Guns in National Parks

Ever kill anyone little boy ?

I have.

and what does this say about the sanity of a youngster that spends too much time on a political obard ? What will you be like when you get older. Heck I was busy killing people at your age.

Better get off your butt and get to killing or you won't amount to a hill of beans.
We even have a place for him to go! If he gets SF experience he can even make money at it later as a Blackwater dude...

Or he can go into LE like BB.

Homeland seucrity, airmarshal, etc. Lots more gun totin jobs opening up to keep us safe.
Where is the sport of going into the wilderness if you have to carry a gun. Kind of like wearing a shark cage while surfing.

And leaning I view national parks and BLM land a bit differently. Blm 4 wheelers ok, National parks no.

I missed this earlier. We actually agree on this. I don't want to go to Yellowstone and see 4 wheelers running everywhere. I do want my gun with me though.
But the right to not be killed by some asshole who stole a fully automatic weapon from your house just wont leave my mind.

At the time of the founders the only guns we had were not fully automatic. They were pretty basic and a everday needed tool.

I do think we need to allow citizens to be armed to protect us from our own government(Bush sealed this for me) but I dont think they need to be fully or even semi automatic to effect this.

In everything their is a balence. I just dont want the asshole down the street to off me because he thinks my other niegbors dog craped his lawn and I get caught in the spray.