for what he MIGHT do?

Why are you trying to change the topic of conversation? Are you giving Rush a excuse or justification by NOT addressing the facts I posted on this thread?