Gun Grabbers BRAINWASHING Soccer Moms

That is a lie, you Libs are constantly chipping away at our gun Rights, we reject ANY new gun laws. Your boys Senators Lautenberg and Shumer have in the past openly stated that their goal is to eventually take all the guns away, and do not ask me for a web site quote, you know all about what they said. I am surprized that you had the chutzpa to even post that BS to me, you need to follow all my posts so you can get re-educated, or better yet, retrained. I will show you the way, and the truth will set you free, and you will stop getting constipated all the time.

Schumer has been very clear and honest. If you want to become intelligent like me, you need to pull that thumb out of your mouth and learn. It is the only way to destroy those little dogmatic demons that control your very being. So crawl out from under mommy's bed and LEARN.

A middle ground on gun limits

By Charles E. Schumer, Published: December 19

The first part is something many gun-control advocates did not wish to hear, but it was a needed dose of reality. Before Heller, the goal of some gun-control activists was an outright ban on handguns. Heller removes that possibility for good. Progressives should move on and work within the ruling. This means no longer harboring ideas of a future liberal majority on the court someday overturning Heller. It also means that states and localities should abide by the spirit of the ruling, not just its letter, and not seek to impose undue burdens upon law-abiding citizens seeking to exercise their Second Amendment rights.

The truth is, it was bad strategy to ever deny an individual right to bear arms and, similarly, the special place guns hold in our culture. That mentality alienated potential allies in the ideological middle of the gun debate — something I learned three years ago when my friend Ben Nelson invited me to Nebraska for my first hunting trip. I returned with true respect for how, in many parts of America, gun ownership is not just a constitutional right but a way of life. It has the same meaning in Nebraska that playground basketball did for me in my Brooklyn neighborhood. Heller understands that reality.

In the current state of play, moderate gun owners have become convinced by the NRA and other, even more radical gun organizations such as Gun Owners of America that the goal of all gun-safety advocates is to take away their guns. These owners view even the most reasonable gun-safety proposals with suspicion, fearing a slippery slope to a ban on firearms. This paranoia is what gives the gun lobby its power.

It wasn’t always this way. After the assassinations of leaders like Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. in the late 1960s, the nation enacted sweeping gun-safety laws — and the NRA did not stand in the way.

The NRA was less political in that era and more focused on providing practical assistance to its members, much like AAA does today for automobile owners. But in the 1980s, the group became more militant. Part of this was driven by new leadership, which sought to expand the group’s membership rolls and collect more dues.

But this radicalization was also abetted by those who really were seeking an outright ban on guns.

Now that Heller has ruled out the possibility of anyone ever taking away their weapons, gun owners should be more open to some reasonable limitations. No individual right is absolute, after all. While the First Amendment protects freedom of speech, no one has a right to falsely shout “Fire!” in a crowded theater, nor to traffic in child pornography. Likewise, the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms also comes with limits.

We need to refine those limits in the wake of what happened in Newtown.

Washington Post
Schumer voted against the Vitter amendment as well as authoring the weapon ban of '94. More lies from a liar.
Schumer voted against the Vitter amendment as well as authoring the weapon ban of '94. More lies from a liar.

Oh, I see. Because you are an absolutist dogma driven fear filled paranoid extremist pea brain, Chuck Schumer must be as far extreme as YOU? There is no middle in your retarded little fucking moron pea.
Oh, I see,because I am an absolutist dogma driven fear filled paranoid extremist pea brain, Chuck Schumer must be as far extreme as me. There is no middle in my retarded little fucking moron pea.

Why vote against the Vitter amendment? Actions speak louder than words.
I can name 20 moms who are very aware of the fact that "assault weapons hurt their child". With absolutely no brainwashing involved.

The real brainwashing is coming from those trying to convince moms otherwise.

Are they aware of how being a queer is more likely to hurt their child than a gun?
Why vote against the Vitter amendment? Actions speak louder than words.

Because we already have the 2nd amendment. The Vitter bill is just stuffing the absolutist down people's throats.

I will say this once. There is NO slippery slope. It is you tiny little fear infested brain dominating your very existence. We are a nation of laws, not dogma.
Because we already have the 2nd amendment. The Vitter bill is just stuffing the absolutist down people's throats.

I will say this once. There is NO slippery slope. It is you tiny little fear infested brain dominating your very existence. We are a nation of laws, not dogma.

No? Explain what happened in this video then.
Schumer has been very clear and honest. If you want to become intelligent like me, you need to pull that thumb out of your mouth and learn. It is the only way to destroy those little dogmatic demons that control your very being. So crawl out from under mommy's bed and LEARN.

A middle ground on gun limits

By Charles E. Schumer, Published: December 19

The first part is something many gun-control advocates did not wish to hear, but it was a needed dose of reality. Before Heller, the goal of some gun-control activists was an outright ban on handguns. Heller removes that possibility for good. Progressives should move on and work within the ruling. This means no longer harboring ideas of a future liberal majority on the court someday overturning Heller. It also means that states and localities should abide by the spirit of the ruling, not just its letter, and not seek to impose undue burdens upon law-abiding citizens seeking to exercise their Second Amendment rights.

The truth is, it was bad strategy to ever deny an individual right to bear arms and, similarly, the special place guns hold in our culture. That mentality alienated potential allies in the ideological middle of the gun debate — something I learned three years ago when my friend Ben Nelson invited me to Nebraska for my first hunting trip. I returned with true respect for how, in many parts of America, gun ownership is not just a constitutional right but a way of life. It has the same meaning in Nebraska that playground basketball did for me in my Brooklyn neighborhood. Heller understands that reality.

In the current state of play, moderate gun owners have become convinced by the NRA and other, even more radical gun organizations such as Gun Owners of America that the goal of all gun-safety advocates is to take away their guns. These owners view even the most reasonable gun-safety proposals with suspicion, fearing a slippery slope to a ban on firearms. This paranoia is what gives the gun lobby its power.

It wasn’t always this way. After the assassinations of leaders like Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. in the late 1960s, the nation enacted sweeping gun-safety laws — and the NRA did not stand in the way.

The NRA was less political in that era and more focused on providing practical assistance to its members, much like AAA does today for automobile owners. But in the 1980s, the group became more militant. Part of this was driven by new leadership, which sought to expand the group’s membership rolls and collect more dues.

But this radicalization was also abetted by those who really were seeking an outright ban on guns.

Now that Heller has ruled out the possibility of anyone ever taking away their weapons, gun owners should be more open to some reasonable limitations. No individual right is absolute, after all. While the First Amendment protects freedom of speech, no one has a right to falsely shout “Fire!” in a crowded theater, nor to traffic in child pornography. Likewise, the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms also comes with limits.

We need to refine those limits in the wake of what happened in Newtown.

Washington Post
Shumer is a liar, you Libs lie all the time, because you are always conniving; "tell them anything so we can get out foot in the door. That door will lead US to eventually grab all the guns, every last one of them" FORGET ABOUT IT
Shumer is a liar, you Libs lie all the time, because you are always conniving; "tell them anything so we can get out foot in the door. That door will lead US to eventually grab all the guns, every last one of them" FORGET ABOUT IT

That's it...suck harder on that thumb, and move from under the bed to under mommy's skirt. Maybe someday you will be ready for a pair of big boy pants without the liner.

That's it...suck harder on that thumb, and move from under the bed to under mommy's skirt. Maybe someday you will be ready for a pair of big boy pants without the liner.

Name calling will not help you, there will be no gun laws passed by OUR Congress. No one on this Forum understands Liberals better than I, and thats a fact Jack. Everything is spelled out in the Commie Manifesto about needing to confiscate all guns, which I am now "holding in my former nicotine stained fingers"....think Rush lose, I win
Name calling will not help you, there will be no gun laws passed by OUR Congress. No one on this Forum understands Liberals better than I, and thats a fact Jack. Everything is spelled out in the Commie Manifesto about needing to confiscate all guns, which I am now "holding in my former nicotine stained fingers"....think Rush lose, I win have no clue what a liberal is. Because you have never been a liberal. Your only frame of reference is YOU, and that is not liberal. That is a paranoia totally controlled by the strongest human emotion...FEAR.

It is the slippery slope, so move into blow up the whole world mode.

Conservatives and Liberals Have Different Brains, Studies Show

Researchers noted that Democrats had larger anterior cingulate cortexes, which are associated with tolerance to uncertainty, while Republicans had larger right amygdalas, which are associated with sensitivity to fear. have no clue what a liberal is. Because you have never been a liberal. Your only frame of reference is YOU, and that is not liberal. That is a paranoia totally controlled by the strongest human emotion...FEAR.

It is the slippery slope, so move into blow up the whole world mode.

Conservatives and Liberals Have Different Brains, Studies Show

Researchers noted that Democrats had larger anterior cingulate cortexes, which are associated with tolerance to uncertainty, while Republicans had larger right amygdalas, which are associated with sensitivity to fear.
Folks, this BS above is exactly what I have been saying on these Forums for years and that is that Liberals are pin-heads who have mush for brains, butt mostly its the Liberal Girleymen who are the real jackass dumb dumbs. The Liberal women are kind of cool, actually, I get a kick out of how they give orders to the Lib Girleymen, especially concerning not taking me on via a posting debate, and we all saw that on the old Board. Since these Libs are losing the gun debate, they immediately try to downplay my Mensa brain, what a HippoCrat...A HippoCrat is a fat ass Liberal. Watch out because one of the FemiNazis will start yelling at you BFGRN, also, they know how to call a spade a spade. What does your user name stand fo? TOUCHE" Again
Folks, this BS above is exactly what I have been saying on these Forums for years and that is that Liberals are pin-heads who have mush for brains, butt mostly its the Liberal Girleymen who are the real jackass dumb dumbs. The Liberal women are kind of cool, actually, I get a kick out of how they give orders to the Lib Girleymen, especially concerning not taking me on via a posting debate, and we all saw that on the old Board. Since these Libs are losing the gun debate, they immediately try to downplay my Mensa brain, what a HippoCrat...A HippoCrat is a fat ass Liberal. Watch out because one of the FemiNazis will start yelling at you BFGRN, also, they know how to call a spade a spade. What does your user name stand fo? TOUCHE" Again

Funny, you expect to be addressed as an adult after your childish OP, filled with insults, dogma and alarming signs you suffer from latent homosexual tendencies?

But as the adult in the room, I will address you in that manner just this ONCE.

All I've seen here is people who have some naive Utopian fantasy that all rights are absolute. Folks who want to undermine and prevent any rational discussion of proper, fair and rational restrictions on owning a firearm.

What I have yet to see from the gun crowd is 'rational'. It seems they are looking for a way to use the absurd, the law of the jungle, anarchy and the paranoid slippery slope to avoid the rational.

Rational people in a society try to write laws that limit the damage that can be inflicted on society, without severely limiting the rights and privileges we all covet and enjoy.

The right to bear arms SHOULD be afforded to every law abiding citizen. But we should all be in favor of passing laws to prevent someone who is not a law abiding citizen from gaining access to a firearm.

We have laws that make it illegal for a minor to drive a car. When you are old enough to drive, you have to pass a written test showing you understand the rules of the road. And you have to pass a road test to show you can safely operate a motor vehicle. But even after you meet all those requirements, we still have speed limits. We still have laws that make it a crime to drink and drive.

I anticipate you will argue that driving is a privilege and owning a firearm is a right. But no right is absolute. If the 2nd amendment were absolute, then criminals, and the mentally ill should be eligible...they are NOT, nor should they be eligible.
Funny, you expect to be addressed as an adult after your childish OP, filled with insults, dogma and alarming signs you suffer from latent homosexual tendencies?

But as the adult in the room, I will address you in that manner just this ONCE.

All I've seen here is people who have some naive Utopian fantasy that all rights are absolute. Folks who want to undermine and prevent any rational discussion of proper, fair and rational restrictions on owning a firearm.

What I have yet to see from the gun crowd is 'rational'. It seems they are looking for a way to use the absurd, the law of the jungle, anarchy and the paranoid slippery slope to avoid the rational.

Rational people in a society try to write laws that limit the damage that can be inflicted on society, without severely limiting the rights and privileges we all covet and enjoy.

The right to bear arms SHOULD be afforded to every law abiding citizen. But we should all be in favor of passing laws to prevent someone who is not a law abiding citizen from gaining access to a firearm.

We have laws that make it illegal for a minor to drive a car. When you are old enough to drive, you have to pass a written test showing you understand the rules of the road. And you have to pass a road test to show you can safely operate a motor vehicle. But even after you meet all those requirements, we still have speed limits. We still have laws that make it a crime to drink and drive.

I anticipate you will argue that driving is a privilege and owning a firearm is a right. But no right is absolute. If the 2nd amendment were absolute, then criminals, and the mentally ill should be eligible...they are NOT, nor should they be eligible.
I grew up hunting Pheasants, Ducks, Geese, Doves, Pigions, Turkeys, and although I had a scoped Winchester Model 70 in 300 Win Mag, I never went deer hunting for one reason or another. At the Orange County Shooting Range the range, while zeroing the rifle in at 100 yards, I shot three shots all touching that were 3/8ths of an inch apart, and I never shot that great rifle again. I ended up selling it, but I still have the target if anyone once to see it with a thumb shot, in any position you want, up down, or sideways you call it and I will snap a photo today and post it. I suspect that someone will challenge my claim of 3/8ths of an inch since that is Camp Perry type stats, and much better than Army Sniper requirments. In the Army basic training itself, I was by far the best shot every day that I shot, now you can see why I am so pro gun. Ask Zappy, he knows that I know about guns. You are the one who keeps bringing up Homos, not me, and also remember that a dog smells his own hole first....
I grew up hunting Pheasants, Ducks, Geese, Doves, Pigions, Turkeys, and although I had a scoped Winchester Model 70 in 300 Win Mag, I never went deer hunting for one reason or another. At the Orange County Shooting Range the range, while zeroing the rifle in at 100 yards, I shot three shots all touching that were 3/8ths of an inch apart, and I never shot that great rifle again. I ended up selling it, but I still have the target if anyone once to see it with a thumb shot, in any position you want, up down, or sideways you call it and I will snap a photo today and post it. I suspect that someone will challenge my claim of 3/8ths of an inch since that is Camp Perry type stats, and much better than Army Sniper requirments. In the Army basic training itself, I was by far the best shot every day that I shot, now you can see why I am so pro gun. Ask Zappy, he knows that I know about guns. You are the one who keeps bringing up Homos, not me, and also remember that a dog smells his own hole first....

Good for you. I support your 2nd amendment right to hunt Pheasants, Ducks, Geese, Doves, Pigions, Turkeys. I support your 2nd amendment right to target shoot. I support all law abiding citizens' right to hunt, sport shoot and gain access to firearms.

But I don't support someone who is not a law abiding citizen gaining access to a firearm. As citizens, we can't stop a criminal from buying an illegal firearm from the trunk of another criminal in some dark alley.

But, that's where the criminal should be forced to buy a gun. In a totally illegal setting, with all the inherant dangers that come with it. BUT, our current laws sanction criminals being able to walk into a gun show, receive expert advice, discounts, what ever weapon(s) they desire without a background check or having to pay black market prices or risk the dangers of buying a weapon from another criminal in a dark alley.
How about it Big Fucking Goofy Retarded Nerd?

It was a violation of the 2nd amendment, but it was not ordered by the Federal or State government. It was ordered by New Orleans Police Superintendent Eddie Compass.

On September 23, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana issued a restraining order to bar further firearms confiscations.

Louisiana legislator Steve Scalise introduced Louisiana House Bill 760, which would prohibit confiscation of firearms in a state of emergency, unless the seizure is pursuant to the investigation of a crime, or if the seizure is necessary to prevent immediate harm to the officer or another individual. On June 8, 2006, HB 760 was signed into law. 21 other states joined Louisiana in enacting similar laws. A federal law prohibiting seizure of lawfully held firearms during an emergency, the Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act of 2006, passed in the House with a vote of 322 to 99, and in the Senate by 84-16. The bill was signed into law by President Bush on October 9, 2006. wiki

There is NO slippery slope. There was swift action taken by State and Federal government to write new LAWS.
It was a violation of the 2nd amendment, but it was not ordered by the Federal or State government. It was ordered by New Orleans Police Superintendent Eddie Compass.

On September 23, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana issued a restraining order to bar further firearms confiscations.

Louisiana legislator Steve Scalise introduced Louisiana House Bill 760, which would prohibit confiscation of firearms in a state of emergency, unless the seizure is pursuant to the investigation of a crime, or if the seizure is necessary to prevent immediate harm to the officer or another individual. On June 8, 2006, HB 760 was signed into law. 21 other states joined Louisiana in enacting similar laws. A federal law prohibiting seizure of lawfully held firearms during an emergency, the Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act of 2006, passed in the House with a vote of 322 to 99, and in the Senate by 84-16. The bill was signed into law by President Bush on October 9, 2006. wiki

There is NO slippery slope. There was swift action taken by State and Federal government to write new LAWS.
Why did Schumer vote against it? He ia a liar plain and simple.