Gun, Gun, and more Guns


The AK-47's magazine is great at being a bottle opener. The only problem is that it puts minor dents in the magazine which can one day stop it from working. Only an idiot would use it as such, but often soldiers are idiots, so...

So the Israeli Galil which copied many ideas from the AK-47 included a bottle opener to avoid having people put dents in their magazines.
The AR-15 is terrible for home defense. One of those rounds will easily kill one of your neighbors as it goes through the walls like they are soft butter.

Get a 9mm pistol (ease and quickness) or a shotgun (if you can't aim) and they won't as easily reach into your neighbor's house.

Agreed. The best home defense rifle is something like a Ruger 10/22 with a larger magazine capacity. The rounds won't penetrate beyond the first impact and you can easily control the weapon while spraying the target with rounds. Having a capacity of say 30 .22LR rounds ensures multiple hits. The rifle is compact in size so it is easily maneuvered and you can always use it as a club in a pinch.