Great atheists on the meaning & purpose of life


Will work for Scooby snacks
Karl Marx: Self fulfillment and meaning is achieved through the free exercise of an individual's creative powers through their labor and creations.

Frederich Nietzsche: Meaning and purpose are achieved by the rejection of the saintly values of Christianity and the pursuit of the heroic life of self mastery and self discovery embodied by the Homeric values of the ancient Greeks.

Arthur Schopenhauer: Self fulfillment is achieved by the immersion into aesthetic beauty, music, art.
Karl Marx: Self fulfillment and meaning is achieved through the free exercise of an individual's creative powers through their labor and creations.

Frederich Nietzsche: Meaning and purpose are achieved by the rejection of the saintly values of Christianity and the pursuit of the heroic life of self mastery and self discovery embodied by the Homeric values of the ancient Greeks.

Arthur Schopenhauer: Self fulfillment is achieved by the immersion into aesthetic beauty, music, art.
Some day you should read Nietzsche.
Karl Marx: Self fulfillment and meaning is achieved through the free exercise of an individual's creative powers through their labor and creations.

Frederich Nietzsche: Meaning and purpose are achieved by the rejection of the saintly values of Christianity and the pursuit of the heroic life of self mastery and self discovery embodied by the Homeric values of the ancient Greeks.

Arthur Schopenhauer: Self fulfillment is achieved by the immersion into aesthetic beauty, music, art.
Looks like you copied that from a Christian website, why non-Christians are bad people.
Some day you should read Nietzsche.
Please don't pretend I didn't tell you a couple that I read Beyond Good and Evil which contains the outlines of Nietzsche's thoughts on Christianity, empirical science, and the Ubermensch
Looks like you copied that from a Christian website, why non-Christians are bad people.
Incorrect. What I wrote is a fair and balanced, back of the envelope summary of what these philosophers said about finding meaning in life. There is nothing offensive or demeaning to these men in what I wrote.

The thing that seems quite surprising is you don't seem comfortable with what these premminent atheist philosophers said about finding self fulfillment and meaning.

I think what they believed is perfectly fine.
Looks like you copied that from a Christian website, why non-Christians are bad people.
Incorrect. What I wrote is a fair and balanced, back of envelope summary of what these philosophers said about finding meaning in life. There is nothing offensive or demeaning to these men are in what I wrote.

The thing that seems quite surprising is you don't seem comfortable with what these premminent atheist philosophers said about Self fulfillment and meaning.
Hume is trolling you. S/he is worth a thread ban or simply ignoring as a worthless human being. Internet trash.

As for the OP, notice that all three were from the same century. It's not an era I know much about contextually except for the wars and that all three seem to have a fatalistic view of the Universe and our place in it. I don't recall Schopenhauer at all, but as the "Father of Pessimism", he nicely rounds out the other two.
Please don't pretend I didn't tell you a couple that I read Beyond Good and Evil which contains the outlines of Nietzsche's thoughts on Christianity, empirical science, and the Ubermensch
So cite them instead of posting what looks like a wikipedia entry.
Karl Marx: Self fulfillment and meaning is achieved through the free exercise of an individual's creative powers through their labor and creations.
You would be the first person to believe Marx is advocating individualism.
The exact opposite of what he said. The self is the cause of suffering.
I know that. Good googling, but that has nothing to do with what I wrote

That is an explanation for suffering in life.

What I wrote about was his prescription finding some kind of self fulfillment in life.
I know that. Good googling, but that has nothing to do with what I wrote

That is an explanation for suffering in life.

What I wrote about was his prescription finding some kind of self fulfillment in life.
that google shit is annoying. You cannot debate.
So cite them instead of posting what looks like a wikipedia entry.
I accept your tacit and grudging confession that you pulled up something from Google on Schopenhauer which had nothing to do with my thread

My post wasn't about identifying the sources of alienation in life. My post was about atheist's prescriptions for finding self fulfillment in life
I accept your tacit and grudging confession that you pulled up something from Google on Schopenhauer which had nothing to do with my thread

My post wasn't abotidentifying the sources of alienation in life. My post was about atheist's prescriptions for finding self fulfillment in life
I've read Schopenhauer. I do not give a fuck if you believe me.
Hume is trolling you. S/he is worth a thread ban or simply ignoring as a worthless human being. Internet trash.

As for the OP, notice that all three were from the same century. It's not an era I know much about contextually except for the wars and that all three seem to have a fatalistic view of the Universe and our place in it. I don't recall Schopenhauer at all, but as the "Father of Pessimism", he nicely rounds out the other two.

I'm not in a position to say there's anything fundamentally wrong with Schopenhauer's pessimism, Marx's materialism, Nietzsche's theory of the ubermensch. But I can't say I personally subscribe to them in whole.
A Rabbi is teaching his student the Talmud and explains god created everything in this world to be appreciated, since everything is here to teach us a lesson.

The clever student asks “What lesson can we learn from atheists? Why did god create them?”

The Rabbi responds “God created atheists to teach us the most important lesson of them all – the lesson of true compassion. You see, when an atheist performs an act of charity, visits someone who is sick, helps someone who is in need, and cares for the world, he is not doing so because of some religious teaching. He does not believe that god commanded him to perform this act. In fact, he does not believe in God at all, so his acts are based on an inner sense of morality. And look at the kindness he can bestow upon others simply because he feels it to be right.”

“This means” the Rabbi continued “that when someone reaches out to you for help, you should never say ‘I pray that god will help you.’ instead for the moment, you should become an atheist, imagine that there is no god who can help, and say ‘I will help you.'”

Karl Marx: Self fulfillment and meaning is achieved through the free exercise of an individual's creative powers through their labor and creations.

Frederich Nietzsche: Meaning and purpose are achieved by the rejection of the saintly values of Christianity and the pursuit of the heroic life of self mastery and self discovery embodied by the Homeric values of the ancient Greeks.

Arthur Schopenhauer: Self fulfillment is achieved by the immersion into aesthetic beauty, music, art.
cool.....atheists are self-centered......narcissism as the meaning of life........