Gun Control: Today's The Day


Today (actually in about half an hour) we'll hear the President's plan to keep high capacity guns out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them.

Today we'll see if the extreme right of gun nuts and conspiracy freaks will live up to their name or prove themselves to be blustering fools. Today the extremists on this forum will undoubtedly bring up the Godwin Rule, Communism, Anarchy, etc.


Today is change. For the good.

Post your hatred here. Post your appreciation of common sense here.

President Barack Obama's broad effort to reduce gun violence will include proposed bans on military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines as well as more than a dozen executive orders aimed at circumventing congressional opposition to stricter gun control.

Obama was to announce the measures Wednesday at a White House event that will bring together law enforcement officials, lawmakers and children who wrote the president about gun violence following last month's shooting of 20 young students and six adults at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn.

The president also invited families of the Newtown victims and survivors of the horrific shooting to the White House Wednesday.

The broad package Obama will unveil will also include efforts to stop bullying and boost availability of mental health services.
Nearly six in 10 Americans want stricter gun laws in the aftermath of the shootings in Connecticut, with majorities favoring a nationwide ban on military-style, rapid-fire weapons and limits on gun violence depicted in video games, movies and TV shows, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll.

Common sense restrictions.

According to a lobbyist briefed Tuesday, Obama will present a three-part plan focused on gun violence, education and mental health. He'll call for:

— A focus on universal background checks. Right now some 40 percent of gun sales take place without background checks, including by private sellers at gun shows or over the Internet, according to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

— A ban on assault weapons and limiting ammunition magazines to 10 rounds or fewer.

— A federal statute to stop "straw man" purchases of guns and crack down on trafficking rings.

— More anti-bullying efforts; more training for teachers, counselors and principals; and funding for schools for more counselors and resource officers.

Obama also will order federal agencies to conduct more research on gun use and crimes, the lobbyist said, something Republican congressional majorities have limited through language in budget bills.

On mental health, Obama will focus on more availability of mental health services, training more school counselors and mental health professionals, and mental health first aid training for first responders, according to the lobbyist, who was not authorized to discuss the plan publicly before the president's announcement and requested anonymity.
nothing but a super appeal to emotion. this plan will do nothing to stop crime, it's intention being nothing more than further movement towards eliminating the constitution. The founding fathers are all face palming themselves as you beg for slavery.
nothing but a super appeal to emotion. this plan will do nothing to stop crime, it's intention being nothing more than further movement towards eliminating the constitution. The founding fathers are all face palming themselves as you beg for slavery.

Too funny. All we hear from gun lovers is the appeal to emotion. "Oppression, tyranny, Hitler, Nazis" ring a bell?
nothing but a super appeal to emotion. this plan will do nothing to stop crime,

How can you make an argument that a letter to mental health professionals telling them that no federal law bans them from reporting dangerous patients to law enforcement might not prevent a crime? -- This order implies that Biden found there was misinformation out there about patient privacy. Any patient who makes a credible threat of violence is not protected by any privacy laws.

How can you make an argument that funding efforts to stop gun trafficking will not curb crimes? Are you one of these people who think the ATF are the bad guys?-- Like Timothy McVeigh.

There were 23 executive orders, have you even read them?
How can you make an argument that a letter to mental health professionals telling them that no federal law bans them from reporting dangerous patients to law enforcement might not prevent a crime? -- This order implies that Biden found there was misinformation out there about patient privacy. Any patient who makes a credible threat of violence is not protected by any privacy laws.

How can you make an argument that funding efforts to stop gun trafficking will not curb crimes? Are you one of these people who think the ATF are the bad guys?-- Like Timothy McVeigh.

There were 23 executive orders, have you even read them?

I saw that the President asked the CDC to study the cause of gun violence. Being a proud American I can offer some answers to that question.

1) 'I don't like the color of your shirt (or cap)' bam, person's dead

2) 'give me your new sneakers' bam, person's dead

3) 'you stepped on my foot' bam, person's dead

4) 'excuse me, this is my corner to sell drugs on' bam, person's dead

5) a mentally ill person goes crazy and shoots up a bunch of people

I'm open to the list being added to and I offer it to the President at no charge.
They already got that list from the grade school students who wrote to the President, but thanks, anyway.
I saw that the President asked the CDC to study the cause of gun violence. Being a proud American I can offer some answers to that question.

1) 'I don't like the color of your shirt (or cap)' bam, person's dead

2) 'give me your new sneakers' bam, person's dead

3) 'you stepped on my foot' bam, person's dead

4) 'excuse me, this is my corner to sell drugs on' bam, person's dead

5) a mentally ill person goes crazy and shoots up a bunch of people

I'm open to the list being added to and I offer it to the President at no charge.

Is that what a degree from USC produces?
I have not seen any statistics so I'm open to being shown that I am wrong but I am willing to bet that the majority of killings in this country evolve around either drugs or gangs.
Nope, it's what growing up in Oakland does. Do you have any issues with what I documented?

I don't think those things were the cause.

Does poverty cause the young man/woman to use guns to steal shoes? Is it mental illness, is it lack of a parental guidance. is it teen rebellion or wanting a sense of belonging, so the gang mentality. Is it a violent society. I think it is multilayered with many causes.
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I don't think those things were the cause.

Does poverty cause the young man/woman to use guns to steal shoes? Is it mental illness, is it lack of a parental guidance. is it teen rebellion or wanting a sees of belonging, so the gang mentality. Is it a violent society. I think it is multilayered with many causes.

So what is the cause behind drug killings over turf and gang killings then?
How can you make an argument that a letter to mental health professionals telling them that no federal law bans them from reporting dangerous patients to law enforcement might not prevent a crime? -- This order implies that Biden found there was misinformation out there about patient privacy. Any patient who makes a credible threat of violence is not protected by any privacy laws.
handing over the reins of who gets to enjoy rights to a government who has shown zero remorse in removing those rights is tantamount to begging for slavery.

How can you make an argument that funding efforts to stop gun trafficking will not curb crimes? Are you one of these people who think the ATF are the bad guys?-- Like Timothy McVeigh.
fast and furious, waco, ruby ridge, gitmo, rendition, waterboarding, ndaa, bonus army massacre, wounded knee.......why you retards still have complete faith in government boggles the mind.
Today (actually in about half an hour) we'll hear the President's plan to keep high capacity guns out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them.
Another example of a reactionary anti-gun loon speaking from a position of abject ignorance.
There's no such thing as a "high capacity gun."

You and your habit of illustrating the petulance and ignorance of your side make things that much easier for our side - please, keep up the good work.
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I saw that the President asked the CDC to study the cause of gun violence. Being a proud American I can offer some answers to that question.

1) 'I don't like the color of your shirt (or cap)' bam, person's dead

2) 'give me your new sneakers' bam, person's dead

3) 'you stepped on my foot' bam, person's dead

4) 'excuse me, this is my corner to sell drugs on' bam, person's dead

5) a mentally ill person goes crazy and shoots up a bunch of people

I'm open to the list being added to and I offer it to the President at no charge.

Sorry to hear you failed out of high school.

But scientific research and criminology is tad more complicated, sweetie.

Let the big people handle it from here on out.

BTW -- you left out, 6) I'm drunk and I caught my brother coming out my trailer and his fingers smelled like my wife's snatch. Yee-ha!!