Great social program--for the people--is what was said


It's a prime example of a socialistic program, that many raved on--the media said it was great--the Hippycrats (and probably some Republicans) loved the idea. It was sold to the public--jammed down their throats until we choked on it.---We were in not of the best times at the moment (things never stay constant). Smart people who understand goverment growth and the effects on free citizens, had their doubts, but few voices were heard about those doubts. Some realized it was a scam from the get go--as it proved to be over short time---yet--still---we accept it enough to keep it in place. More future baggage that will bear scars for a long time.

So tell me this my elected officials----If Social Security is such a great deal (the new deal--the Raw deal)---why don't you let us invest in it ourselfs---instead of holding a gun to our heads??? We have better things to do with our money. It seems like socialism is the core of corruption. It is the safe way to corrupt a system (less uproar from a people that are dependent). All you need is a ink pen--and boom---your grand children are NOT HAPPY!!!!
I disagree...........

It's a prime example of a socialistic program, that many raved on--the media said it was great--the Hippycrats (and probably some Republicans) loved the idea. It was sold to the public--jammed down their throats until we choked on it.---We were in not of the best times at the moment (things never stay constant). Smart people who understand goverment growth and the effects on free citizens, had their doubts, but few voices were heard about those doubts. Some realized it was a scam from the get go--as it proved to be over short time---yet--still---we accept it enough to keep it in place. More future baggage that will bear scars for a long time.

So tell me this my elected officials----If Social Security is such a great deal (the new deal--the Raw deal)---why don't you let us invest in it ourselfs---instead of holding a gun to our heads??? We have better things to do with our money. It seems like socialism is the core of corruption. It is the safe way to corrupt a system (less uproar from a people that are dependent). All you need is a ink pen--and boom---your grand children are NOT HAPPY!!!!

SSA is a good covers those who fall between the cracks...and those who pay into it can still have other retirement would be a bonus to them...also medicare is another ...those receiving medicare part A must also pay additional premiums for part B and Rx it is like any other insurance premium a little cheaper maybe but it addresses the seniors level of income...(Fixed)...

Now unless you are stating that all kids should be responsible for their parents really should backtrack on this diatribe!

The only problem with the SSA fund is politicians who rape it for money... for other projects...that it was not intended for...this is why it is going BK!
The thing is that some people may fail. The stock and bonds markets may fall apart. And then what are seniors supposed to do? They can't work.

Have you ever wondered, "majority", why seniors were constantly the poorest segment of society until a few years after social security started coming into effect? There has never been any other greater success for any social program that I recall than that of social security. That is, getting seniors out of poverty.
The thing is that some people may fail. The stock and bonds markets may fall apart. And then what are seniors supposed to do? They can't work.

Have you ever wondered, "majority", why seniors were constantly the poorest segment of society until a few years after social security started coming into effect? There has never been any other greater success for any social program that I recall than that of social security. That is, getting seniors out of poverty.

Then the only people the program helped then were those at inception who paid nothing into the program and then received the benefits. Otherwise workers basically pay today and receive money later. That's not bringing people out of poverty.

Then the only people the program helped then were those at inception who paid nothing into the program and then received the benefits. Otherwise workers basically pay today and receive money later. That's not bringing people out of poverty.

It also helps millions of seniors was a brilliant addition by FDR..he was a conservative democrat...who thought about those in need besides the rich spoiled brats!
It also helps millions of seniors was a brilliant addition by FDR..he was a conservative democrat...who thought about those in need besides the rich spoiled brats!

It helps in the sense the government is forcing you to "save". But it is all (supposedly) money people paid in during their lifetime. You are not getting ahead because of that.
You son............

It helps in the sense the government is forcing you to "save". But it is all (supposedly) money people paid in during their lifetime. You are not getting ahead because of that.

are buying into the Limbaugh mentality...sorry but Rush has a few skeletons...he was a great DJ/ talk show host back in the 80's out of Sacramento,California...he went downhill after receiving National notoriatry..
his house is not that clean...he failed to pay for work done on his townhouse in NYC from Union workers(When his tv show was in NYC)...for Gold Faucets in his Bathroom! Good Lord like anyone besides a sheik needs Gold any rate he thought he was overcharged for this...go figure....Rush bought into the elitism mentality...he did well so 'F' the rest...albeit his supporters back in the day...were from the working class...just a little step back in history for you!

Most who get lucky think they are so smart and all...lest they always forget those who helped them!
are buying into the Limbaugh mentality...sorry but Rush has a few skeletons...he was a great DJ/ talk show host back in the 80's out of Sacramento,California...he went downhill after receiving National notoriatry..
his house is not that clean...he failed to pay for work done on his townhouse in NYC from Union workers(When his tv show was in NYC)...for Gold Faucets in his Bathroom! Good Lord like anyone besides a sheik needs Gold any rate he thought he was overcharged for this...go figure....Rush bought into the elitism mentality...he did well so 'F' the rest...albeit his supporters back in the day...were from the working class...just a little step back in history for you!

Most who get lucky think they are so smart and all...lest they always forget those who helped them!

What does Rush Limbaugh have to do with what I wrote? That is out of left field. What is inaccurate in what I wrote? Did I not describe the system accurately?

What I wrote is either fact or its not. It has nothing to do with liking or disliking S.S.

What does Rush Limbaugh have to do with what I wrote? That is out of left field. What is inaccurate in what I wrote? Did I not describe the system accurately?

What I wrote is either fact or its not. It has nothing to do with liking or disliking S.S.

your talking points were right outta Rush Limbaughs mantra...I use to like Rush back in the day...he went way left field as did the socialist Liberals who say they are Democrats...which they are not...anymore than Rush is a conservative...he is a elitist! are all who make big bucks off the back of the working class...Dems as well as Repubs..and a few so called independents!

The last real Conservative Democrat would be Andrew Jackson...he got it right!
your talking points were right outta Rush Limbaughs mantra...I use to like Rush back in the day...he went way left field as did the socialist Liberals who say they are Democrats...which they are not...anymore than Rush is a conservative...he is a elitist! are all who make big bucks off the back of the working class...Dems as well as Repubs..and a few so called independents!

The last real Conservative Democrat would be Andrew Jackson...he got it right!

Wow. Talk about a strawman. I am simply talking about how the program is run. Is Rush the only person in America who talks about how the program operates? That is obviousy false.

Dude, its very simple, either I understand how the program works or I don't. You pay into the program when you work while young. You receive that money back when you retire. What does Rush Limbaugh have to do with that?

You said it brings people out of poverty. I'm asking how. This is not a rhetorical question. I pay into S.S. today. I expect to get that money back later. How would that pull me out of poverty?
Wow. Talk about a strawman. I am simply talking about how the program is run. Is Rush the only person in America who talks about how the program operates? That is obviousy false.

Dude, its very simple, either I understand how the program works or I don't. You pay into the program when you work while young. You receive that money back when you retire. What does Rush Limbaugh have to do with that?

You said it brings people out of poverty. I'm asking how. This is not a rhetorical question. I pay into S.S. today. I expect to get that money back later. How would that pull me out of poverty?

That was not me who said that...SSA is not intended to pull one out of is a catch for those (most) who do not get rich...! Maybe I misunderstood your comments...if you are agreeing that SSA is bad!:)
That was not me who said that...SSA is not intended to pull one out of is a catch for those (most) who do not get rich...! Maybe I misunderstood your comments...if you are agreeing that SSA is bad!:)

Watermark said it helped people getting out of poverty. I should have responded to him.
SSA is a good covers those who fall between the cracks...and those who pay into it can still have other retirement would be a bonus to them...also medicare is another ...those receiving medicare part A must also pay additional premiums for part B and Rx it is like any other insurance premium a little cheaper maybe but it addresses the seniors level of income...(Fixed)...

Now unless you are stating that all kids should be responsible for their parents really should backtrack on this diatribe!

The only problem with the SSA fund is politicians who rape it for money... for other projects...that it was not intended for...this is why it is going BK!

Why can't I have the freedom to choose what type of investments I don't want to have? Please---don't try to say any social program is a good thing. SSN is the worst investment on the planet----for anybody. Anybody my age and older will not see a return on investment worth a crap. "keeps people from falling between the cracks"------Do ya think may be---they can at least thank me?
Watermark said it helped people getting out of poverty. I should have responded to him.

BULLSHIT! It takes from Peter and gives to Paul---Our money has also been robbed out of it. That would never happen with the SEC.

I can't believe the welfare you dupes are used to!!!

You people are responsible for the slaves not having a American dream!!!
The thing is that some people may fail. The stock and bonds markets may fall apart. And then what are seniors supposed to do? They can't work.

Have you ever wondered, "majority", why seniors were constantly the poorest segment of society until a few years after social security started coming into effect? There has never been any other greater success for any social program that I recall than that of social security. That is, getting seniors out of poverty.

Everybody has to die sometime. I plan on it being my retirement---weather I do it myself or not. It might be different if I had a wife and kids, but I don't as a white man. You guys don't know how hard I worked---seemingly for nothing. You do understand that the system whats you to get married and make many little tax payers----so they get breaks I don't get. Single moms don't pay any income taxes many times, and get child support--no work--no education--and they are better off than I was 3 years ago--may be some now. How do you think those kids will turn out? I pay all--no double income. Guys like me get screwed hard by socialism, at least in this country. I am tired of it. As far as I am concerned right now---all you socialists owe me--so pay up!

It could have been different. All I know, is I don't have much of a chance at a good retirement, and it is not all my fault (There are always other choices). I am not asking for any help, but if I had what was mine now--I could really put it to good use. I can't help it guys. Nobody has ever been there for me, or had to be. I pay and I pay and I pay for 50 years.--for may be a hand full of years on the rocking chair insome federally funded slum old folks home? No thanks--I have to die with some dignity. I am pretty sure I could do better myself----but the income I earn, mosly goes to the governenment. I guess if I lived my life like some kind of hermit, never getting out of the house, never buying a newer car, never enjoying life--I could have dome it---but what kind of life is that? Slavery!!!

I swear--if we get national health care---I might as well shoot myself in the head (unless I meet that sweet lady--who has a friggen job---lol)

What is wrong with a person who wants to take care of themselfs? If you guys want socialism----you pay for it. I want out!!! First of all--I don't trust anybody to take care of me--I will end up living like a stone. Second of all---I really don't think a American society has the right, to tell me to be on their welfare systems (and pay my retirement into them--which will most likely be lost)----If I don't want to. I don't trust them---and I don't trust you.
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Yeah, and you can bet a few people who say "I don't want no socialism!?!/1?" will be out on the street starving whenever they're 70. Social security - the purpose is given in the name. It's to make sure people are secure. The market is great but it's not secure.
Yeah, and you can bet a few people who say "I don't want no socialism!?!/1?" will be out on the street starving whenever they're 70. Social security - the purpose is given in the name. It's to make sure people are secure. The market is great but it's not secure.

And the Social Security System is a Pyramid Scheme.
A pyramid scheme is a non-sustainable business model that involves the exchange of money primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme, usually without any product or service being delivered. It has been known to come under many guises.

Believing in a government created fraud is not secure either.
Yeah, and you can bet a few people who say "I don't want no socialism!?!/1?" will be out on the street starving whenever they're 70. Social security - the purpose is given in the name. It's to make sure people are secure. The market is great but it's not secure.

I am betting on two things in this one shot.

1---you believe people are too stupid to take care of them selfs. (well---some are---but you would be suprised how a human being learns when they have to--not making them learn costs everybody money--and the domino effect begins)

2---With you being a federal agent--I bet you don't think citizens sould be able to own/carry a hand gun. (I own a nice little para ordanance (made in Canada)---sweet stainless construction single stack, with nice rose wood handles---ahhh--I do feel more safe---sorry)

I know what your thinking---you bet it is legal. :)

Am I right?
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