Greetings. Care to debate the Nazi?

Are you kidding?! It amazes me that I haven't already been banned! Also, it's getting late. I am going to sign out for now. But I'll stop back by tomorrow. Though I fully expect to see the word "BANNED!"

Good Nite. Maybe have something of substance when you return. People here like to talk about different political subjects. Maybe you could convince some of the importance of 'nationalism', lots of Red Team and Trump supporters here. Socialism won't be hard, lots of Blue Team and Bernie supporters here. Hey! Maybe you could be the FIRST to create a 'Purple Team'???
Good Nite. Maybe have something of substance when you return. People here like to talk about different political subjects. Maybe you could convince some of the importance of 'nationalism', lots of Red Team and Trump supporters here. Socialism won't be hard, lots of Blue Team and Bernie supporters here. Hey! Maybe you could be the FIRST to create a 'Purple Team'???

Already banned, so not likely. The guys too trashy to get along with anyone, but the other Stormfronters. The guys just a sick joke anyway.
Already banned, so not likely. The guys too trashy to get along with anyone, but the other Stormfronters. The guys just a sick joke anyway.

I come to a 'politics' forum to hear different ideas and thoughts.
If the Nazis, Communists, Monarchists, Theocrats and Capitalists are Banned, it's not much of a 'politics' forum.
Are you not aware that the carpet bombing of civilians in Dresden only shown one of the MANY reasons why that in WW II, WE were the bad guys! I will include a picture of somebody who was no doubt smarter than you, but he was something you could never hope to be. THERE at the time! Also, is your insult supposed to cause me to reply in a like manner to get me banned?

Dresden was the single greatest day of WWII. It was the day that 200,000 krauts paid the price for being such a lousy and pathetic excuse for a society. The adequate price was never paid-in-full, of course.
Though I am not a real Nazi. Unfortunately. Because I have never joined their party or gone to any of their meetings. But I will play the "devils" advocate. Though with this forum and most of its members being in the wrong, I doubt it will be allowed. But you can't say I didn't offer.

I think the "banned" says it all. I guess that's what that person gets for being right.