These youngin's crack me up...they think they have the market cornered on being no one was born young just them..! All I remember from my youth was how many dates I could get,have the coolest car,win the football game,get the best tan at the beach,pig out on fast food... the list of non-essential feats goes on and on...they better enjoy it while they can because like you inferred hell is just around the corner....bills,bills and more bills...responsibility-responsibilty and more responsibilty!:cof1:

You act like the Kaboomers didn't piss on the older generation. I see, so only you fogeys get to do whatever the hell you want and be "right." Anyone who is by comparison, a fogey or youngun, is either old and decripid or ignorant...

And you wonder why people hate your stupid-ass generation.
So I check the brown. I post something with quotes and bolding that looks fine in brown. What effect does that have on those with black?
So I check the brown. I post something with quotes and bolding that looks fine in brown. What effect does that have on those with black?
So long as you don't change the color it is fine in black. If you use color=black then /color in boxes it will make it so we have a hard time reading it though.

You act like the Kaboomers didn't piss on the older generation. I see, so only you fogeys get to do whatever the hell you want and be "right." Anyone who is by comparison, a fogey or youngun, is either old and decripid or ignorant...

And you wonder why people hate your stupid-ass generation.

Well 3D...I certainly did not hate my parents...I respected them and enjoyed what they taught sorry that you are having a Freudian telling!;)

Side note:You were wrong about the History of Japanese Americans serving during WWII...and you are also wrong about my generation! So you take the title of 'Stupid Ass'...!
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So long as you don't change the color it is fine in black. If you use color=black then /color in boxes it will make it so we have a hard time reading it though.

I am still seeing this forum in Black&White!...Would have preferred the softer Brown hues...but hey I can live with it!...
Well 3D...I certainly did not hate my parents...I respected them and enjoyed what they taught sorry that you are having a Freudian telling!;)

Side note:You were wrong about the History of Japanese Americans serving during WWII...and you are also wrong about my generation! So you take the title of 'Stupid Ass'...!

Fool, every history source I have ever come accross, including professors, directly contradict your source. And I love my Baby Boomer parents very much, as you love your GG parents, so there...

Fool, every history source I have ever come accross, including professors, directly contradict your source. And I love my Baby Boomer parents very much, as you love your GG parents, so there...

I gave ya the link to those that were really there and did that...but hey just bend over for the grade..enough said!
I love my parents because I see that without the education they provided for me I could become someone like BB.