Gun Bans Don't Mean Lower Murder Rates, Finds Harvard Study

Prohibition didn't work because too many Americans liked booze. Most of the world gets rid of guns because people hate murder, but Americans seem to like killing one another. Perhaps the country should be divided up under civilized governments?
americans realized that guns were the only thing that would keep us from under the boots of tyranny. I invite you to try it
it's not even that. most people in other countries can't get their mindset out of the 'government is your master'

You have more people in prison than any other country, and the biggest spy system ever. You are slaves - brainwashed slaves - of your capitalist masters and their government. Grovel on, kiddo!
You have more people in prison than any other country, and the biggest spy system ever. You are slaves - brainwashed slaves - of your capitalist masters and their government. Grovel on, kiddo!

Well, the tone of this post is obnoxious, but he/she is right about the number of people we put in prison. Either Americans are especially evil-doing or we have a prison system that's fucked up. I lean toward the latter, in spite of people like Cheney.