Gospel of Luke & its vaguely communist disposition


Red letter edition bibles are those in which the Dominical words—those spoken by Jesus Christ, commonly only those spoken during his corporeal life on Earth—are printed rubricated, in red ink. This is a modern practice derived from the art and Roman Catholic practice in mediaeval scriptoria of rubricating headings, leading letters of sectional text, and words of text in manuscripts for emphasis, similar to italicization.
Of course Jesus was neither and his only interest in politics was to not run afoul of it. render unto Caesar and all.

whats more interesting is people trying to politisize something that is apolitical.

Jesus had no issue with prosperity only pointed out that it can be difficult for some whose primary interest is showing off that wealth might have a hard time accepting a lord and savior (hard for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, that eye was a term for a low passage through a city wall which would require the camel to go on its knees).

I think you are in the right ball park.

But in general, Christianity has never been based strictly on written scripture. It is equally based on tradition. There is long tradition in certain realms of Christianity that actions are just as important as faith. In fact, actions may just be another extension of faith.

In theory, the church was always supposed to side with the poor and the oppressed. Even if a lot of the time, they didn't.

Liberation theology, I think is premised on putting Christian tradition into action by openly siding with the oppressed to improve the human condition of this world, and not just waiting around for salvation in the next.
I think you are in the right ball park.

But in general, Christianity has never been based strictly on written scripture. It is equally based on tradition. There is long tradition in certain realms of Christianity that actions are just as important as faith. In fact, actions may just be another extension of faith.

In theory, the church was always supposed to side with the poor and the oppressed. Even if a lot of the time, they didn't.

Liberation theology, I think is premised on putting Christian tradition into action by openly siding with the oppressed to improve the human condition of this world, and not just waiting around for salvation in the next.

and its when they turned from directly helping those that needed it to influencing governments is where it took it's eye off the ball.
Instead of using that cash to teach men to fish, they bought beautiful statues, fabulous cathedrals, snazzy clothes and Popemobiles. This applies to more than just the RCC but obviously they have the most noted instances of it.
And America used to understand this very well as they encoded that there be NO establishment of religion in its founding document. They knew very well the result of marrying church to state. They saw the result all throughout the Old World and were to have none of that here.
I think Jesus was a one of the worlds great philosophers

So I read about his words

So I am allowed to speak about it

Did you read the CRT writings?
Horse shit!

Jesus...and Luke...both were communists before the time of communism.

A kind of communism makes sense to me. Not that everyone have equal...but that everyone have sufficient...and then whatever exists above everyone having sufficient be worked out in the dog eat dog world.

A post such as this takes a certain level of kookooatude. :eek:
Jesus said people should treat each other with love

So many who claim him as their savior treat people badly

I think Jesus was a one of the worlds great philosophers

So I read about his words

So I am allowed to speak about it

Did you read the CRT writings?

Yes, they are divisive and designed to foster feelings of hate and anger between races in America.
Luke portrays Jesus’s ministry as a prophetic call to inclusion in God’s people. Luke’s language about wealth and material possessions has two aspects:

• At one level, it symbolizes the marginalized of society who are called into God’s favor.

• At another level, the response to that call must be enacted by the use of possessions; that is, possessions are shared with others.

Thus, in Luke, Jesus’s ministry is more political than it is in Mark and Matthew; it is remarkable for the way in which Jesus reaches out to the stigmatized of society.

For eating with tax collectors and sinners, Jesus is rebuked by the Pharisees (7:34). In Luke’s narrative, sinners, the outcast, and the poor are the new righteous, while the righteous and the powerful are being excluded.

Luke-Acts places the emphasis on communal property and the eschewing of ostentatious wealth and material possession.

In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus is himself a charismatic figure whose radical manner of life exemplifies his program. The Lukan Jesus calls followers to a radical discipleship that imitates the prophetic life of Jesus.

Source credit: Luke Timothy Johnson" PhD, Emory University

I need to reread that!
only problem is that Jesus did not see the government as benevolent and the driver in being one's brother's keeper. that was our job. the idea of making it the government's job was a way to separate you from your money. so govt takes your dollar, spends a penny on brother's keeper and eats the rest.

govt is never the solution, it is always the problem.

even Jesus knew this.

Jesus lived through the occupation of Rome.
Hardly a government of "The people".