on indefiniate mod break
Many don't like visions dark (which should be called grind rocks, but im letting that slide)... however I think it's much better than the two shit brown themes.

Damo, A+++++ on the grind rocks theme. Don't listen to anyone else, I'm the only one that matters.
Yes they were.....................

The ignorant years were blissful....

These youngin's crack me up...they think they have the market cornered on being no one was born young just them..! All I remember from my youth was how many dates I could get,have the coolest car,win the football game,get the best tan at the beach,pig out on fast food... the list of non-essential feats goes on and on...they better enjoy it while they can because like you inferred hell is just around the corner....bills,bills and more bills...responsibility-responsibilty and more responsibilty!:cof1:
I wish I was a young kid again. Enjoy these years Grind, because hell follows.


Its only hell if you refuse the lessons to be learned along the way.

I have never been happier than I am today at 50.

50 kicks total ass!

Grind your stage is a pitiful one. Like I always tell the young women I know "they are not worth shit until they are 25" it is a RARE case when they are.

Its only hell if you refuse the lessons to be learned along the way.

I have never been happier than I am today at 50.

50 kicks total ass!

Grind your stage is a pitiful one. Like I always tell the young women I know "they are not worth shit until they are 25" it is a RARE case when they are.

Like me.
Yeah Desh , but about 50 is when physical problems start to arise....
And having and raising a new baby now ? The youth might sometimes be blissfully ignorant for a purpose ?
Yeah Desh , but about 50 is when physical problems start to arise....
And having and raising a new baby now ? The youth might sometimes be blissfully ignorant for a purpose ?

No way would I go down the kid road again. I dont think I will be raising any grand kids because I dont think my son would do that.

Yeah I cant move quite as quick as I once did but my family has a kick ass health history where they were walking around in their late 90s. My Mom is near 79 and people think she is in her 50s. Im very lucky in that respect but still I have never felt more at peace than I do at this age.

I have an ex sister in law who is my age and she just had her 3rd child. I think she is insane though.
how did this turn into an attack young people/grind thread? assholes . . .

Grind this is not an attack its a fact.

When they ask people of different ages how they see their lives they are much less likely to be happy at your age.

Its not your fault and you are not really doing anything wrong. You are just living the stage of your life that you are in. I would never go back to being that age if I could unless I knew all that I know now. It was a very hard age.
Yeah you are in the best health in your life but you dont even realize what that means because most have never been sick enough to appreciate it. You are dragging arround whatever bullshit your parents left on your head OR you are desperately trying to live up to their good works. Your broke and trying to find that special someone and getting your heart broken and having "friends" screw you.

It took me years to realize being nice gets you nothing in return and being an asshole gets you even less. Its a tuff life and you act as decent person and be kind for your self as much as for anyone around you. You can intellectualize this shit but to know it in your soul and to enternalize it so that when you get screwed by someone you have been kind to you can just go " oh well there is another lost soul and they are going to reap what they sow but never be arround me again" with out burning your energy feeling all kinds of anger and strife about it.

Its tuff being young and that is not your fault. Young guys are not "good for nothing" they are just not good for anything a young woman needs intheir lives until they are about 25. Yes there are exceptions but most are just not ready for a real relationship as early as most women are. That is why women and men tend to pair off in couples where the woman is a couple of years younger than the man.

Its life , its nature and age helps give you the perspective to see it.

We love our little Grind here and cant wait to watch you mature.
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dear desh:

This thread had to do with me being pseudo-happy over a theme being installed.

You had too much weed today.
dear desh:

This thread had to do with me being pseudo-happy over a theme being installed.

You had too much weed today.

Well Grind, be that as it may, the fact remains that this theme sucks. Where the hell did this come from? What happened to the browns? That's what I wanted...a nice soft brown. I can't use this new one, it's too harsh. I'm stuck with the old style. I guess it's fitting because I'm old, but for whatever reason the color you picked with your 20 year old unstrained eyes, blinds me. Therefore, it's my opinion that, regardless of what the romantic Desh might wax poetically on about, you young people, suck! :clink:
lol actually damo had three choices, he just installed this one first. I think he's installing one of the shit browns next week.