Gun Grabbers BRAINWASHING Soccer Moms


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I know how these Libs think, they cannot get the normal American males to give up their guns, of course unless the males are actually Liberal girleymen, and they will do anything the Feminazis say, they are stooges for these Feminazis. The Gun Grabbers have set their sights on brainwashing the soccer Moms, and the Lib Feminazis are leading the way, because they know how to "get to gals", they do it by playing on the emotions of the soccer Moms by always talking about how assault weapons will hurt their children, this is true brainwashing. This entire ant-gun agenda has been created by a panel of Leftists strategery experts, probably sponsored by George Soros. The "PRO" Libs on here get their talking points probably by email, they actually try to earn their keep by coming online, no pun intended, to "get to" as many casual reader soccer Moms as they can, day after day. This is why I feel obligated to call a spade a spade and call them out on their BS brainwashing of our Moms, like I am doing here...Lock And Load.
I can name 20 moms who are very aware of the fact that "assault weapons hurt their child". With absolutely no brainwashing involved.

The real brainwashing is coming from those trying to convince moms otherwise.
I know how these Libs think, they cannot get the normal American males to give up their guns, of course unless the males are actually Liberal girleymen, and they will do anything the Feminazis say, they are stooges for these Feminazis. The Gun Grabbers have set their sights on brainwashing the soccer Moms, and the Lib Feminazis are leading the way, because they know how to "get to gals", they do it by playing on the emotions of the soccer Moms by always talking about how assault weapons will hurt their children, this is true brainwashing. This entire ant-gun agenda has been created by a panel of Leftists strategery experts, probably sponsored by George Soros. The "PRO" Libs on here get their talking points probably by email, they actually try to earn their keep by coming online, no pun intended, to "get to" as many casual reader soccer Moms as they can, day after day. This is why I feel obligated to call a spade a spade and call them out on their BS brainwashing of our Moms, like I am doing here...Lock And Load.
I am laughing so hard that I almost peeded my pants.
I can name 20 moms who are very aware of the fact that "assault weapons hurt their child". With absolutely no brainwashing involved.

The real brainwashing is coming from those trying to convince moms otherwise.
I own you, you are mine so bend over.....Ja Ja Ja....The Congresss will block "everyting", so your "stupit" poll means "nuttin". The gun sales are reaching record numbers, all you Lib girleymen are doing is getting the pro-gun base activated. You are outnumbered, there are hundreds of millions of gun owners, so you are just spinning your wheels, you will go no-where, no-how, no-way. Of course I undertstand that it is your job to try, so go "fo" it.
You're a "top"? :eek:
I cannot help myself, I thrive on Cyber skewering Libs, and I know that it might take me over again, where I can hardly wait to get on here and mess with their pointed heads. If that happens, then I will have to leave this Forum, butt the Lib girleymen are made to order for me, they are such jackasses, it is truly amazing how they even hold a job in real life, because they say things that are borderline moronic. I mean everyone who reads this BS has to come to the same conclusion as yours truely...
Your homo-erotic fantasies are noted.
Is that the best that you can do/say? I remember on the old Board how I had to back away from some of the girleymen because they seemed so unstable and delicate that I did not want any of them self mutilating because I had Cyber-Lobotomized so many of them. I mean, you folks out there, you be the judges, just read what this dip sheep just said; "Your homo-erotic fantasies are noted", what the "F" does that mean? Maybe Gun Gun is jealous and wants his fair share up the ying yang...Ja Ja Ja(Spanish for Ha Ha Ha) Think about it, the name "Gun Gun" has a weird porn like connotation, like he is trying to send US a message. These Libs do that on these Boards, they all think that they are great writers, so they each try to use words that make them look like the Mensa Society member that I am. Gun Gun needs to change his name to Dum Dum or Dim Dim.
So Mr. Mensa doesn't know what that means?
I was a proven Mensa on the other Board, just ask Zappy about me, therefore I am still a Mensa, once a Mensa always a Mensa. You are just jealous, aren't you Gun Gun? How does it feel to be cyber skewered, you will get used to it, trust me on that. I have yet to "meat" my Liberal match on any of these Boards/Forums, especially from pin headed Lib Girleymen who are made to order for me, it is what it is.
More homo-erotic fantasies.

So how come Mr. Mensa doesn't know what that means?
So Dudette is back on, well I will not tell anyone, and as happened before you are following me around like a good poochy, except now your homo tendencies are taking over, this always seems to happen with Lib girleymen.
I own you, you are mine so bend over.....Ja Ja Ja....The Congresss will block "everyting", so your "stupit" poll means "nuttin". The gun sales are reaching record numbers, all you Lib girleymen are doing is getting the pro-gun base activated. You are outnumbered, there are hundreds of millions of gun owners, so you are just spinning your wheels, you will go no-where, no-how, no-way. Of course I undertstand that it is your job to try, so go "fo" it.

yeah that is what the NRA wants.

they only represent the gun sells and manufaturers.

glad your starting to catch on
EVERY answer the guy gave would result in the gun manufacturers gaining sales.

when will the right leaning voters catch on to the fact that they are being manipulated at every turn by people who have money to gain?
SJJRSJJS doesn't believe soccer moms are capable of thinking for themselves. Says a LOT about SJJRSJJS, and nothing about soccer moms.

Nothing here...

I can name 20 moms who are very aware of the fact that "assault weapons hurt their child". With absolutely no brainwashing involved.

The real brainwashing is coming from those trying to convince moms otherwise.

I can name 20 moms that trusted the government to protect their children,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and of course,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the goverrnment failed!

As usual.

They totally trusted the government.

And the government failed.

Is that the best that you can do/say? I remember on the old Board how I had to back away from some of the girleymen because they seemed so unstable and delicate that I did not want any of them self mutilating because I had Cyber-Lobotomized so many of them. I mean, you folks out there, you be the judges, just read what this dip sheep just said; "Your homo-erotic fantasies are noted", what the "F" does that mean? Maybe Gun Gun is jealous and wants his fair share up the ying yang...Ja Ja Ja(Spanish for Ha Ha Ha) Think about it, the name "Gun Gun" has a weird porn like connotation, like he is trying to send US a message. These Libs do that on these Boards, they all think that they are great writers, so they each try to use words that make them look like the Mensa Society member that I am. Gun Gun needs to change his name to Dum Dum or Dim Dim.

Don't argue with a nut.

The guys a nut dude.

Ignore him.
SJJRSJJS doesn't believe soccer moms are capable of thinking for themselves. Says a LOT about SJJRSJJS, and nothing about soccer moms.

Nothing here...

They do not try to persuade US gun owners, they naturally try to influence people who vote and who do not really shoot guns, AKA Soccer Moms. Soccer Moms are too busy with their kids and their families, so they can be brainwashed with all the Leftists lies about gun violence for instance. The gang members shoot/kill each other at an alarming rate, in Los Angeles alone, there are 3 or 4 gang member deaths everyday. Here is a link to all the Hispanic gangs in LA, then on that same page click the links to the Bloods, The Cripps, the Asian gangs, and remember that they all have guns. We are not giving our guns up, period. Why do I have to tell you Libs all this, don't you care about the future, or is everything about Libs just to enjoy the moment, tax and spend, to hell with the future. Now Chicago is just as bad as L.A., then you have Detroit, Philly, etc etc.
They do not try to persuade US gun owners, they naturally try to influence people who vote and who do not really shoot guns, AKA Soccer Moms. Soccer Moms are too busy with their kids and their families, so they can be brainwashed with all the Leftists lies about gun violence for instance. The gang members shoot/kill each other at an alarming rate, in Los Angeles alone, there are 3 or 4 gang member deaths everyday. Here is a link to all the Hispanic gangs in LA, then on that same page click the links to the Bloods, The Cripps, the Asian gangs, and remember that they all have guns. We are not giving our guns up, period. Why do I have to tell you Libs all this, don't you care about the future, or is everything about Libs just to enjoy the moment, tax and spend, to hell with the future. Now Chicago is just as bad as L.A., then you have Detroit, Philly, etc etc.

Is the right wing fear infested brain so gripped by it's cowardly fear that it can't HEAR?

No liberals, Democrats or soccer moms are calling for any law abiding citizen give up their guns. Except, military assault weapons and high capacity clips.
Is the right wing fear infested brain so gripped by it's cowardly fear that it can't HEAR?

No liberals, Democrats or soccer moms are calling for any law abiding citizen give up their guns. Except, military assault weapons and high capacity clips.
That is a lie, you Libs are constantly chipping away at our gun Rights, we reject ANY new gun laws. Your boys Senators Lautenberg and Shumer have in the past openly stated that their goal is to eventually take all the guns away, and do not ask me for a web site quote, you know all about what they said. I am surprized that you had the chutzpa to even post that BS to me, you need to follow all my posts so you can get re-educated, or better yet, retrained. I will show you the way, and the truth will set you free, and you will stop getting constipated all the time.