Guns and the GOP

No, I feel no need to threaten, or try to intimidate anyone, if I need my weapon it's there I don't need you to know it's there my weapon is for personal protection clear enough? You do understand the meaning right?

Thanks for your reply.

What training did you take?
Did you know that most crazy gun owners are libs, Brother Leon?

The boys in the hood are "gun owners" and their not Republicans! They commit 80% of all of America's gun crimes. BIG progressive government made an occupation for them called the DRUG WAR. The boys in the hood volunteered for the service and fight that war every day. It's BIG government's way to eliminate blacks.:nodyes::cof1:
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The boys in the hood are "gun owners" and their not Republicans! They commit 80% of all of America's gun crimes. BIG progressive government made an occupation for them called the DRUG WAR. The boys in the hood volunteered for the service and fight that war every day. It's BIG government's way to eliminate blacks.:nodyes::cof1:

Do you believe that "plan" is working?
Poor lil' Bobo
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Real liberals love guns and the 2nd amendment. I'm a real liberal and a real conservative! I love guns and the very "LIBERAL" Bill Of Rights and it's very conservative limits of government. It's only y'all fucking leftist loser morons that think disarming the general population makes your sorry asses safe. The truism "outlaw guns and only the government and other outlaws will have guns," is truth and logic you're not capable of understanding because you're brain-dead assholes of the first order.

your voting base is just sure society is so evil they have to pack heat everywhere.

Not your typical friendly types

You mean someone like you that threatened to shoot me all because I wanted to provide proof to you of a claim I made?