gun sale and responsibility/liability

should a gun seller be liable for crimes committed with that gun

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If my stepson illegally sells my gun to a prohibited person, without my knowledge, should that make me liable for any criminal act done with that weapon????
You? No. Your stepson, yeah. It's not your gun if someone else sells it. It's theirs. Unless you mean if someone stole it from you in which
Can’t a gun if it retains its serial number be traced by the FBI all the way back to the manufacture and thereby through the hands of anybody that had possession of it? Aren’t there already laws on the books about liability and responsibility of gun ownership? Do criminals usually use guns that still retain their serial numbers? What’s to prevent anybody from claiming that their gun was stolen? Should folks be responsible for the theft of their property?

Isn’t the poll irrelevant, unnecessary and a moot issue?
Can’t a gun if it retains its serial number be traced by the FBI all the way back to the manufacture and thereby through the hands of anybody that had possession of it?
Not really no. They can use the serial number to call the manufacturer and trace it to the FFL that made the sale, but beyond that no.
Aren’t there already laws on the books about liability and responsibility of gun ownership?
Do criminals usually use guns that still retain their serial numbers?
A serial number only helps if you have the gun to begin with. Since over 90% of guns used in crime are stolen, and a large portion are dumped after being used, it's pretty irrelevant to get rid of the serial number.
Not really no. They can use the serial number to call the manufacturer and trace it to the FFL that made the sale, but beyond that no.

So then law enforcement can’t and don’t interview the original seller of the gun to find out who it was sold to and then interview the original buyer to find out where the gun went from that point and on and on and on?

A serial number only helps if you have the gun to begin with. Since over 90% of guns used in crime are stolen, and a large portion are dumped after being used, it's pretty irrelevant to get rid of the serial number.

But not irrelevant to the OP poll. If a claim was submitted that a gun was stolen and said claim can’t be disproven, should the victim of the theft be liable for criminal actions committed with the stolen property?

The point here is gun responsibility laws already exist. Whether they’re fair or not is a question to be decided in courts depending on the circumstances of the crime and how it came about.

There’s no rational “yes” or “no” answer to the poll question.
background checks to buy pressure cookers and number of screws/nails sold limited to 24 without proof that you're a licensed contractor.......
so we should make Eric Holder accountable for all his ATF agents sending guns to Mexico, right?

Did every gun sent to Mexico belong to Mr Holder personally, and/or come from Mr. Holder's personal collection?

Were the ATF agents RELATED to Holder as you are to your stepson?

How pathetic is it that you try to change the subject to avoid discussing your OP?
Did every gun sent to Mexico belong to Mr Holder personally, and/or come from Mr. Holder's personal collection?

Were the ATF agents RELATED to Holder as you are to your stepson?

How pathetic is it that you try to change the subject to avoid discussing your OP?
so accountability should only apply to blood? my stepson is not blood.
Because we're not talking about him

Your OP involved you and your stepson...since that point you've been desperately trying to change the subject to include Holder.
they are similar situations, therefore I wanted to see if people would be consistent about them. predictably, you're a partisan hack or a statist that feels holder can't be accountable or that the government is immune from the law.

It's YOUR gun, and YOUR responsibility to keep said gun safely locked away.

What’s the “response time” for protecting one’s self with a safely “locked away gun?”

What about those knives in your kitchen drawer? Should they be safely “locked away?”

What about that bag of fertilizer in your garage and that can of gas for your mower? Should they be safely “locked away?”
What’s the “response time” for protecting one’s self with a safely “locked away gun?”

What about those knives in your kitchen drawer? Should they be safely “locked away?”

What about that bag of fertilizer in your garage and that can of gas for your mower? Should they be safely “locked away?”

Trying so desperately to change the subject...maybe we can stick to the thread topic just once?

Is STY responsible if his stepson illegally sells STY's gun?
they are similar situations, therefore I wanted to see if people would be consistent about them. predictably, you're a partisan hack or a statist that feels holder can't be accountable or that the government is immune from the law.

Then kindly explain why Holder is responsible for guns he didn't personally own, but you are NOT responsible for a gun you own personally being sold by a relative.
Did every gun sent to Mexico belong to Mr Holder personally, and/or come from Mr. Holder's personal collection?

Were the ATF agents RELATED to Holder as you are to your stepson?

How pathetic is it that you try to change the subject to avoid discussing your OP?

Holder and his gun grabbing Government cohors wanted some of those Fast and Furious assault weapons to create violent incidents, so they could show the American People that "assault weapons" should be banned. You know that I am Right Zappy, why don't you wake up and smell the coffee for a change and just try to speak the truth, not always spewing your Lib cohor's Leftist Mantra that they give you to say on here, and you know that I know about it. I personally think that you have dug yourself such a deep Lib hole that you may just never get out of it, what a shame, what a waste of a brain. I personally know that you ARE Pro-Gun, so get off of it and tell US the truth. Folks, Zappy is as pro-gun as I am, butt they have gotten into his head through these years with all the gooblygook, it looks like Zappy may now have mush for brains, and it may be too late to save his fat ass, butt for old times sake, I feel that it is my duty to keep trying......I am now laughing so hard that I almost pissed my pants...sorry about that