Greetings. Care to debate the Nazi?


Though I am not a real Nazi. Unfortunately. Because I have never joined their party or gone to any of their meetings. But I will play the "devils" advocate. Though with this forum and most of its members being in the wrong, I doubt it will be allowed. But you can't say I didn't offer.

You're persistant, I'll give you that. How long have we played this game Cultsmasher?

Here is the more pertinent question. To what lengths are you prepare to go to suppress the truth. If you are jewish, don't bother answering. Because if so, we both know the answer to that.
I'll tell you what. You explain your perpetual motion device to me, and I won't ban you.

I never claimed to have a perpetual motion device. Will that work? But what I did claim was that there was a device that you can get WAY more energy out of than you put into it. Though I never claimed to have invented that either. Shall I tell you of it? Seeing how you asked, I will tell you.

The device is called a photovoltaic solar panel. They last from 20 to 25 yeqrs. (The last I heard) And it takes anywhere from 1 to 4 years for them to produce the energy that it took to create them. That is from mining the materials they are made of to the finished product. That means anywhere from 16 to 24 years of absolutely FREE ENERGY!!!!!!! It may not be "perpetual." But it is dammned efficient. Now if you were a Nazi, you wouldn't like being played for a sucker by the automobile and oil industries like that. Would you care to discuss more on this matter? Or will you just ban me now.
Just like north and south, both the same thing....

You may be being facetious. But what you said is true. Slavery never went away. It just took on different forms. There was a truth spoken once by somebody named Alphonse Karr. Which translated into English, it usually is said, "The more that things change, the more they stay the same."
Lock him up.

You may not like the truth. But that isn't a very nice thing to say just because you don't want to hear it. If you don't like the truth, just avoid any threads written by me. Or is seeing them too much of a temptation for you. Making you click on them to see what they say.
You may not like the truth. But that isn't a very nice thing to say just because you don't want to hear it. If you don't like the truth, just avoid any threads written by me. Or is seeing them too much of a temptation for you. Making you click on them to see what they say.

Lock him up.
Though I am not a real Nazi. Unfortunately. Because I have never joined their party or gone to any of their meetings. But I will play the "devils" advocate. Though with this forum and most of its members being in the wrong, I doubt it will be allowed. But you can't say I didn't offer.

Dresden, motherfucker!

Though I am not a real Nazi. Unfortunately. Because I have never joined their party or gone to any of their meetings. But I will play the "devils" advocate. Though with this forum and most of its members being in the wrong, I doubt it will be allowed. But you can't say I didn't offer.

So far you haven't said much, but I think your avatar has freaked some people out. Maybe if you had an avatar of something less controversial (like a dog or a bird or something) you could get the 'Nationalist Socialist' message out without generating so much initial hysteria?
Dresden, motherfucker!


Are you not aware that the carpet bombing of civilians in Dresden only shown one of the MANY reasons why that in WW II, WE were the bad guys! I will include a picture of somebody who was no doubt smarter than you, but he was something you could never hope to be. THERE at the time! Also, is your insult supposed to cause me to reply in a like manner to get me banned?
So far you haven't said much, but I think your avatar has freaked some people out. Maybe if you had an avatar of something less controversial (like a dog or a bird or something) you could get the 'Nationalist Socialist' message out without generating so much initial hysteria?

Without a doubt, most people are brainwashed beyond all recognition. Just about everything they at you have heard and continue to hearabout Hitler and WW II in general is a complete lie. That is why the image of Hitler freaks many people out. But that is their problem. Not mine. I could get most people to love Hitler. By speaking the absolute TRUTH!!! But unfortunately, that isn't allowed anywhere. At least not for very long.

But I can direct you to where the truth isn't forbidden. Enter into your browser, "The Truth: Unforbidden!"
I would recommend the listing under FLIPHTML5. You will find the book with that title. It is only about one hundred pages long. With quite a few pictures. So in that regard, it shouldn't be too much for you. I won't even ask you to read it. Just scroll through it. Being only 100 pages long, how long could that task. 40 or 50 seconds? Though I would be willing to bet that you would come across some picture that would cause you to pause for a longer look.
Without a doubt, most people are brainwashed beyond all recognition. Just about everything they at you have heard and continue to hearabout Hitler and WW II in general is a complete lie. That is why the image of Hitler freaks many people out. But that is their problem. Not mine. I could get most people to love Hitler. By speaking the absolute TRUTH!!! But unfortunately, that isn't allowed anywhere. At least not for very long.

But I can direct you to where the truth isn't forbidden. Enter into your browser, "The Truth: Unforbidden!"
I would recommend the listing under FLIPHTML5. You will find the book with that title. It is only about one hundred pages long. With quite a few pictures. So in that regard, it shouldn't be too much for you. I won't even ask you to read it. Just scroll through it. Being only 100 pages long, how long could that task. 40 or 50 seconds? Though I would be willing to bet that you would come across some picture that would cause you to pause for a longer look.

OR ... you could discuss some of your 'Truths' here on a 'politics Forum', where, on occasion, politics are discussed?
I'm a Jew

Or so I'm told

Too bad for you. Because from what I have seen, most jews are scum. But not all of them. The 150,000 of them who fought for the Nazis weren't. Also, I can direct you to a Jewish investigator who isn't. His name is David Cole. Enter into your browser, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." In the first website, click on it and scroll down the page. You will find all the various parts of that documentary. Go to part 21 called "The Leuchter findings." It is only about a half hour long. Watch it. See what that Jewish guy found out about Auschwitz. The worst of the worst "death camp."
OR ... you could discuss some of your 'Truths' here on a 'politics Forum', where, on occasion, politics are discussed?

Are you kidding?! It amazes me that I haven't already been banned! Also, it's getting late. I am going to sign out for now. But I'll stop back by tomorrow. Though I fully expect to see the word "BANNED!"