Got Pets?


Althea told me...........
I couldn't find a thread for pet pix. Althea is one of my cats. She's in my avatar. She literally walked into my house one day. Starving, and afraid of humans.

This is what she looked like a few minutes after invading my privacy. I only decided to keep her because I had a black cat, and I thought they'd make good bookends.

althea day 1.jpg
I couldn't find a thread for pet pix. Althea is one of my cats. She's in my avatar. She literally walked into my house one day. Starving, and afraid of humans.

This is what she looked like a few minutes after invading my privacy. I only decided to keep her because I had a black cat, and I thought they'd make good bookends.

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She’s very pretty. I have a cat and a dog, my cat is a Bengal, my dog is a mutt and a rescue. They are my babies
She’s very pretty. I have a cat and a dog, my cat is a Bengal, my dog is a mutt and a rescue. They are my babies
I always had cats/dogs. Been years since I had a dog though. Cats are easy. I have more pix on my other computer. I'll post later.
I couldn't find a thread for pet pix. Althea is one of my cats. She's in my avatar. She literally walked into my house one day. Starving, and afraid of humans.

This is what she looked like a few minutes after invading my privacy. I only decided to keep her because I had a black cat, and I thought they'd make good bookends.

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That is a nice kitty.

I love cats and dogs. In certain ways, I like them better than people. Their loyalty and affection is unconditional, one of the few things in life one can count on with utter confidence and certainty.
If there is a God, he/she probably put me on this Earth to take care of animals. I commend you for adopting and taking care of your white Althea.

I currently have a rescue cat; my little doggy passed away a couple years ago.

“Love the animals. God has given them the rudiments of thought and joy untroubled. Do not trouble it, do not harass them, do not deprive them of their happiness, do not work against God's intent.” -- Fyodor Dostoyevsky, "The Brothers Karamazov"
She’s very pretty. I have a cat and a dog, my cat is a Bengal, my dog is a mutt and a rescue. They are my babies
This is a recent pic of Stella. The wild one we discussed earlier. I'll post pix of the day I first made contact with her. There's a tortie sleeping between my legs behind the computer!

two kitties.jpg
That is a nice kitty.

I love cats and dogs. In certain ways, I like them better than people. Their loyalty and affection is unconditional, one of the few things in life one can count on with utter confidence and certainty.
If there is a God, he/she probably put me on this Earth to take care of animals. I commend you for adopting and taking care of your white Althea.

I currently have a rescue cat; my little doggy passed away a couple years ago.
In case you couldn't tell by my posts...I get along with animals much more than I do humans. Agree about the loyalty, etc.
Savannah....a feral that we trapped as a kitten. Don't let her beauty fool you. She'll bite to the bone if you aren't paying attention!

She's about 14 now

4 doggies

I would love a cat again

but my hubby would kill me

he thinks our family is big enough already

never too many for me

yeap Ill likely be that old cat/dog lady down the street if I out live the hubby.

the one in my pic border collie/bernese mountain dog mix (guess)

a merle ausstrailian shepard/aussie cattle dog mix (guess)

a tri color border collie/assie mix (guess)

and the brown dog

he looks like a miniture rodesian ridgeback

who knows what he is

all mid age
Savannah....a feral that we trapped as a kitten. Don't let her beauty fool you. She'll bite to the bone if you aren't paying attention!

She's about 14 now

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Cat's Diary

Day 983 of My Captivity

My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.

The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates my capabilities. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a “good little hunter” I am.

There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of “allergies.” I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.

Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow, but at the top of the stairs.

I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released, and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously a moron. The bird must be an informant. I observe him communicate with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now…
I couldn't find a thread for pet pix. Althea is one of my cats. She's in my avatar. She literally walked into my house one day. Starving, and afraid of humans.

This is what she looked like a few minutes after invading my privacy. I only decided to keep her because I had a black cat, and I thought they'd make good bookends.

View attachment 5617

We've got four cats in just the last year and a half. The first was adopted after my brother in law dropped him off in our woods. Two are adopted ferals, and one is a rescue. I'm allergic, so I had to build an elaborate cat enclosure for my wife.

This is Simon, he was the bro on law's cat. More pics to come.

Cabot is a of the smallest cats ever. But he considers the house to be his...and he dominates Napoleon...although for the most part, they get along just fine.





Cooper is a cat who just came along and decided he was going to be our cat. He had a clipped ear so we knew he was fixed, but we took him to our vet for shots...and found out he has feline we cannot put him in with our other two. He has a condo on our deck...and he comes into the back room during the cold weather. A greater cat you could not find...and it breaks my heart that he cannot be part of the family when he obviously wants so much to be.

Cooper with his condo. (It has a pad that heats up when he lays on it, which we plug in for cool nights.)


Cooper looking to become part of the family.



  • Napoleon (Napi-Tab) Day 1.jpg
    Napoleon (Napi-Tab) Day 1.jpg
    96.2 KB · Views: 0
That is a nice kitty.

I love cats and dogs. In certain ways, I like them better than people. Their loyalty and affection is unconditional, one of the few things in life one can count on with utter confidence and certainty.
If there is a God, he/she probably put me on this Earth to take care of animals. I commend you for adopting and taking care of your white Althea.

I currently have a rescue cat; my little doggy passed away a couple years ago.
Sad, I hate losing animals and it’s getting harder, I have a habit of finding cats that live a long time, when they die it’s crushing. My Bengal is an old man, his name is Prince. He’s an amazing cat, he plays fetch. I lost him for a month when we first moved here, got out while we were moving furniture. I called vets, searched the neighborhood, did flyers, called all the pounds and animal rescue, registered online. Then I joined a neighborhood blog and found him. He had found a friendly human, they took him in and took him to the vet, the vet thought he was 7 years old, he was born in 1999. I will never know how he survived, he’s stone deaf, and was 3 miles from our house and crossed a major road, but I am so happy to have him home. He has no interest in trying to get outside, anymore.
4 doggies

I would love a cat again

but my hubby would kill me

he thinks our family is big enough already

never too many for me

yeap Ill likely be that old cat/dog lady down the street if I out live the hubby.

the one in my pic border collie/bernese mountain dog mix (guess)

a merle ausstrailian shepard/aussie cattle dog mix (guess)

a tri color border collie/assie mix (guess)

and the brown dog

he looks like a miniture rodesian ridgeback

who knows what he is

all mid age
Wow...a house full of herd dogs. I had a husky/border collie mix. She was a genius too. I'm amazed at the abilities of the herders. High energy, and they need a lot of 'outside' time. I took mine ice fishing all the time. She couldn't wait to get out on the ice. Niki...she's been gone for about 7 years

Wow...a house full of herd dogs. I had a husky/border collie mix. She was a genius too. I'm amazed at the abilities of the herders. High energy, and they need a lot of 'outside' time. I took mine ice fishing all the time. She couldn't wait to get out on the ice. Niki...she's been gone for about 7 years

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She was a nice looking dog.
We've got four cats in just the last year and a half. The first was adopted after my brother in law dropped him off in our woods. Two are adopted ferals, and one is a rescue. I'm allergic, so I had to build an elaborate cat enclosure for my wife.

This is Simon, he was the bro on law's cat. More pics to come.

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Very cool. I'm allergic too, but as long as I get fresh air in the house, it's manageable. Winter is tough when the windows are shut, but for some reason, my cats don't bother me as much as when I visit people with pets. I guess it's because of the exposure? Kinda like getting allergy shots that give you a small dose of the things you're allergic to.

It they are lying on my lap, and kneading on my arm, I break out in hives too.