Greatest Leader for African-Americans?

Greatest Leader for African-Americans

  • Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Votes: 11 68.8%
  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Malcom X

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Jesse Jackson

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
My only regret about the civil war was that we didn't kill every white southerner and repopulate the south with a more intelligent breed.


I think the idiot gene is recessive in the south. I think the modern answer is to assimilate and breed the southern culture out of existence. There will never be a "new south", there can only be ignorance. The only way a southern state ever becomes liberal is if they have tons of immigrants, like NC, Virginia, and Florida. So I think we should do that to the entire south.
Out of these choices, definitely MLK. He lead the most powerful movement to politically enfranchise African Americans, and is a hero to most Americans.

For me, Lincoln will never get my vote. Though he did issue the emancipation proclamation, he also waged a terrible war against the South, which IMHO, perpetuated the white supremacist attitude of slavery. The South had the right to secede (like any state does) and the North could have ended slavery the way almost all other nations did: buy all the slaves from the South and then free them in the North (and provide asylum in the future). You might argue that the South would have re-started the slave trade, but I doubt it would have continued for too much longer. Eventually, it would have ended, but without the resentment caused by the civil war.

Iron, I think everyone in the south today is glad that we didn't secede. Your opinion on the civil war is pure ignorance.
It is wrong to buy the kidnap victims from the kidnappers. It is wrong to pay kidnappers. They need to have the victims yanked from them, and if they disagree violently, they need to be subdued by any means necessary.
Oh really? Cus racists so often come out and say "Gee I hate them blacks". You have no idea how many times I've seen people assure me that they are not racist at all and that color means nothing to them before going on an incredibly racist rant.

You wouldn't know racism if it came up and slapped you in your silly ass head. I am 49 years old, and I have known quite a few racist people in my time, most of them reveal their racism within the first 15 minutes of conversation with them. Here's another thing, the overwhelming majority of racists I've met, are not white people. Ignorance and bigotry doesn't recognize ethnic background or geography.

If you cast judgment on people based on whether they are "Republican" you are a bigot, and you suffer from the same blind ignorance as the sheet-wearing KKK member. You are directly contradicting the teachings of Martin Luther King, Jr. and YOU are the problem, not the solution. You should really practice not jumping to conclusions and making assumptions based on stereotypes, but you most assuredly won't, because you are an ignorant bigot who doesn't know how.
You wouldn't know racism if it came up and slapped you in your silly ass head. I am 49 years old, and I have known quite a few racist people in my time, most of them reveal their racism within the first 15 minutes of conversation with them. Here's another thing, the overwhelming majority of racists I've met, are not white people. Ignorance and bigotry doesn't recognize ethnic background or geography.

If you cast judgment on people based on whether they are "Republican" you are a bigot, and you suffer from the same blind ignorance as the sheet-wearing KKK member. You are directly contradicting the teachings of Martin Luther King, Jr. and YOU are the problem, not the solution. You should really practice not jumping to conclusions and making assumptions based on stereotypes, but you most assuredly won't, because you are an ignorant bigot who doesn't know how.

I am a bigot if I cast judgment on a person "simply" because of the party they belong to? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
It is wrong to buy the kidnap victims from the kidnappers. It is wrong to pay kidnappers. They need to have the victims yanked from them, and if they disagree violently, they need to be subdued by any means necessary.

What the fuck are you even talking about? Or do you even know? Slaves were not "kidnapped" by the slave owners. The US Government condoned the practice of slave trading for nearly 100 years, and the US Supreme Court ruled they were legitimate private property, owned by the slave owner. Quite a few of the slaves were purchased from African tribal chiefs who willingly traded their people into slavery for money. Many slaves volunteered their 'indentured servitude' in return for passage to the 'new world' ...there was no 'kidnapping' involved in ANY slave traded in the US, to the best of my knowledge.

This is just more of your typical ignorant uninformed ranting about something you know nothing about. Do us all a favor and shut the fuck up, you are embarrassing to the rest of the human race.
What the fuck are you even talking about? Or do you even know? Slaves were not "kidnapped" by the slave owners. The US Government condoned the practice of slave trading for nearly 100 years, and the US Supreme Court ruled they were legitimate private property, owned by the slave owner. Quite a few of the slaves were purchased from African tribal chiefs who willingly traded their people into slavery for money. Many slaves volunteered their 'indentured servitude' in return for passage to the 'new world' ...there was no 'kidnapping' involved in ANY slave traded in the US, to the best of my knowledge.

This is just more of your typical ignorant uninformed ranting about something you know nothing about. Do us all a favor and shut the fuck up, you are embarrassing to the rest of the human race.

Just because the government legalizes kidnapping doesn't make it not kidnapping. And slavery WAS NOT INDENTURED SERVITUDE YOU IGNORANT FUCK. The south has made excuses for slavery long enough, and that is one a very long list of ignorant excuses, you shitstain.

You are descended from kidnappers, Dixie, and proud of it. You are a disgusting, evil human being.
Just because the government legalizes kidnapping doesn't make it not kidnapping. And slavery WAS NOT INDENTURED SERVITUDE YOU IGNORANT FUCK. The south has made excuses for slavery long enough, and that is one a very long list of ignorant excuses, you shitstain.

You are descended from kidnappers, Dixie, and proud of it. You are a disgusting, evil human being.

I never said that slavery was 'indentured servitude' you incompetent fuck! Read it again! I also didn't make an excuse for slavery, it was an abhorrent practice that should have ended 100 years earlier than it did in America, but thanks to the US GOVERNMENT it didn't!
I never said that slavery was 'indentured servitude' you incompetent fuck! Read it again! I also didn't make an excuse for slavery, it was an abhorrent practice that should have ended 100 years earlier than it did in America, but thanks to the US GOVERNMENT it didn't!

Thanks to STATES RIGHTS it didn't.
of those selected by you i went for mlk

lincoln abolished slavery as a tactic during the civil, but still did a lot for aa

bo has a lot of potential, but not just for aa

jj and mx did some good, but not as much
For supporting states rights.

Well yeah, that too... aside from condoning and approving of slavery and considering black people property.... but if you want to make "states rights" the issue, we have to blame the Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In particular, the 10th Amendment, which states... The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

So take your pick... The US Government, The US Supreme Court, or the US Constitution and Founding Fathers. Those are who were responsible for the enslavement of African-Americans.
Well yeah, that too... aside from condoning and approving of slavery and considering black people property.... but if you want to make "states rights" the issue, we have to blame the Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In particular, the 10th Amendment, which states... The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

So take your pick... The US Government, The US Supreme Court, or the US Constitution and Founding Fathers. Those are who were responsible for the enslavement of African-Americans.

perhaps, but would there have been a revolution of independence without that language

i seem to remember a bit of history where the south was dead against abolition of slavery and would not join a government coalition (originally our nation was a confederation not a federal republic) that abolished slavery

what the founding fathers did was defer the issue of slavery when the nation/constitution and federal republic were formed/drafted

the result as a divided nation and a civil war

currently, we have is a divided nation over the issue of abortion (and to a lessor extent homosexuality)

now the tenth amendment has been tromped upon many times since the forming of our republic - something to which i am opposed

would you care to wager that a bill extending the right of marriage to homosexuals is introduced in congress
Well yeah, that too... aside from condoning and approving of slavery and considering black people property.... but if you want to make "states rights" the issue, we have to blame the Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In particular, the 10th Amendment, which states... The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

So take your pick... The US Government, The US Supreme Court, or the US Constitution and Founding Fathers. Those are who were responsible for the enslavement of African-Americans.

And they were all abominable people who condoned kidnapping, rape, and murder. The worst kind of men imaginable.
perhaps, but would there have been a revolution of independence without that language

Well, there certainly WAS a revolution without that language. The Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791, the American Revolution ended in 1783.

i seem to remember a bit of history where the south was dead against abolition of slavery and would not join a government coalition (originally our nation was a confederation not a federal republic) that abolished slavery

As we see from your last question, you obviously failed history. The South AND the North were dead against Abolition. In fact, Lincoln would not even discuss the possibility while campaigning for president. When he was pressed to explain his feelings on the subject, he made it very clear that he "never thought the negro should hold public office or live among white people." The nation was indeed a "coalition" of nations, or a "confederacy" as opposed to a "federation", and this was precisely why the Southern states seceded from the Union. They felt "federalization" was an affront to what the Founding Fathers intended, and indeed, it was.

what the founding fathers did was defer the issue of slavery when the nation/constitution and federal republic were formed/drafted

The "federal" republic did not come about until the Civil War. The Founding Fathers were opposed to "federalized" government, and made that very clear when they wrote the 10th Amendment. They did not address the issue of slavery, which is why they are solely to blame for slavery in America. The US Supreme Court, prior to the Civil War, had ruled that slaves were "personal property" (and consequently, subject to Constitutional rights of protection of personal property from illegal seizure by the government.) This was many years before the CSA was ever dreamed of.

the result as a divided nation and a civil war

The nation was never divided over the issue of slavery. We were not a federalized nation, we were individual states, some of these states had slaves, and some didn't. A minority of people in the nation, were "abolitionists" and had lobbied for the outlawing of slavery, but the vast majority of Americans were either opposed to this, or indifferent.

currently, we have is a divided nation over the issue of abortion (and to a lessor extent homosexuality)

Here you make the mistake of drawing some historical parallel between these current issues and the issue of slavery, and that is an invalid perspective. In terms of percentage of support, it could be likened to the issue of polygamy today, about the same percentage of Americans favor polygamy, as were "abolitionists" in that time. Abolition was far from a "popular" idea, and those who did advocate it, preconditioned their view with the caveat that freed slaves would be shipped far away from this country.

now the tenth amendment has been tromped upon many times since the forming of our republic - something to which i am opposed

We agree!

would you care to wager that a bill extending the right of marriage to homosexuals is introduced in congress

In the next 4 to 8 years? Sure, I'll be glad to take your money, how much would you like to wager? First, let's clarify, the bill has to specifically grant this to "homosexuals" and not a generic "civil unions" bill. You see, the problem is, you can't really make a bill to grant a 'right' to people based on sexual behavior. Once that is done, you have to grant "equal protection under the law" to any and all sexual behaviors which desire the same "right." I don't think we really want to open that can of worms.