Guns kill people

Number of total deaths by firearm in 2005 (last year for CDC website) 30,694
This number is for ALL gun related deaths whether accidental, criminal or suicidal.

Of these 12,352 deaths were homicides

17,002 were suicides

Unintentional Fire arm deaths were 789

accidental deaths of children age 0-19 was 173 which is a death rate of .21

330 were by legal intervention

221 we of undetermined intent.

If you want to look these stats up yourself they are here

To get the number of gun deaths for a year just set the Cause of Injury to Firearm

If you go here you will see the results of 13 different surveys that show guns were used between 800,000 and 2.5 million times per year for self defense purposes.

The unintentional Drowning deaths in 2005 were 3,582 so pools obviously don't kill more people than guns, but accidental deaths are almost 5 times higher by drowning accidentally than by firearm.

accidental drownings of children age 0-19 was 1120 or almost 10 times more deaths by accidental drowning than for the same age group killed by firearms.
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That said, I doubt banning guns would do reduce the murder rate signifigantly. Our society is just violent and apathetic. We have such high murder rates for the same reason we're all gun nuts.

Having said that society is just violent anyway, why on earth would you advocate denying the ability for the weakest of that society to effectively defend themselves?
YOu know I find it funny that I post all those CDC facts from actual deaths and all the gun fraidy cats can't at least admit that their fear of guns is irrational and that guns are far safer than they try to pretend. That coupled with the 13 different studies I provided links to that show guns are used in self defense hundreds of thousands of times a year at least, show that guns in a free society provide for the general welfare more than they harm it.
Properly regulated guns in a free society.

I think the wild west is a lot safer now percentage wise than back in the days when guns were totally unregulated, ungoverned and lawless too for the libertarians among us.