
El Oh El!! You assign yourself board moderator now? I appreciate the hard on you have for me though.

Funny you have no comments for Desh. Maybe she can teach you how markets work.
probably not but I bet her weed is way better then yours.

Jeesh Wacko...what's up with you? You've been awfully touchy since they hanged your father at San Quentin.
How is everyone? I'm a Libertarian and write for The Libertarian Republic. I enjoy talking friendly politics, learning, and sharing. Hope to 'meet' lots of you soon.

Croeso, Welcome - I'm not a Libertarian, because freedom is totally incompatible with capitalism, but I started off as an Anarchist long ago. You'll find that a lot of the people on here have known one another since the time of the American Revolution or thereabouts, have different names for one another than the ones they now use, and are often mysterious in the extreme. Onwards and upwards!

you have power brokers who keep all the wealth in their corner with NO way to change it

capitalism moves wealth arround

a better Idea always comes

It has to be well fettered to work correctly