GOP's Golden Bullhorn does it again!

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
So I take it that PostModernProphet and Derp approve or excuse Limbaughs slander and misogynistic remarks?
works for me......I've called all of you worse things than that.....

What "works for" you, PMP? Come, come my Post Modern Fool....stop being an intellectual coward and dishonest person here, grow up and just either admit you approve of, defend or excuse Limbaughs bile against Ms. Fluke. If you can't, then I'll just leave you to blather on with your compadres....the audience will see you for what you are by your actions, as the chronology of the post will always be your undoing.
What "works for" you, PMP? Come, come my Post Modern Fool....stop being an intellectual coward and dishonest person here, grow up and just either admit you approve of, defend or excuse Limbaughs bile against Ms. Fluke. If you can't, then I'll just leave you to blather on with your compadres....the audience will see you for what you are by your actions, as the chronology of the post will always be your undoing.

the less dimwitted posters realized that I excuse it......she may be yards above your level of quality, but she still deserves no better treatment than I would afford you......and the chronology of my posts to the entire board will show that I have always considered you a slut......
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
What "works for" you, PMP? Come, come my Post Modern Fool....stop being an intellectual coward and dishonest person here, grow up and just either admit you approve of, defend or excuse Limbaughs bile against Ms. Fluke. If you can't, then I'll just leave you to blather on with your compadres....the audience will see you for what you are by your actions, as the chronology of the post will always be your undoing.
the less dimwitted posters realized that I excuse it......she may be yards above your level of quality, but she still deserves no better treatment than I would afford you......and the chronology of my posts to the entire board will show that I have always considered you a slut......

You're still babbling, my Post Modern Fool....the chronology of the posts on this thread shows YOU to be a dishonest, intellectual coward who dare not admit someone of opposite ideology is right in leiu of the FACTS in evidence.....YOUR right wing pride and insipid stubborness won't allow it. So instead, you bluff & bluster and attempt insults to divert from your intellectual dishonesty and cowardice, as seen above.

Here's how I explained it to your compadre:!&p=961435#post961435

You fool no one but yourself, my Post Modern Fool....I wonder if any female relative of yours would gladly accept the insinuations of Limbaugh's attack, much less your back handed approval of it? Carry on.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Why are you trying to change the topic of conversation? Are you giving Rush a excuse or justification by NOT addressing the facts I posted on this thread?

I didn't change the conversation.
You mentioned an award and so did I. :)

One of your like minded compadres tried to state that Limbaugh has little to no effect on the GOP electorate, let alone the GOP. All I did was post the FACT that the GOP gave him the highest civilian award possible from a Congressional party, which proves him dead wrong. That Limbaugh has now effectively pissed off a LOT of women (regardless of political persuasions) will have a marked effect on his future as a "ratings" getter, let alone the upcoming elections.

You're mentioning the Nobel Peace prize without giving an indication as to it's relevency (beyond that it's an "award") to the subject at hand is just another pointless blurb on your part.

So, are YOU defending Limbaugh's tirade against Ms. Fluke? Are you joining Limbaugh and his apologists/flunkies that this means nothing? Are you saying that Limbaugh is insignificant in the public forum of politics?