Guns in National Parks


Junior Member
Coburn amendment of the National Forests, Parks, Public Land, and Reclamation Projects Authorization Act of 2007 would allow loaded guns in national parks.

Honestly, I'm for it. I've been frustrated that I'm not able to carry a gun for protection from bears or cougars.
I've always been frustrated by the lack of ability to poach bears and cougars, personally. It's cutting into my profit.

They should at least allow pistols. Rifles seem unnecessary, but pistols aren't much good for hunting cougars and bears unless you're stupid enough to purposefully put yourself in close proximity to a dangerous animal.
No one said poaching. You ever been face to face with a bear? I have never had to shoot at one but if I had to I had a gun. I was on state land so it would not have been illegal. But once again the fraidy cats don't want people to defend themselves and their kids if the need arises. I was at Glacier National park one year when a woman got her head removed by a griz. Not pretty. But hey maybe we should just stay out of the forests and let the animals be.
No one said poaching. You ever been face to face with a bear? I have never had to shoot at one but if I had to I had a gun. I was on state land so it would not have been illegal. But once again the fraidy cats don't want people to defend themselves and their kids if the need arises. I was at Glacier National park one year when a woman got her head removed by a griz. Not pretty. But hey maybe we should just stay out of the forests and let the animals be.
Bear meat tastes good.

Ever hear that audio of the dude and his fiancee getting eaten by the bears they were trying to camp out with? Fricking Genius. Maybe if he had a gun....

Bear meat tastes good.

Ever hear that audio of the dude and his fiancee getting eaten by the bears they were trying to camp out with? Fricking Genius. Maybe if he had a gun....

They did have a frying pan...the GFshould have given it to the bear and ran like hell..instead she tried to save her moron BF by hitting the bear with the pan...bad move, the bear ate her too!
Bear is not too good to eat. But I do support the right to arm bears. We need to thin out the pesky 4 wheelers a bit.
Bear is not too good to eat. But I do support the right to arm bears. We need to thin out the pesky 4 wheelers a bit.

Easy there uscitizen....thin them out on private land. Enforce trespassing laws but keep public roads open to public use. Anyway that is what we're fighting for around here.

As to the topic at hand everyone probably knows I am all for broader gun rights.
Easy there uscitizen....thin them out on private land. Enforce trespassing laws but keep public roads open to public use. Anyway that is what we're fighting for around here.

As to the topic at hand everyone probably knows I am all for broader gun rights.

Darned right I will thin em out on my land. Fools cut my fence once and leave the gates open, cut the chains right off. I put up a couple of signs up that any 4 wheelers caught with bolt cutters will be shot. No problems since.
Darned right I will thin em out on my land. Fools cut my fence once and leave the gates open, cut the chains right off. I put up a couple of signs up that any 4 wheelers caught with bolt cutters will be shot. No problems since.

Yep, I'd do the same thing if I didn't want them on there. My land allows access to state land behind me. I have a four wheeler gate that folks can go through. No one uses it but me and a few folks in my community. There is so much more public access land near where I live that this hasn't become a problem for me yet.
why the hell would you not be able to carry a registered pistol in the forest. thats the most rediculous thing i have ever heard. no better place TO carry one.
Coburn amendment of the National Forests, Parks, Public Land, and Reclamation Projects Authorization Act of 2007 would allow loaded guns in national parks.

Honestly, I'm for it. I've been frustrated that I'm not able to carry a gun for protection from bears or cougars.

Not sure if you are serious or not, but if you have ever been to Denali, you would agree this most likely is not a bad thing. Though I would be more concerned with the moose than the bear. Those bastards are a tad assertive at times.
They should at least allow pistols. Rifles seem unnecessary, but pistols aren't much good for hunting cougars and bears unless you're stupid enough to purposefully put yourself in close proximity to a dangerous animal.


OK. Most poachers wouldn't take the main entrance anyway.
No one said poaching. You ever been face to face with a bear? I have never had to shoot at one but if I had to I had a gun. I was on state land so it would not have been illegal. But once again the fraidy cats don't want people to defend themselves and their kids if the need arises. I was at Glacier National park one year when a woman got her head removed by a griz. Not pretty. But hey maybe we should just stay out of the forests and let the animals be.

Fraidy cats who don't want to defend themselves if need arises?!

Well you've won me over there! Good job!
Darned right I will thin em out on my land. Fools cut my fence once and leave the gates open, cut the chains right off. I put up a couple of signs up that any 4 wheelers caught with bolt cutters will be shot. No problems since.

I honestly wouldn't be very worried about US threatening to shoot me. But hey, we're all different, and some of us feel very threatened by senile old men who spend too much time at political message boards.
I may just agree with this one. I have been softening on the gun issue for awhile. I have never been for a full ban or anything so stupid but bowliing for colombine actually helped me soften on the issue. I think long arms are fine as long as they are not automatic. maybe people should have to wear their hand guns in plain sight in holsters if they are packing?

I still believe in laws which restrict automatic people killers. You dont need a spray weapon to hunt with.

I know people will be murdered by these guns. I dont know if it will ever outwieght the VT type deaths (it probably will) but after seeing that ohter countries like Canada who have access to gun dont murder at the rate we do and after experiencing the Bush admin. I think the people need to be armed.
Where is the sport of going into the wilderness if you have to carry a gun. Kind of like wearing a shark cage while surfing.

And leaning I view national parks and BLM land a bit differently. Blm 4 wheelers ok, National parks no.
Yeah its a tuff one.

I understand that when accousted by a large dangerous animal a gun would really be handy but how many people are going to get killed or wounded by nutbags and accidents as a result. "Honest I thought the kid was a rabid racoon" is what will probably happen. It really has become a harder issue for me of late.
I honestly wouldn't be very worried about US threatening to shoot me. But hey, we're all different, and some of us feel very threatened by senile old men who spend too much time at political message boards.

Ever kill anyone little boy ?

I have.

and what does this say about the sanity of a youngster that spends too much time on a political obard ? What will you be like when you get older. Heck I was busy killing people at your age.

Better get off your butt and get to killing or you won't amount to a hill of beans.