

Verified User
How is everyone? I'm a Libertarian and write for The Libertarian Republic. I enjoy talking friendly politics, learning, and sharing. Hope to 'meet' lots of you soon.
How is everyone? I'm a Libertarian and write for The Libertarian Republic. I enjoy talking friendly politics, learning, and sharing. Hope to 'meet' lots of you soon.
Hi. Welcome to JPP where our motto is, we eat our own. The owner of JPP is a libertarian and so are most of the moderators who are largely ignored as, like most libertarians, they talk a lot, do little to nothing, have a few good ideas and a bunch of really, really bad ones. Scratch them and you'll find either they are anarchist or, in Grinds case, a psychopath utterly lacking in empathy or human compassion.

On the bright side we have no Yankee fans as members.
Welcome, LibertyThunder. I'm a noob, here, too. But I love both liberty and thunder. Hope you find this site to your taste, although you might often have to look under the fireworks and mortar rounds to find the learning and sharing. The friendly-fire damage is superficial, though, and the rhetoric belies the camaraderie.
Welcome, LibertyThunder. I'm a noob, here, too. But I love both liberty and thunder. Hope you find this site to your taste, although you might often have to look under the fireworks and mortar rounds to find the learning and sharing. The friendly-fire damage is superficial, though, and the rhetoric belies the camaraderie.

Always remember to thread ban Leon, Legion and Evince.
tell us the difference between Austrian school of economics and the Chicago school of monetary policy Desh

Can I interject? The Austrian school of economics is about methodological individualism, and the Chicago school rejected Keynesianism in favor of monetarism. What does that mean? I don't give a fuck. This is a welcome to ThunderLiberty (or vice-versa). You want to discuss your stupid economic theories, cawacko? Don't do it here, please.
Can I interject? The Austrian school of economics is about methodological individualism, and the Chicago school rejected Keynesianism in favor of monetarism. What does that mean? I don't give a fuck. This is a welcome to ThunderLiberty (or vice-versa). You want to discuss your stupid economic theories, cawacko? Don't do it here, please.

El Oh El!! You assign yourself board moderator now? I appreciate the hard on you have for me though.

Funny you have no comments for Desh. Maybe she can teach you how markets work.
Can I interject? The Austrian school of economics is about methodological individualism, and the Chicago school rejected Keynesianism in favor of monetarism. What does that mean? I don't give a fuck. This is a welcome to ThunderLiberty (or vice-versa). You want to discuss your stupid economic theories, cawacko? Don't do it here, please.

How about you tell that to that effing crackhead Evince!!
Can I interject? The Austrian school of economics is about methodological individualism, and the Chicago school rejected Keynesianism in favor of monetarism. What does that mean? I don't give a fuck. This is a welcome to ThunderLiberty (or vice-versa). You want to discuss your stupid economic theories, cawacko? Don't do it here, please.

Drink paint thinner.