Great social program--for the people--is what was said

I am betting on two things in this one shot.

1---you believe people are too stupid to take care of them selfs. (well---some are---but you would be suprised how a human being learns when they have to--not making them learn costs everybody money--and the domino effect begins)

2---With you being a federal agent--I bet you don't think citizens sould be able to own/carry a hand gun.

Am I right?

1. Why would I believe that just because I believe some will naturally screw up? You're the person who blames the victim, instead of the scheme.

2. Banning guns is a silly and misdirected way to control crime.
1. Why would I believe that just because I believe some will naturally screw up? You're the person who blames the victim, instead of the scheme.

2. Banning guns is a silly and misdirected way to control crime.

for #1 I feel I am the victim. I just want to live my life that is worth living as free as possible. So we don't see eye to eye there. No big deal---today :) theMAJORITY does feel like victims today. I personally feel I have paid enough taxes, and I wuld like to stop to see if I can build some wealth. I am even willing to make a deal with the IRS. "Leave me alone--and you can have all of my stuff after I am dead". After that, they can sell it and help out whoever they choose, or steal it if they want--I really would not have a opinion at that point. But while I am alive---it is the only life I got.

#2--thank you very much. That is good to hear. How many people in your department, or even the whole country in law inforcement DO NOT share your thoughts on gun control--may be in percentage, with your best opinion?

Myself, I hope the percentage is very low--to non existent.
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I mean, Social Security isn't even meant to be your whole retirment as a senior. You can build more up. It's just a basic level so that everybody is guaranteed not to live in absolute poverty as a senior. I mean, you can save all you want, but something may come up and ruin that. SS will always be there as long as the Republicans don't get rid of it.
It's not a pyramid scheme. It doesn't claim to make money. It pays out what it gets in.

The base is not exanding fast enough to continue paying out the benefits promised according to the time scale promised. We are about to hit this mathematical shortfall soon. The system will have been a scam at that point. Just as some people make money off pyramid schemes, they are outlawed because OVERALL they are a harm to the population as MOST are defrauded. Chew on that, ignorant fool. Think for once.
The base is not exanding fast enough to continue paying out the benefits promised according to the time scale promised. We are about to hit this mathematical shortfall soon. The system will have been a scam at that point. Just as some people make money off pyramid schemes, they are outlawed because OVERALL they are a harm to the population as MOST are defrauded. Chew on that, ignorant fool. Think for once.

If SS is a pyramid scheme, then a pension is a pyramid scheme.
It's a prime example of a socialistic program, that many raved on--the media said it was great--the Hippycrats (and probably some Republicans) loved the idea. It was sold to the public--jammed down their throats until we choked on it.---We were in not of the best times at the moment (things never stay constant). Smart people who understand goverment growth and the effects on free citizens, had their doubts, but few voices were heard about those doubts. Some realized it was a scam from the get go--as it proved to be over short time---yet--still---we accept it enough to keep it in place. More future baggage that will bear scars for a long time.

So tell me this my elected officials----If Social Security is such a great deal (the new deal--the Raw deal)---why don't you let us invest in it ourselfs---instead of holding a gun to our heads??? We have better things to do with our money. It seems like socialism is the core of corruption. It is the safe way to corrupt a system (less uproar from a people that are dependent). All you need is a ink pen--and boom---your grand children are NOT HAPPY!!!!

Good point.

I think republicans in 2008 should campaign on a platform to eliminate Social Security.

Go for it!
Yeah, and you can bet a few people who say "I don't want no socialism!?!/1?" will be out on the street starving whenever they're 70. Social security - the purpose is given in the name. It's to make sure people are secure. The market is great but it's not secure.

Ya reep what ya sow. Opps---ya 0nly reep about 35 to 45% of what you sow (wait till national health care--I won't keep 25% of my money). Big difference when it comes to the ability to take care of yourself. Socialism is a big reason why we can't take care of ourslevs, and poor education is another reason-- since socialism depends on dependents (considered too stupid, with no ability to learn how to take care of themselfs)---don't ya think? No thanks--I would rather take care of myself---like a real American should. A commie on the other hand, may be does not mind working for "the good for the allmighty"---but he is not retireing so well either. You make it sound like our social programs will help me retire on a tropical beach esaier than I can do it myself. (you woild rather give me no chance) Show me one person on welfare retiring the good life (ooohhhh--but I bet it does exist from abuse)--or teaching their 8 kids not to be dependent. We learn both dependency and independence.
If you allow people to be dependent---they will be. Where does that leave productive workers that actually add value to the state? (remember--you are overhead sir--needed overhead---butnot a productive worker that adds value to the people or state). Ya have to keep adding value to the people, so they can take care of themselfs, and the state. Service will not do that nearly as well as manufacturing. No added value. No shared profit, less new small business coming out--blah blah. SSN took advantage of people after the depression. Nobody asked for it before the stock market crashed. Nobody wanted natinal health care before NAFTA was signed. Only when people are under duress, will they tend to agree with social programs. That is a fact.

I really don't know what looks good to the people that like socialistic programs.--other than making you lazy, dependent, and a planned life by somebody else.

Thats not living your life. It is living like our told. That is not freedom. that is socialism.

I don't need, nor want security more than I need my freedom. I am a big boy, really, I am daddy. I don't mind making my own mistakes, but I do need more of my own money to get out of them. I feel like a slave.
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Socialism - government taking control of all private industry.

Welfare - providing funding to the needy, a general safety net.

Try not to confuse the two in the future.
"Only whenever people are in duress"?

Then why did Britian come straight out of their post-war boom and build one of the largest welfare states the world has ever seen?
Socialism - government taking control of all private industry.

Welfare - providing funding to the needy, a general safety net.

Try not to confuse the two in the future.

SOcialism explicitly calls for a "redistribution", not just government control. Learn one thing in your ignorant short life.
"Only whenever people are in duress"?

Then why did Britian come straight out of their post-war boom and build one of the largest welfare states the world has ever seen?

Probably so they can rule the people, and tax the crap out of them. I don't know the history your talking about, but I bet the people, the majority citizen, were not prosperious at that time. Nobody pics socialism unless they are talked or forced into it. Freedom sense---we are born with.

Why did we fight them for freedom?---and win. Remember the freedom we used to be willing to die for? "The British are coming"! Come and get it--we are ready. They underestimated the need for the human spirit to be free.

Did the Brits retire all the citizens on a tropical island somewhere nice?--or are they more like appartment building concentration camps? May be they don't know what freedom is either. May be we are moving the same way. May be you have.
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