Gravel and Barr to seek LP Presidential Nomination

Why cause he looks funny? He should lose that mustache and quit wearing the short sleeve button-ups, but...

His views on gay marriage and his former (supposedly) position on MM and the drug war in general will hurt him a lot.

I don't think Gravel has a chance. I think he must hold some misconceptions about the LP.

Could make Kubby look better if he beats the two of them.
Bob Bar is a lying cheating sack of shit who would sell his Grandma out if he could get some air time.

Anyone who would allow this hypocite to head their party is a complete fool.

The guy is just a creep
Ohh I thought it was Roseanne Barr. Relief....

but she would get more votes than the other two mentioned in this thread.
Bob Barr could bring some name recognition. Gravel would bring more, but he is less ideologically in step.

Either would be tolerable and a much-needed change.
Bob Bar is the kinda guy who talk about anti abortion and then him an his wife have an abortion.

He the kinda guy who impeachs Bush but pulls out all stops to avoid having to be asked the question under oath if he cheated on his wife in divorce court.

Bob Bar changes his positions depending on what ther is to gain for him.

Bob Bar is an evil troll.
Bob Barr could bring some name recognition. Gravel would bring more, but he is less ideologically in step.

Either would be tolerable and a much-needed change.

Does Barr bring name recongnition? I know Gravel doesn't bring a lot either, but I had honestly never even heard of Barr before he joined the LP. And I also doubt that he's more in line with the LP. He's a strong supporter of the war on drugs, and the only thing he basically agrees with them on is cutting taxes. Which Gravel also supports.
I'm guessing desh hates him because of Clinton, but he's popular with the small-government conservative crowd that the LP is going to need to court.
Bob Bar is the kinda guy who talk about anti abortion and then him an his wife have an abortion.

He the kinda guy who impeachs Bush but pulls out all stops to avoid having to be asked the question under oath if he cheated on his wife in divorce court.

Bob Bar changes his positions depending on what ther is to gain for him.

Bob Bar is an evil troll.

One would think Desh might like someone who impeaches Bush but I guess it would only be ok if a Democrat did it.
I'm guessing desh hates him because of Clinton, but he's popular with the small-government conservative crowd that the LP is going to need to court.

The kind of people Ron Paul's staff was paying to whenever they wrote that the riots in LA only stopped whenever the blacks went to pick up their welfare checks?
No I hate him because he is a lying sack of shit who will alter what he believes to gain fame and fortune.
Since joining the Libertarian Party, Barr has reversed his previous stance favoring the War on Drugs and is now a lobbyist for the Marijuana Policy Project.

Since leaving Congress in 2003, Barr has become a vocal opponent of the Patriot Act and has stated that he regrets voting for it, claiming that the Bush Administration has used it to further erode due process even in nonterrorism matters. He claims that the Clinton administration did much of the same thing.[11] In 2005--the year the Patriot Act was due for renewal he helped found an organization called Patriots to Restore Checks and Balances, a bipartisan group dedicated to eliminating aspects of the Patriot Act that could potentially affect law-abiding citizens rather than terrorists, and to "restore traditional checks and balances on government power so the country can effectively fight terror without sacrificing the rights of innocent Americans, rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution."[14] Barr still serves as the group's chairman.