Got Pets?

In case you couldn't tell by my posts...I get along with animals much more than I do humans. Agree about the loyalty, etc.

Same here. I always say animals are better than people (IMO). I have two calicos, they are sisters and about 18 mos. old. I adopted them as rescues when they were babies.
She's gorgeous!
Thanks. That was within minutes of her barging into my life. She was starved. Can't tell from the pix, but her ribs were showing. Notice the food on the deck? She was eating and talking at the same time. She wouldn't shut up. Here's the pic from my avatar...uncropped. It's a few months after getting some protein into her.

I've been through this..."Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow, but at the top of the stairs".... at the top of the stairs. It's like walking through a minefield.

What is the deal with the leg weaving!?
Simon usually roams free, but we started locking him up with the others at night, because we had heard some coyotes in the area. Since it has gotten bitter cold, we've been keeping them all locked up. This spring were going to start letting them all roam free, at least during the day. But I'm scared to death, lol. Don't want anything to happen to the little buggers. That's what sucks about animals, you get so attached, you worry about them. We had a rescue we adopted from the humane society not long after we got Simon, and he would stay gone for a couple days at a time, then one day he just never came back. :(

Here's #4, Hungry Howie Smix (I did not name any of the cats, lol). He's super rambunctious, and super loveable. He was a feral kitten from a local little town. Looks like a tabby/siamese mix (hence his last name of "smix".

Geez, sideways AND upside down. I hate loading pics off the phone.

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Wow..he looks like a lynx. That's a beauty. I know what you mean about coyotes/dogs, etc. The first winter after Althea adopted me, she didn't come home one winter night. I was pretty concerned, but there are plenty of places for her to keep warm. I went out looking for her in the morning, but she was nowhere to be found. I was calling, and eventually I heard her, but couldn't find her.

Eventually, I found her 40 feet up! There were a lot of tracks at the base of the tree. Prob a dog/coyote. What a project getting her down

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I've always been fascinated by birds. It's quite a commitment, though. Have you 'willed' them to somebody? I can watch bird videos for hours. I'm amazed that they can actually dance to the beat of a variety of different types of music.

I've seen a few shows about how parrots are mistreated, and left for dead by owners who simply weren't prepared for the task at hand. In fact, I'm guessing you could fill your house with unwanted birds, without looking too far.

The show I saw was absolutely heartbreaking.

Does Phoenix have a walnut AND a filbert in the mouth?

Here's a video I keep bookmarked because it makes me happy to watch her.

This is Brian. He left us way too soon. He might be one of the most affectionate cats I've ever seen. He had a heart condition that we never knew about. Started out as a feral who came to the neighborhood feeding trough as a kitten. We ended up taking him in, and he/Casey were inseparable. We lost him a little over a year ago.

First thing I do is build a cat pedestal. It keeps them from tearing up the furniture. They all fought for control of the tower.

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He looks just like one of mine that died a few years ago. And I never thought of building a pedestal, great idea. I have scrap lumber and it would be a whole lot cheaper than buying one of those kitty condos.
Wow..he looks like a lynx. That's a beauty. I know what you mean about coyotes/dogs, etc. The first winter after Althea adopted me, she didn't come home one winter night. I was pretty concerned, but there are plenty of places for her to keep warm. I went out looking for her in the morning, but she was nowhere to be found. I was calling, and eventually I heard her, but couldn't find her.

Eventually, I found her 40 feet up! There were a lot of tracks at the base of the tree. Prob a dog/coyote. What a project getting her down

View attachment 5645

Awww, poor thing. The attachment isn't loading for me.

Yeah, he is a beaut, his fur is the softest.

Simon can be a butthead when you try calling him in for the night. He got hip to that real quick, lol. And he's stubborn as a mule when it comes to taking shelter. We've got multiple insulated boxes, and even a plug in heated cat house. He'll be outside holding his frozen paw up. Freakin idiot, lol.
Awww, poor thing. The attachment isn't loading for me.

Yeah, he is a beaut, his fur is the softest.

Simon can be a butthead when you try calling him in for the night. He got hip to that real quick, lol. And he's stubborn as a mule when it comes to taking shelter. We've got multiple insulated boxes, and even a plug in heated cat house. He'll be outside holding his frozen paw up. Freakin idiot, lol.
Let me try the attachment again. I don't understand Simon? Usually, they're all about the heat? Prob doesn't like the enclosure, but they typically err on the side of warmth.


Forty freekin feet up!
Here are the girls, sleeping.

Not a problem. Feel free to bump my thread.

That guy is a dubiously hopeless shitpile in adult, and social skills. Heavens sake, what loser acts like that on such a wonderful issue like pets? Anyone else want to start a gofundme, to bribe his parents to smack him one?