Got Pets?

I couldn't find a thread for pet pix. Althea is one of my cats. She's in my avatar. She literally walked into my house one day. Starving, and afraid of humans.
This is what she looked like a few minutes after invading my privacy. I only decided to keep her because I had a black cat, and I thought they'd make good bookends.

She's beautiful. Bastet approves.
Sad, I hate losing animals and it’s getting harder, I have a habit of finding cats that live a long time, when they die it’s crushing. My Bengal is an old man, his name is Prince. He’s an amazing cat, he plays fetch. I lost him for a month when we first moved here, got out while we were moving furniture. I called vets, searched the neighborhood, did flyers, called all the pounds and animal rescue, registered online. Then I joined a neighborhood blog and found him. He had found a friendly human, they took him in and took him to the vet, the vet thought he was 7 years old, he was born in 1999. I will never know how he survived, he’s stone deaf, and was 3 miles from our house and crossed a major road, but I am so happy to have him home. He has no interest in trying to get outside, anymore.

What an incredible story, and what admirable tenacity on your part in trying to track down your furry buddy.

I am glad this had a happy ending, because to me.....there is almost nothing better than a happy-ending animal story!
What an incredible story, and what admirable tenacity on your part in trying to track down your furry buddy.

I am glad this had a happy ending, because to me.....there is almost nothing better than a happy-ending animal story!
It killed me thinking about him being hurt somewhere. I just had a gut feeling I would find him, so I persisted!
In case you couldn't tell by my posts...I get along with animals much more than I do humans. Agree about the loyalty, etc.

We have parrots, five of them, all "used" when they got here. Have also had dogs and cats. I agree with you about animals vs humans.

Phoenix (on left) and Harley (right).


Dash (green) and Koko (in the bag)

We have parrots, five of them, all "used" when they got here. Have also had dogs and cats. I agree with you about animals vs humans.

Phoenix (on left) and Harley (right).


Dash (green) and Koko (in the bag)

They are so beautiful and so is your rug.
Cabot is a of the smallest cats ever. But he considers the house to be his...and he dominates Napoleon...although for the most part, they get along just fine.


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Cooper is a cat who just came along and decided he was going to be our cat. He had a clipped ear so we knew he was fixed, but we took him to our vet for shots...and found out he has feline we cannot put him in with our other two. He has a condo on our deck...and he comes into the back room during the cold weather. A greater cat you could not find...and it breaks my heart that he cannot be part of the family when he obviously wants so much to be.

Cooper with his condo. (It has a pad that heats up when he lays on it, which we plug in for cool nights.)

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Cooper looking to become part of the family.

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I love all your beautiful kitties.
Cabot is a of the smallest cats ever. But he considers the house to be his...and he dominates Napoleon...although for the most part, they get along just fine.


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I'm getting ready to upload more pix too. Casey, my tortie, is a runt too. She's the boss of the house. It took a few months for her and Stella to sort things out, but surprisingly, Casey won out. Something about runts....
Napoleon could be my Savannah's brother. He's a looker.
Cooper is a cat who just came along and decided he was going to be our cat. He had a clipped ear so we knew he was fixed, but we took him to our vet for shots...and found out he has feline we cannot put him in with our other two. He has a condo on our deck...and he comes into the back room during the cold weather. A greater cat you could not find...and it breaks my heart that he cannot be part of the family when he obviously wants so much to be.

Cooper with his condo. (It has a pad that heats up when he lays on it, which we plug in for cool nights.)

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Cooper looking to become part of the family.

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That's heartbreaking, especially when they want so badly to be part of the 'indoor' clan. Cooper looks like a holstein!
Sad, I hate losing animals and it’s getting harder, I have a habit of finding cats that live a long time, when they die it’s crushing. My Bengal is an old man, his name is Prince. He’s an amazing cat, he plays fetch. I lost him for a month when we first moved here, got out while we were moving furniture. I called vets, searched the neighborhood, did flyers, called all the pounds and animal rescue, registered online. Then I joined a neighborhood blog and found him. He had found a friendly human, they took him in and took him to the vet, the vet thought he was 7 years old, he was born in 1999. I will never know how he survived, he’s stone deaf, and was 3 miles from our house and crossed a major road, but I am so happy to have him home. He has no interest in trying to get outside, anymore.
We have a similar story with a female tabby. When my GF finally had to transport her from Queens to upstate, she really didn't plan it well.

Rather than take a week or so to 'trick' Macey into trusting the cat carrier, she simply crammed her into the carrier moments before the hours long trip. When they arrived upstate, Macey was pissed. She got out, and disappeared for weeks. She was an indoor/outdoor cat in Queens, so it wasn't a disaster.

That freekin cat stayed away right up until she saw that we had Savannah...who was a kitten then. She just strolled up to the front door and walked in, as if nothing happened. She was probably casing the joint from the woods across the street.
It killed me thinking about him being hurt somewhere. I just had a gut feeling I would find him, so I persisted!

I know exactly what you mean. And I am so grateful that you found him.
For some reason, I am very sensitive to the thought of the suffering of animals, whether they are mine, or not. So I know exactly how you were feeling.
We have a similar story with a female tabby. When my GF finally had to transport her from Queens to upstate, she really didn't plan it well.

Rather than take a week or so to 'trick' Macey into trusting the cat carrier, she simply crammed her into the carrier moments before the hours long trip. When they arrived upstate, Macey was pissed. She got out, and disappeared for weeks. She was an indoor/outdoor cat in Queens, so it wasn't a disaster.

That freekin cat stayed away right up until she saw that we had Savannah...who was a kitten then. She just strolled up to the front door and walked in, as if nothing happened. She was probably casing the joint from the woods across the street.
That’s hilarious, cats are definitely like that!
She was a nice looking dog.
She was beautiful. I rescued her. I was the fourth owner. Nobody could handle her energy. She was a great companion...albeit confused. Borders typically like animals, and Huskies are killers. She was the latter. She was very possessive of 'our' spot on the lake when we fished. She'd constantly chase the seagulls that circled above, trying to steal dead bait off the ice. She wouldn't let them land near my tip ups.

She was smart...but no match for a seagull. They'd land at the farthest tip up from where she was sitting, and when she took off to chase them, they'd fly to the bait that she was guarding, and take the easy prize.
Very cool. I'm allergic too, but as long as I get fresh air in the house, it's manageable. Winter is tough when the windows are shut, but for some reason, my cats don't bother me as much as when I visit people with pets. I guess it's because of the exposure? Kinda like getting allergy shots that give you a small dose of the things you're allergic to.

It they are lying on my lap, and kneading on my arm, I break out in hives too.

Yeah, I get really itchy, and my asthma starts to kick in unfortunately. If I get a little scratch while playing, it's like getting bitten by a dozen mosquitoes, lol. But I love the little buggers.

The enclosure I built is over 500 sq ft of space, with almost half of that completely indoors. It's been challenging this bitter winter to keep them warm, and their water in liquid form, lol. I'm running power out there this summer, so next winter will be much better.

Here's #3, Mosaic. She's the rescue.


We have parrots, five of them, all "used" when they got here. Have also had dogs and cats. I agree with you about animals vs humans.

Phoenix (on left) and Harley (right).


Dash (green) and Koko (in the bag)

I've always been fascinated by birds. It's quite a commitment, though. Have you 'willed' them to somebody? I can watch bird videos for hours. I'm amazed that they can actually dance to the beat of a variety of different types of music.

I've seen a few shows about how parrots are mistreated, and left for dead by owners who simply weren't prepared for the task at hand. In fact, I'm guessing you could fill your house with unwanted birds, without looking too far.

The show I saw was absolutely heartbreaking.

Does Phoenix have a walnut AND a filbert in the mouth?
Yeah, I get really itchy, and my asthma starts to kick in unfortunately. If I get a little scratch while playing, it's like getting bitten by a dozen mosquitoes, lol. But I love the little buggers.

The enclosure I built is over 500 sq ft of space, with almost half of that completely indoors. It's been challenging this bitter winter to keep them warm, and their water in liquid form, lol. I'm running power out there this summer, so next winter will be much better.

Here's #3, Mosaic. She's the rescue.

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AHHH....A tortie! She looks a lot like my Casey. Do you think they'd take off if you just built them a warm enclosure, but let them come and go?

Yes...I get hives the same way from them just barely piercing my skin. The respiratory issues are manageable, but on rare occasions I use Vicks on my chest. Still works after all these years.
My dogs a mixed breed, with the cutest name. Chakita(Chow Chow, Akita mix) It reminds me of the banana company Chiquita.